"he's tiny, he must have been a preemie..."


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2006
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I was at an indoor soft play place a few days ago - I take the kids there every couple of weeks or so.

Anyway I was sitting in this bit with soft shapes with Alex (Lydia was off somewhere climbing about) and this other mum brings her baby girl in.
She was toddling around, and Alex was just sitting there bum shuffling (he can't walk) and the mum looked at him and asked how old he was.
So I said "he's 14 months"
And she was like "oh wow, he's so teeny, and he can't walk yet. He must have been a preemie am I right? I bet he was tiny at birth"
So I replied "no he wasn't a preemie, he was actually 15 days overdue and weighed 10lbs 1oz. As for his walking, he's just taking his time, he'll get there soon I'm sure"
She kind of looked doubtful at me and said "well my daughter is 15 months old and she's been walking for ages. She was 7lbs (something or other) at birth."

I was a little put out by what she'd said, but to be honest it's true, Alex is diddy. I bought him some new trousers the other day, 9-12 months because he's small, and they practically bury him.

It's kind of worrying me
Oh dont worry about it...

He is happy and healthy that is all that matters.

My nephew (Brian's sis little boy) is tiny - always has been, he is 7 next month but still in age 4-5 clothes. My SIL gets all the "oh was he premmie", "does he not eat", "have you had him checked by the docs" but he is perfectly healthy... he is just on the little side..... gets it from his Nana (Bri's mum) is only 4ft 8 or 9. Brian is only 5ft4, which is ickle for a man! :)

I wouldnt worry, my niece is 2 in December and still in 9-12 month clothes!! Bless :D
did you have any concerns before that woman stuck her nose in?
my eldest was always in the clothes size below his age.

oliver i now 16 months and doesnt walk. i wouldnt be too concerned about that yet.
ii guess its the usual, if he is happy,healthy then im sure he is fine.
C'mon Xena, you're a second time mum, you know the score. EVERY bugger feels the need to share their stoopid opinion :roll:

14 months isn't late to be walking anyway. Alex is a gorgeous little pocket rocket :hug:
Same here - DD didn't walk till she was 14 months and has always been a clothes size behind her age. As long as they're happy and healthy I wouldn't worry.

However there's nothing to stop you going to the doctors for reassurance, put your mind at ease?
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I have the opposite with my girls being big... I usually get people saying is she not walking yet, or shes a bit behind, or they assume that your child should be better behaved (in Tia's case) because she must be around 12/13 years old... when really she is acting like any 9 year old... And lil miss isn't walking yet because she's only 9 months old not 18 months like they think she is. :roll:

Some children don't walk until they are 18 months... and second babies tend to walk later than firsts, because they have an older sibling who gets the toys for them... wheres the challenge in walking, plus older siblings tend to understand the "baby" talk better, so second ones learn to effectively communicate with their older sibling, to get them to run around for them.

If you are worried mention it to your GP (by pass the HV)... I only say this because a mother knows her child best...but if its just because someone made a comment ignore it.

I KNEW that Tia had problems with her talking...and I KNEW there was something wrong with her shoulder. But it wasn't until she was 1 with her shoulder that anything was done... and 2 before she got help with her speaking.

You know if there is something wrong.... if you don't really think there is... then there probably isn't anything to worry about

as for size issues, he might have been born big but a lot of newborn weight is brown fat....and his make up might just be small... but as I said... if you are really worried go make an appointment with the GP to speak about it.. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Id of been tempted to slap the biatch!!!!

As others said I woudlnt worry, my little brother didnt walk til he was older im told, and hes much cleverer than I will ever be!! Hes also over 6 foot now, and hes only 15. Born at 8.6lb.
You have nothing to worry about hon... my nephew didn't walk until he was 18 months and his mum was over 2 before she did :hug:
All good things come in small packages. And he will probs be very cleaver because he is sitting and taking in things from around him. :D
Well it's already been concerning me for a while his weight - I've posted before about how he eats very little (it's picked up quite a lot but he still probably doesn't eat quite enough) and how his weight dropped to 9th percentile.

I just never expected somebody to mistake him for a preemie! It kind of stunned me.

Total opposite of Lydia - she's always been on the large side for her age. People mistake her for being over 4 all the time.


edit: when Alex stands up (when we hold him up more like!) he only comes up to just a bit above Lydia's waist (sort of where her nipple is). He looks teeny tiny next to her.
aww try not to worry if he's healthy and happy. melissa has only just started walking and she's 16 months! and my girl friend's 31-month-old has always been tiny, she is not much taller than melissa stood next to her and when i pick her up she dont feel a gram heavier than melissa! :hug:
Don't worry about it, I still dress Cara in 9-12 month clothes even though she's nearly 15 months as clothes for her age are far too big. Even some of her 6-9 months stuff still fits her.
as long as he's happy in himself i dont think you should worry hun. people ae always going to poke their nose in! a woman asked what age aiden was the other day, i told her 18 weeks and she said - oh he must eat far too much then!!! he's too big for his age :wall:

if you are really concerned ask a HV or doctor, they'll put your mind at rest xxx
elaine22 said:
Don't worry about it, I still dress Cara in 9-12 month clothes even though she's nearly 15 months as clothes for her age are far too big. Even some of her 6-9 months stuff still fits her.

Yeh Alex still wears a 6-9 month coat and it's huge on him
Awww Xena, don't worry!

My DD is nearly 15 months and not walking or even standing alone yet (maybe standing for a couple of seconds here and there but certainly can't get up into a solo standing position by herself unless letting go from cruising) - she's more than making up for it though by being the world's biggest chatterbox (current favourite words - Mummy and c*ck - think she means duck!).

Valentine Xxx
We get what your asked a lot xena and ignore people who make their ******ed comments. Theres a day between our kids and she isnt walking on her own yet and is more then happy to cruise the furniture and were in 9-12 month clothes as well and most of them drown her still - dont worry asbout it
kyran is very petite to. hes 9 and a half months and still fits in 3-6month clothing. As for crawling hes not interested in the slightest and i cant see that improving anytime soon. i wouldnt be surprised if he turns out to be a bum shuffler. when hes sat up he moves his legs so he goes round in a circle on the spot. thats as much movement as we can get out of him at the mo, he's rubbish on his belly but very happy twirling round on his bum.

I wouldnt worry at all we've just got petite prince's that like to take their time! :lol:
Sage said:
i wouldnt be surprised if he turns out to be a bum shuffler. when hes sat up he moves his legs so he goes round in a circle on the spot.

Yep sounds like a bum shuffler to me. Alex does the circle thing too when he gets excited. Round and around on his bum he goes whilst squealing lol

Thanks ladies - you always know what to say to reassure me. :hug:
Aww please try not to worry. Jack still fits in some of his 9-12 months clothes... and he is not what I would class as small but he is short compared to others. Jack also doesn't walk yet.. I think him and Alex are the same age aren't they? He doesn't look like he is going to anytime soon.. lazy bugger like his dad :lol: He has only recently started pulling himself up against the sofa. It's natural to worry, i sometimes look at others his age or younger doing things he can't and think 'oh i hope everything is ok' then he learns how to do it and I think 'why did i worry'.

All children are different.. even yours.. you say that Lydia always gets mistaken for being older.. proves the point doesn't it. She is happy and healthy even though she is tall for her age. Well Alex is happy and healthy but he is just small for his age. Ignore this womans comments. It annoys me how everyone always has something to say. :shakehead:

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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