How are all you new mummies doing?

Omg you lot are terrible lol! I was on the pill 21 days after birth & a few months later had the implant. You're all a lot braver than me too. There's no way I'd be contemplating a 2nd child when I'm still sleep deprived haha

I felt the pullout method was ok seeing as we hardly ever have sex these days haha

Funny this is I was due to go to docs for the pill the day I had to cancel because it was the day after we went to hospital the first time with Oscar back in November ! I wanted to because I could then go and get the roaccutane for my skin which I couldn't have before I conceived Oscar.

I'm sleep deprived working full time and this is put me to breaking point - so yeah - I'm with you iwitch - it's not pleasant lol
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See luke is a great sleeper (6pm-9am!) I'm just worried our 2nd will be a terrible sleeper as payback
6pm-9am !! Jesus jo how you manage that!

Oscars been literally inconsolable in the middle of the night!! Think I'm going to have to try sleep training him! X
I've been giving her calpol then nurofen every 2 hours I've froze a banana for Tomo but I've just had to change her bum as I could smell she had done a no 2 and she done up it's been the first time she's smiled at me all say so I'm praying she's through the worse of it poor little baba seriously today has put me off having more! Lol xxxx
Bless her! Nurofen is every 6-8 hours though not and calpol 4-6? :/

Fingers crossed she's ok in the morning! Maybe some dentinox aswell if you have any? Xx
Omg you lot are terrible lol! I was on the pill 21 days after birth & a few months later had the implant. You're all a lot braver than me too. There's no way I'd be contemplating a 2nd child when I'm still sleep deprived haha

I felt the pullout method was ok seeing as we hardly ever have sex these days haha

Funny this is I was due to go to docs for the pill the day I had to cancel because it was the day after we went to hospital the first time with Oscar back in November ! I wanted to because I could then go and get the roaccutane for my skin which I couldn't have before I conceived Oscar.

I'm sleep deprived working full time and this is put me to breaking point - so yeah - I'm with you iwitch - it's not pleasant lol

You're lucky you've had a period when Oscar slept through! Austin has done it 6 times. Thankfully it's generally a case of putting his dummy back in & that's all. The occasions where he doesn't is a nightmare!

I'm sure once baby v arrives you'll not give a crap & will be absolutely smittened!

Lovely offer from your dad. How will you find it loving with your brother?
Easier than living here! My brother is a gaming nut! He doesn't really come out of his room! Only to get food, water and wash lol! Will be nice being back with the cats too

Dad offered before we moved with MIL - but dads house is 25 min commute and obviously needs abit of a tart up in places so here was easier and more benficial - however begets can't be choosers now :)
That period was only a short one though - a month maybe 6 weeks with the odd wake up. Better than nothing but I want a Luke sleeper!! Lol x
6pm-9am !! Jesus jo how you manage that!

Oscars been literally inconsolable in the middle of the night!! Think I'm going to have to try sleep training him! X

No clue!
Breakfast at 9:00, bottle at 10:00' lunch at 12:00, nap 12:30, bottle 2:30, meal 4:30, bath 5:30, bed 6pm. Went through a bad patch but seems to work great at the moment. I'm up way before he is as I'm at work 8am.
Maybe I'll try change his naps - he has a about 30-45 am and an hour PM around 2.30-3.30 ?

Can't sleep- brain won't shut off :( x
That's such good news about your dad's! I'm sure the decor is nothing that you can't chuck a couple of hundred at to make it more like a home for yourselves. Can you stay as long as you want?

We've finally got S sleeping touch wood but with 5-6am wake up calls, she can't win lol!
The decor isn't too bad in the whole. What would be oscars bedroom is my dads storage room - he lives with his partner and my sister so they use that room as an overflow which dad said he can sort and it just needs doing up abit. Same with our bedroom and just a good blow over iykwim?

Glad S is sleeping better - Oscar stirred 11-1 last night about 3 times - then we let him cry for 5 mins and he fell asleep ontop of his covers and didn't wake until 7.30 - I think he's getting too warm ? So last night he slept at 20 ontop of blanket with sleepsuit and vest! Will try that tonight!
Morning ladies much better sleep here too. Thomas slept 8.30 till 9.30 for the first time in ages
Does oscar sleep under his covers now?

That's good about the house. How are your feeling today on the whole? bet your still in zombie land!
Just had a go at an old couple in tescos carpark. They parked up on a parent & child but only had car seats in the car no children! Their excuse was they were waiting to pick up them up (drop off/pick up point? ) Told them point blank they shouldn't be in it as others who have kids with them should be able to use the space! Not to mentions the disgusting people were smoking inside the car where said children would be getting into
Pisses me off! Saw our mate Saturday drive past with his son in te car puffing away - I text him telling him off - he didn't reply but next time I see him I'll mention it in front of his GF who will hit the roof!

Oscar sleeps under a thin fleece blanket not his cot
Blanket - he kept tripping up in his bag and wacking his head on the cot so
Gave up x
I hate people who smoke when kids are around. It actually makes my blood boil
Just got my vouchers through for tesco baby event 14jan -4 feb

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