How are you feeling today??

I honestly thought my ass grew a head at one stage lol
Sorry cosmic but lmao at boulder boobs, exactly how mine feel lol!! Love it too cos mine are usually small wee things :) not as sick this morn as I usually am but had a great sleep so maybe that has something to do with it! Hugs to all the girlies not feeling great.

And maybe - somedays I get that when I don't feel preg and next day I feel as pregnant as ever lol. Symptoms can come and go but I hope they test you if it settles your nerves xxxx

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Few weeks ago I had some really bad piles!!!! I feel good today, sore boobs but generally feel happy. Think it's cos I noticed my ticker is at 10 weeks :) also I started getting a bubbling feeling in my tum, convinced myself it's bubs but I know it's gas....bloody hell my bum is like a nuclear bomb lol xxxx
OH was hinting at some nookie this morning. He's now downstairs playing fifa 12 xx

Pmsl!! This pretty much describes exactly what happened here this morning, hubby is still playing fifa 12 now and I'm in bed lol.

I had a sucky nights sleep, sat up til 2.30am watching the news on Whitney Houston, woke up 3 times to pee, and have been lying awake since 8am unable to get back to sleep but refusing to get up :-) x

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Thanks girls!! I'm actually glad I'm feeling normal now I think!! :shock:

Done a hpt and the test line has zapped all the the life out out of the control so I feel better about that too! :)

Thanks girls!! I'm actually glad I'm feeling normal now I think!! :shock:

Done a hpt and the test line has zapped all the the life out out of the control so I feel better about that too! :)


Brilliant!!! x
Louise B's betting on quads after doing a few sums with my hcg levels amy!!:)

Cos I know!! I was practicing with my 2 friends girls who are 3 months my arms killed after 5 mins! :)

I won't mind twins although I know it will be a more worrying pregnancy but I will freak at triplets and more I will die!!:shock:

OH was hinting at some nookie this morning. He's now downstairs playing fifa 12 xx

Pmsl!! This pretty much describes exactly what happened here this morning, hubby is still playing fifa 12 now and I'm in bed lol.

I had a sucky nights sleep, sat up til 2.30am watching the news on Whitney Houston, woke up 3 times to pee, and have been lying awake since 8am unable to get back to sleep but refusing to get up :-) x

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

Our poor boys JayJay lol. I am back in bed now too. Watching the news now - so sad.

Maybe that's so good the test went super dark. You still get that strange anticipation waiting every time even after your BFP. Hopefully the Dr will do your bloods then you can relax and look forward to your scan :-)

I also started laughing when OH called them the Jeremy Kyles. Do they really stick around? Eek xx
Jeremy kyles!! :lol:

I've actually forgotten about my bloods, I was planning on going mad if the docs say no but I think I'll just ask nicely and see what they say, I'm less grumpy now!! :)

Louise B's betting on quads after doing a few sums with my hcg levels amy!!:)


Omg could you imagine! lol
I have been pregnant with twins although I lost them. I always think Oooh I could have them again. My sisters were pregnant with twins but lost one so did my mum. 2 of my aunts have twins and so did my nan x
If I could chose I'd pick a singleton pregnancy over a twin one any day of the week. It's so punishing on your body, the birth is so much harder and the newborn period has moments of torture. Bf the twins was so much more draining, logistically it can be a nightmare (still) and just trying to get them dressed and out of the house is normally chaos!! xx

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