How are all you new mummies doing?

That's a shame because it would've cut down your costs a lot.

Things have a way of working out, I'm sure you'll be fine - things will be tight I'm sure but they'll be fine.
Congratulations Bex! It's tough for you to see how everything will work out, but they will sort themselves out in the end! x
OMG Bex!! I did not expect to come on and see this!! Firstly, congrats cos having a baby can be nothing but a blessing (and a few hard years) look at our parents tho, they all managed and I know mine certainly didn't have money.

Is your hubby working just now? There's no other answer bar save save save is there? Finding ways to cut back as much as poss. Would mil not be happy with 2 kids there is that why you have to move? At least you have some money sitting there, not ideal to use but defo helpful. Were you on birth control? x
Omg bex congratulations!!! :D I know your feeling uneasy about it all right now but I am so happy for you! And slightly jealous too :lol:
Everything will work out in the end I'm sure.. It has to at the end of the day The ladies have gave some great ideas and advice I just think everything happens for a reason you'll be just fine :D xx
We've danger poked a few times this month and all this chat is making me nervous! I didn't realise I was on my last packet of pill last month and haven't had a chance to go to docs so was planning on going this week but time has ran away with me. I've worked out that we dtd on cd 10, 13 and 14 but it took us so long to conceive S that it's pretty unlikely. This chat makes me nervy tho!! x x
We had a danger poke a few days ago and I do secretly hope lol but it's unlikely due to my periods being weird for months now
Thing is TMI I know - hubby didn't even DTD inside me!? He pulled out!
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Bex LOL this is like reading something from mizz magazine! The withdrawal method is not effective!
I know however hubby is now blagging he not only has super sperm but super precum aswell <yawn>
Weird thing is that me and hubby used pull out for years successfully.
Oh dear you've got a long 50 years listening to that lol!!

Well I've had a chat with my dad - he doesn't live at the family home we grew up in - my bro does and that's it. It's a nice sized 3 bed house in the countryside - it needs abit of TLC - a good bloody clean ( it's clean just not to my standards)

Dads said If my bro is happy to move bk to his room out of mine and go back to other side of hallway then we could move in there for minimal rent as such. It would mean we have the 2 bedrooms next to each other and they are the bigger 2 ( all 3 of them are double bedrooms.

Hubby has an interview for part time work at halfords next week - 16 hours - IF they could give him weekend work and 1 week day or skmethjng we could reduce oscars nursery dramatically - considering MIL has him on a Friday so could manage that way and save about 6k in the next 6 months which would then cover when I'm on may leave ( bearing in mind I get 8 weeks full pay intially )

It's an option anyway
Lots of danger poking going on! I'm back on the pill but it's already messing my cycle up :( But i wouldn't be able to manage if i ended up preg just now - after everything

That's seems like such a positive step already Bex! Best of luck for your hubbys interview
Ha ha we used to danger poke before Macie came along but I'm too scared to now! Lol when we were ttc propley we got caught every month we tried except one! I panic all the time lol! See bex things have already started to work there way out for you!
Well I've had 2 horrendous days with Macie her 2 fangs are coming thru together my god all she's done is cry :-( I've tried everything I can think of I've drove miles today to find some anbesol liquid she goes crazy when u try n apply it my hearts breaking for her she seems to be really struggling if she's no better I'm off to the doctors in the morn do u think they will think I'm being dramatic? Xxxx
Ambasol is a god send to Osvar! Just keep on top of calpol and nurofen - nurofen helps more when teeth are cutting

Pop the ambasol on and cold finger foods out the fridge x
Omg you lot are terrible lol! I was on the pill 21 days after birth & a few months later had the implant. You're all a lot braver than me too. There's no way I'd be contemplating a 2nd child when I'm still sleep deprived haha

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