2 days late, took another test at 6 days late


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
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So im two days late, once a day for the last two or three days iv had either pink or brown dots of cm when i wipe and now today iv lots of watery cm, i actually thought id either got AF or id pee'd myself :lol:

is this a good sign???
I tested yesterday evening and it was a BFN so im going to wait untill Saturday and use FMU to test again
The brown CM could be old implantation blood, as it may take a few days to make its way out! Fingers crossed for you on Saturday. I tested this morning and it was BFN :-( No more testing for another month now for me, hopefully in that time af will return!

aww hun im so sorry!!! its hearbreaking when that 2nd line doesnt show :(
Yeh it is but Im kind of feeling Ive brought it on myself by testing so much. Its because I havent had no af since finishing the pill. Not gonna test for a while now cus its doing my head in.

Hope the witch stays away for you..and you get your 2nd line tomorrow!! x
Good luck hun, hope your not waiting around too long xx

Thanks ill keep you updated
I'm going through the same thing at the moment..I was due on either wednesday or yesterday and had spotting Saturday and Monday..I tested this morning and got another BFN :(
I'm going to get another test tomorrow and test sunday with Fmu (that's if the witch doesn't get me first)

Good Luck to you hun, hope this is it for you :)
Hi Kalamity84 its so annoying isnt it!! I hate waiting lol

We could be bump buddies if we are lol
Yep it sure is annoying, I hate all this wondering and waiting too...Meh!

I tell ya, if this turns out to be my body playing tricks on me I'm not going to be best pleased with it haha...

Fingers crossed this is it for us though :D

Argh ladies the spotting thing is a mystery. Hope its a good sign tho. Following from pinky/browny cm yesterday Ive had browny/reddy cm today again...the exact same time as last week- how odd!!

...and how odd that we've all had bfn's with it. Praying it means 3 little bubas snuggling in!!

Its very strange that the 3 of us had the same thing and BFNs surely it cant be right that were not pregnant.

You starting to feel positive again Sarahloususan?
yeh i think so..something is on its way, either af or bfp! ill take either one at the moment..even af cus it means things are getting back to normal.

no sign of the witch then for you..everyday she stays away is good news! x
Yeah i see what you mean about AF coming atleast you will no where you stand!!

Nope no sign yet, had that pre-AF feeling earlier but it just passed. A weird thing is that when im walking my stomach feels heavy at the front but mostly at the sides.
I'm out girls, witch got me this afternoon :(

Fingers crossed for you though, I really hope one of has some good news atleast :)

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