How are all you new mummies doing?

Yeah, in the middle of yet another bout of illness caused by nursery here and I can safely say I wish I'd never gone back to work. No real money coming in, just lots of illness and an increasingly anxious and distressed toddler as a result. I personally don't think you've made the wrong decision. It's a big decision, but I know my sister was glad she made it a couple of weeks back and I have a feeling it won't be long until I make the same choice.
Winter anywhere is never a good time for kids esp nursery kids

I'm sure they will understand maud x
Oh god oh god oh god

All week I've been feeling like I'm making a big mistake quitting my job. Today, literally as we were about to post my resignation letter, our first choice nursery offered us a place and threw everything back up in the air. I don't want to put my baby girl into nursery, but we would be so much more comfortable financially if we did (this nursery would cost us thousands per year less than the alternative we were looking at!) But the place is only on offer for one week and I need to change my contract to part time before we can accept it! Aaaaargh!!
How quickly can you speak to someone at work about changing your hours? Sounds like u need to do it to atleast know ur options! X
Speak to them. Have you posted your resignation letter? Even if you have im sure they would rather keep you than lose you and I'm sure they'll losten.

Try working, if it doesn't work out you can always resign later.
I'm going to call them tomorrow. But they previously told me it could take 2-3 months to arrange a change to my contracted hours and I need them to agree it by Wednesday, plus a period of unpaid leave as the nursery place isn't available when I'm due back at work.
I'm sure they can help. These thing are all rules, we have them at work for these sort of things because of the times scales often involved, gives the line manager a chance to do their job and sort out hr related things too. But if needed we can shorten the time scale greatly. It's just seeing what fits as part of thebusiness case that can be a pig
Maud I can't remember if I asked you if you've looked into childcare vouchers? We've made a decent saving! Not sure exactly for me because I changed my hours but I'm getting more of a wage than expected! Hubby takes £120 in childcare vouchers a month & only loses £80 so that's a day a month for free!
Childcare vouchers don't apply as it's an employer provided nursery - hence it will be so much cheaper than the alternative. I have explained it all to HR and have left it with them for now.

On another note, the munchkin is exhausted but refusing to go down tonight so we've brought her down to watch the rugby so we can eat some dinner.
Ah bless her. I had to lay next to THOMAS before he would go to sleep tonight, then transfer him to his cot
She fell asleep during the second half :-)

It turns out her 4th tooth is poking through. Not the one we were expecting to grow next. She's going to have a toothy gap!
Poor thing, teeth are the worst. Thomas still only has 2. Dreading the rest of them
Tooth number 5 also cutting at the moment - joy! We think she has ringworm too. Pharmacist has sold us some canesten but it doesn't seem to be doing anything so might have to take her to GP to see what they think.

Hope all mums and babies are doing OK? This thread has never been so quiet!
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Hey maud. We chat a lot on Facebook ATM - lots of is back
At work and it's easier on our smart phones for 'chit chat'

If you have Facebook and want to join us - PM me your name and I'll add you as a friend and add you into the convo if you want x
The nursery gave us an extra week to accept the place so we still don't know what's going on. I'm so stressed out by it all :-(
I hope you get it sorted maud - I've just found out my new work location which hadn't really helped with the organisation of it all
My work can't match the nursery place we've been offered :-(

Don't know what to do now.
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