Hospital most of the night!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2010
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Hi all.

My wife has been getting pains in her left hip with the pain shooting down her leg for the last week, and this has got worse everyday. tonight she was in so much pain she was crying so i rang nhs direct. i then had a cell doc ring me back and he was saying that it was possible that it could be DVT and of course
me being the paniker that i am took her down a and e just to check.

Waited an hour to be seen then the women decided to tell us that we could of gone straight to labour ward to be seen and jumped the waiting lines.

anyways, got to labour ward and they done the normal check, blood pressure, temp, urine. all fine apart from her having plus 1 protein in her urine. no one would explain what this meant but a little search on the net pointed to a few things, nothing serious so we aint worried.
but becasue of her back pain and pain in her leg she has been reffered to a physio to try and help her. also she has been given co-drydamol. i thought you wasnt allowed them when your pregnant but doc assured me that alfie will be fine.
listened to heart beat on a dopler while we was there. amazing to hear my son again. cant wait to hold him.

She has been sent home now. we both staying up tonight becasue she has work at 8 and if hse falls to sleep she aint gonna get up, and im staying up to make sure that if she does fall asleep im awake to be able to wake her up.

Well i just thought i would update you all and maybe shed some light on the possible cause of the pain in her leg.
sounds like a nerve problem, maybe an organ is touching a nerve sometimes.

i have had a bad back and neck for about 5 years now so i no the feeling.

so any suggestions???
Hip pain can b caused by spd and is quite common,physio should def help and possibly a bump support. Co-dydramol is ok in pregnancy. Hope ur wife feels better soon xx
i hope your wife feels better soon, my SIL sffered really badly with her legs in her last pregnancy by the end of her pregnancy my BIL ad tobe off work cause she couldn't walk anywhere her legs gave way under her all the time, baby was on a nerve and was born weighing over 10lb so combined those two things together, i hope your wife feels better soon, I cant believe she is in work today, no way i could do that. I was up all night with my 11 month old old being sick, I am exhausted now t at least i just sitting down for now, got to take other kids street dancing at 10am but its all finished by 1.15 then i can have a well deserved rest, i hope your wife gets some rest later.
I'm glad Ellie is ok (it's Ellie isn't it) as Emma said it could be SPD but I don't know much about it just that it can very painful. Some of the girls on here have it they might be able to help.
Take care.

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yeh it is ellie. i have just dropped her off at work and i am so tired, i feel like im hung over. been a long night. its been a long time since i been to mc donalds at half 3 in the morning. lol. its funny, all the little hoody kids sitting in there car with music blaring thinking that they are the muts nuts. lol.
At least she aint at work all day tho. its saturday so just until around 12 but then got pet sitting to do, but then bed time.

and whats SPD???
Yeah I have read up a little on SPD she is around the right time for it to start....or maybe sciatica (sp?). Hope she feels better soon and glad baby is ok anyway x
Ahh glad she's ok. I dot have SPD (well I probably do but I won let them diagnose it because I don't want treatment lol) but I suffer with bad sciatica. It's unfortunately one of those things you kinda have to put up with, but I'm sure physio and the co dydamol will help a lot! I personally dont take medicine (completely personal preference) for mine so I kind of just suffer it out in a bath haha but she will be ok. Just think, your over half way in the pregnancy and it does go quick so not too much longer of suffering! Xx
ive had a really painful shooting pain down leg on the left side for a couple of weeks - it comes and goes and its awful! My midwife says its ciatica x
I would say sciatica, but maybe it's a different diagnosis when pregnant.. I had this and sounds very similar to what you explained.. I hope the tablets work for her and she gets some ease
could be ciatica (sp?) my mum had it when pregnant with my little sister and sounds the same as what your wife has, and its just a trapped nerve in the leg I think, hope everything is ok x

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