
Thank u

Well from what i tests r crap...

Shouldve asked before i bought it lol
Negative...then again i was told these tests r crap

Still no sign of af


  • 2016-06-01 06.22.55.jpg
    2016-06-01 06.22.55.jpg
    208.6 KB · Views: 46
Yeah Asda haven't been great when I've used them in the past. Morrisons look like that but are more sensitive I think. Your still not out yet xx
Might have a walk into town tomorrow n go boots. Might get a frer but dunno yet...i consider that the treat test haha
Still no sign of her at all.

Boobs r sensitive today.

Just checked my cervix and cant reach it at all :/
Zilla get superdrug one ?? They are good too x

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Il have a look.

Im seriously tempted to take my bra off at work :/
Are your boobs hurting? x

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Wudnt say theyre agony...but they r kinda sore n sensitive. Have been all day. Wernt as bad yesterday

Still no sign of af but still gettin unusual cramps and headaches
Hi. I hope you don't mind me jumping on your thread (zilla have everything crossed that the last one was just a bad test. Hope you get your bfp).
Just wondered what people thought. Am 9dpo and af due Monday. Ovulated on 23/5 (was using a CB ovulation test) and I know it sounds crazy but midday the next day I felt rotten. Very lightheaded, dizzy, headache. I assumed bug and felt the same for next few days. Also felt very tired and achy, some nausea and lots of sneezing and runny nose for a few days. Then at 7/8dpo ..... Nothing. A few mild cramping feelings but could be anything. I have endo and pcos and am now 35 so am guessing falling first try would be hugely unlikely. I had a coil until recently and had a cycle before trying. (Have two children already but took a while to conceive).
Basically I know there is no way of knowing for sure until you get a bfp or bfn but could these be symptoms or am I just wishing it?
Hope af stays away lovely. Are you officially late? x
Well af is still not here. Boobs dont hurt today and no headaches.

Got a frer and nothing but what looks like an indent. Probably just a late show


  • 2016-06-02 14.28.54.jpg
    2016-06-02 14.28.54.jpg
    264.2 KB · Views: 27
I can't see anything on it. But I had a white line show up on them before it turned pink couple weeks ago... How long ago did you take it?

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