

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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Well, I went for my scan on Friday morning (will post picture when I can get hold of a scanner for 5 mins.) and everything is fine. I just want to say a huge Thanks to the people who posted when I said I was feeling frightened, it helped me so much.
Anyway there was four days difference between my first EDD and what the scan showed so this now means I got pregnant on my wedding night.
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I'm still having huge problems with morning sickness , I've tried eating crackers and ginger biscuits in bed before I rise, flat lemonade, ginger tea, peppermint tea, sucking boiled sweets and mints but none of these seem to help much, has anyone got any suggestions.
Hiya I am delighted the scan went well I know exactly how you feel I was a nervour wreck before my scan last week and the feeling of relief is amazing.

Sorry can't really help with your sickness - take it easy on the peppermint tea I read an article that pregnant woment should drink much of it even tho its good for nausea. Have you tried a glass of milk I found that really helped me but then i suffered more with indigestion than anything.
awwwww im so pleased for you xxxxxxxx
i hope mine comes around soon :)
Well done! Im really glad your scan went well. Now you can just sit back and relax!
Glad scan went well :dance: :dance:

For morning sickness try Arrowroot biscuits, you can get them in most supermarkets (they taste sort of like Rich Tea biscuits)

Well done for manageing to do the deed on your wedding night!! I was in bed at 1am fast asleep on ours.

oh how exciting having a honeymoon baby!
glad your scan went well sorry your not feeling too well :hug:

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