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Home, well kinda, update pg 9

What a dramatic story for your hubby! he'll be telling that one no doubt for years to come! Hope you're doing ok, and not too bored in there. It reminded me of of how much things have changed in childbirth. My mum stayed in hospital for a week after I was born (36 years ago!), she was in no rush to get out as she had 2 kids at home and she said the food was nice (!) and it was nice to be waited on!!!
Whatever happens, you won't have too long til your little one arrives and this'll all be a distant memory!! Sending all my love and best wishes xxx
So another night in then *sigh* frustrating eh?? Glad you are doing well. Sounds to me like the meds have worked, which I bet you feel like is a total anti climax - but it is for the best that she's cooked as long as poss :hug: at least you've had the steroids now so lil lady will be fine if she does come x
Hey princess, yeh I agree, it's just annoying not knowing either way lol, how's you? Xx
Well guys, looks like all stopped :) can go home tomorrow if nothing starts up tonight :) glad madam is staying put for now :) thanks for all the support guys, you've all been great :) xxx
Glad it all seems to have stopped for you - hopefully missy will give herself a bit more time to cook now. Certainly gives you a shock when it happens early though doesn't it? Try and get a good sleep tonight hun, dunno about you but I found our maternity ward the noisiest place on earth :shock: x
Its actually quite nice here. Max 2 girls per room, so got my own room at the mo :D it's quite quiet, all the delivery rooms are ensuite and have sound proof doors so you can't hear the babies crying unless they've got the door open. They moved me off the birthing suite to maternity as it's a bit quieter here and they tend to just leave you to it. Off for a shower in a min, just had my venflon out and looks like I'm allergic to the plasters! Come up in a red rash and blisters, really itchy! Not sure what they can do about that tho lol, glad to be going home tomorrow, feeling more settled now, felt a bit hormonal, upset and a bit of an anticlines like you say. How did you find they drip?I found it made me feel really unsettled, almost like it was fighting my body, was really weird. Got quite emotional and ready, was a bit weird. Glad I don't have to have it again, and glad the steroids are all over too. Can't wait to get home and get little madams corner sorted, feel some serious nesting coming on lol. You due day before me? X
Yeah I'm due the day before you, seems that the christmas babies are wanting to make an early appearance :lol:
Its a mixture of feelings I found. I'm not sure if it was the medication or the hormones or the stress or what. Once they tell you that you are likely to have your labour and baby then that is what you expect to happen. You psych yourself up for it and become as mentally prepared as you can be. You consider the special care they might need and any implications for them and the worry that comes with that is horrid. Then to be told that the whole this has stopped is a relief because it's best for baby, but then you have this pent up energy and attitude to get rid of and it's all a bit overwhelming - it's hard to know what you are feeling. Well looking back that's how I felt anyhoo :oooo: you get used to staying pregnant in the end though :) x
Oh that's good news, glad little one is still baking away :)
Hopefully you'll be able to get some proper rest once you're back home at least until baby appears!!
Great news that everything has settled down! Hope you get some proper rest at home x x x
That's exactly it princess! You kinda get yourself in the zone, it's a relief it's stopped but a bit emotional too! Wonder which one of us will appear first?? Funny how we've both had preterm labour that's then stopped, bizarre hey! Looks like our LOs don't want to miss out on the action of Xmas lol best of luck with your LOs everyone, this forum is definately a life line when your in here! Just been stalking poor ange's thread all day, hope she's ok. Xx
Glad u get to go home tomorrow hun !! Fx your lo will stay put for a little while longer !! Xxx
Aww really glad little one has decided to stay put for a while longer :) xx
Hey guys, well thought I was going home today, put me on the ctg last night and I was getting tightenings every 5 mins, kept me awake most of the night, they've calmed down a bit now to about every 10 mins but they want to see what's going to happen so got to stay a bit longer :( want to go home!
Poor you! You dont know if youre coming or going, bet its getting really frustrating for you! At least you are still in the right place, i get the feeling your LO doesnt want to stay put! Lol. Good luck with whatever today brings xx
Are they going to let nature take its course now you have had the steroids? x
Oh you poor thing :(
At least you're being well looked after.
Oh god no way!! :hug: how bloody annoying. I'm sure youre really frustrated now. Big hugs Hun :hug: x
Oh no, you poor thing :( I can't even imagine how frustrating it must be not knowing what's going to happen. I assume without the drip you might know more by the end of the day though? If you do go into labour I hope that horrible midwife apologises to you!!!
Hope you're ok :hug:

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