I did that a few years ago... But I ended up in hospital with special burns doctors who had to burst the blister - it went black and I panicked but it perked up and I still have a scar but it's fine now. It always looks worse than it is at first. Hope the pain isn't too badWell after been up all night with Stanley again we went to baby social then on to my mams afterwards, I was making a cuppa and as I was taking the tea bag out I spilt the whole cup of boiling water all over my arm stomach leg and ankle had to jump in my mams shower with the cold on, I was in agony ended up going to the hospital they have put these gel things on my stomach for a few days as that's where it was burnt the most looked like it had blistered a little my arm leg and ankle aren't as bad just red and sore.. So I'm feeling sorry for myself tonight I'm assuming Stanley will be up most of the night again.. Urgh!
Hey ladies. Thought Id come and join in the chat if that's okay?
I had my little Olivia Millie 02/09/14 6lb 7oz!
Hope everyone's okay! Xx
I got punched in the face. It's not a full chip, it's like the front corner of my enamel came off but thgeback half is sill there so it just looks like the enamel has worn away iykwim.
I've got a dentist appointment to register with my new childsmile dentist on the 30 th so I'll ask if they'd be able to fix it and if it will cost
Congrats amylouise x