Hospital bag

I haven't packed any make up as I only wear mascara and lip stuff anyway x
I hardly wear make up unless im going out for a night out so won't need to worry about that! Just brought some wine gums for my bag and said to tim do you want anything in your bag and he said nah, ill just nip home if i need anything! lol typical bloke!!
im gonna buy some sweets and maybe them muslii bars? sugar!!
my mw said loads of drinks and sugar and food!

Im gonna buy some drinks aswell and hide it all away so demba dont eat and drink it!
i was in asda looking at pads for 5 minutes yesterday :) i looked crazy with lots of different types in my hands.. never used pads in my life so didnt have a clue what to buy.. my OH just stood there looking at me hehe..

i then saw a certain range that had maternity pads and breast pads so i got those on offer :D bargain!!

i brought a new toothbrush (as i needed one anyway) a travel toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner showergel. All on offer again at asda.. another bargain!!

ive had to buy some training bras as my bean bags are giving me backache and my bras hurt :( and ive brought some big granny knickers.. my OH said pregnancy was very sexy in a sarcastic voice lol.. indeed!

All i need to do now is sit with my laptop on this thread and pack my little suitcase checking everything off..

thanks girls for tips :D x
I was down asda earlier but couldn't find any travel size things! I think I'm going blind!! I know superdrug do loads so I'll pop down there!!
Go in wilkos or primark they have those travel bottles for a £1!!
I just bought normal sized things. I figured they won't go to waste cos we'll use them up afterwards.

Tesco have got a 3 for 2 thing on for travel sized shampoo, toothpaste etc though.
yeah there a £1 each in asda or 4 for £3 which i thought hey why not, i like travel items.. they fit in nicely :) x
Do u have to take towel and toiletries for baby? Didn't think u'd bath them there?? Or if so they would provide stuff?? x x
well id asume ud have to bath the baby to get all the mucus off.. and ive heard some hospitals like to show u how to bath and change them before they let u go home x
My hosp won't let you go home unless you bath baby there first we have to bring are own stud in too beat to bring it in just incase I just packed head to toe and a towel to save space xx

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I bathed lace in hospital but that's cos I was in for afew days but I'm having little man in the new community hospital and they try to chuck you out after afew hours so doubt I'll have to bath him there!
where i want to give birth there is statisticly 2 births a week so there is a big chance your on your own in the building with the MWs :love: so there is not the stress that you need to get out quick
If I have to go to hospital I want to be out asap! Lol!
oh no i dont! Cuz there is a big chance OH have a job to finish so he will have to go to work day after Noa is born, so if we are aloud to i will stay in until he can pick me up
same here home asap i really hope so im sure after your 1st they dont really need to show you bathing etc
They bathed both of mine.. Can't remember if I had to use my own towels though and I haven't packed one for the baby.. Not sure if I should?

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