How are all you new mummies doing?

Me! Although my pain is in the region not directly on the scar. I'm seeing GP mon and scan to check that's all it is next fri.
What a difference a day makes! Emma's feeling better. Also took the sensor mat out. Think it must have been beeping in her room during the night and disturbing her sleep. She slept from 7- 6:45!
Hoping the pain is because I'm ovulating and it means my periods will return to normal length instead of 50-60 days long. Ugh!

Great about Emma :) I bet you're feeling a new woman
I get a pain sometimes where I overstretched in hospital. Probably should get in checked out but never really thought about it as its so infrequently.

I still haven't had a period after coming off the pill. It's been over a month now, to say I'm in edge is an understatement which is probably not helping, don't think I've ever wanted a period so badly
Ive noticed my periods have gotten heavier and more painful too. So think they are looking in to it all. Could be that I'm just getting old. But I just want to know its nothing nasty.

Yip feel full of energy today! Emma off to nursery so I'm at the gym waiting to call mothercare at 9 to complain about cancelling my car seat order 15 days after I ordered it! Then lying about the reasons! Then I'll get on the cross trainer to recover! Lol
I'm going to see how this person on the Facebook page gets on then might phone up later. Got quite a busy day so might be any pushed for time. Ideally I'd just like the grey maxfix!
Coming off the pill can take a while I think.

I'm so broody right now!! So many babies everywhere and so many pple I know pregnant.
Toria have u seen the stuff on the Facebook group about the car seat? Is it the same one as them?
Yip that's the car seat Kathryn and I both ordered. I rang for ages this morning, then got through and the couldn't do anything, so just went and had a good old whinge to my friend while we were on the cross trainers. Before I knew it 40 mins had gone by! Lol. I had a missed call from mothercare when I left the gym. Called them back and they had ordered me a grey one. We shall see if it materialises though. Lucky it's not urgent!

While I was on a roll with whinging today I then rang homebase as they haven't come back to me since I complained about the lightbulb exploding and burning my furniture and Emma's cradle swing and a few other things. It's been over a month. Finally got through to the right dept and he was so apologetic and is looking in to compensating me £350 for damages. That will cover the new tablecloth and swing thing.

Then I got an email from jackpotjoy saying they were giving me £100 cause I haven't played bingo in a while. And I won £300! Woo hoo.

Better clean the house now.
What a good bit of luck there with money! Although a shame you had to have bad luck with the lightbulb first!

I think people were posting saying they'd been told they could have the grey as a replacement too so hopefully you will both get sorted x
I'm now hoping I get my half price Ianchor and half price maxfix! Doubt it though lol

Great win toria
That didn't work! I've now reordered the maxfix and cancelled the ianchor!! My head hurts
Did they make you cancel the first one before ordering the second? I got the code but it doesn't work. I refused to have the other one cancelled before confirming the new one.

Mrs b, I got the grey one ordered for £140, but now they are saying I can have the black again for £123. I asked if I could just keep the grey and they refund the difference, but now apparently there's not enough stock of the grey. The saga continues :-/
Omg what a nightmare! They're really messed up haven't they!

I was thinking about having a go on the jackpot joy thing, I was going to ask if uv ever won anything else on it before? X
Omg what a nightmare! They're really messed up haven't they!

I was thinking about having a go on the jackpot joy thing, I was going to ask if uv ever won anything else on it before? X

I used to win quite a bit. I won £4k one week, and £3k the week after once. Probably spent £100 each time to get that. I don't go on much now though. You've got to be so careful. My oh saw me win, then Had a go and lost whatever he put on. I laughed at him while he moped around. I always take the cash out as soon as I win. Loooove Vegas too and always do well when we go there too. Same thing. Win, then take the money and run. One year we went I won enough to pay our hotel bill and upgrade us both to business class.
Blimey that's a lot! I feel like saying well done!? Lol x
So after cancelling my ianchor order I've now realised I'd be much happier with that seat! Seriously this whole thing is sending me loopy. I'm not good with these decisions in a quick turnaround. So tomorrow I'm going to get them to reinstate that order!

In other news my period as turned up thank god. Never been so happy, hoping its not going to be too horrific
Yay for period pumpkin!! You can get to work now! ;-)

I need to join this thing toria! 3k sounds good to me right now. Hope you all get you chair saga sorted!

We've had nightmare storms here of you've seen on the news so sleep is defo disrupted for us all. My outside table is in the middle of the garden upside down and wheely bins are flying down the street! Me and hubby have a night out tonight and she is staying at mil 40 mins away! She's never stayed so far away before so defo nervous :-( feel terrible cos I've been working late thu/fri too so barely seen her. If hubby wasn't looking forward to it so much if defo cancel! x
Yeah we've seen the storms on the news. Have you had any snow? Was quite bad here last night with the wind. We have a massive old oak tree out the front. Always worried, because it it fell it would hit the corner of the house where Emma's room is. And it's always dropping big branches on the cars :-/

The saga with the car seat continues . Finally got the black one ordered this morning. Down to £123 with all the extra discounts. But I've now discovered I paid paypal for the original one, so have paid twice now.
Storms are bad here too. We has 4 bins on our garden today so need to find out who the other 2 have flown in from lol

Everyone is on edge at work (yep, here again lol) because there was an and robbery down the street last night and the road is still crawling with police. We've had hem in to ask of anyone saw anything which doesn't help as one of our clients has a policeman obsession.

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