ShootingStar been admitted *update*

Elfs Mummy

Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2010
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just got this text because my phone hates me

'hi, hope this doesn't wake you Contractions every 5 mins... being admitted and given steroids, Cervix is closed so fingers crossed it will be ok by morning'

Hope baby stays put for a little while longer xx

''Being released, Have to go back tomorow morning to have second round of steroids, which sting !! bend ober please while i jab your arse. Anyway after that they won't prevent labour . Do baby needs to stay pit and my uterus needs to behave- still having mild contractions. x

Doesn't sounds fun but atleast babys behaving for the time being :) xx
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Awww hope it stays put a bit longer for u xxx thinking of u xxx
Hope baby stays put for a bit longer Hun xx
Aah, hope little one can hang on a little longer, good luck shooting star x
Fingers crossed for u bbz. Had a similar prob myself as Lil man tried to come early.
Rest up hunny
Ahh hun, just catching up with this thread!Hope bubs stays put a little bit longer and behaves for you!Take care and rest lots xxx
Hey all,

thank fo the well wishes and thanks to my text buddy! :)

went in yesterday as we noticed I wa having toghtenings every 5 mins. I was quite relaxed about it and just told hubby to put my bags in the boot just in case, but I doubt we need them.

When we got to the ward the hooked me up to the monitor to meassure the toghtenings and babes heart rate. Heart beat were up in the 160s to begin with, but soon dropped to 140. Babes head was well in my pelvis too! Ya!

My blood pressure was too high so they were a little concerened. Had to wait for the doc to stop by, when she did she brought along her trusty spectrum. A little uncomfy but once you relax all is ok... Anyway cervix was closed sorry were happy. They weren't happy about the contrctions coming every 5 mins of my blood pressure so they said I needed steriods as they were of the opinion I was goin into labour.

Midwife enters to stick my backside wih a fat needle with the steriods- bloody stings, rubbing my arse for ages. Then informs me I will have to have another later. Thy then took me to a ward at 3am and left me to figure what to do- got changed and got into bed. Was quite teary when hubby had to leave.

Barely slept as the nurses were loud and what not. Blood pressure taken again at 7am and it had dropped back down, and the nurse was like "I though you were supposed to have high bp?!!" WTF.

Consultant makes it round at 10 ish, feels my belly, which am glad to say by that time the contractions were less intense. She advised me that he was going to discharge me, and hat they don't alwys have answers for why contractions happen etc. Also have to go back tomorro. To get second steriod Injection-ouch! Was also told that if labour were to properley kick in then thy won't prevent it, they will let it happen.

Had tightening on and of, and after a nap woke up to horrible back ache. TMI put here was like a lump of snot in my knicks... So either ky from last night or bit of plug. Was well stretchy!

Anywho it is he waking game now. We hull see what happens.x
Fingers crossed for u bbz. Had a similar prob myself as Lil man tried to come early.
Rest up hunny

Did you have both the injections? What did hey say to you re contractions? Were use regular?

How's it all going now?x

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