

Mar 31, 2012
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My husband and i have been ttc for 2 years but have had nothing but negative results.
All i've ever wanted to be was a mum. We went to the doctor and i had bloods taken and my husband had his sperm tested, everything came back normal which was a relief. Even so i still can't get pregnant. We were referred to the hospital for further tests. I had my first appointment this week and the consultant said everything looks and feels normal and she can't see any reason why i can conceive. Although this is good news it's frustrating at the same time. People have said it's due to stress and i need to relax but that's easier said than done!
The consultan took more blood for further testing and i've got o have a scan on my ovaries in a few weeks. My periods are regular and never been a problem.
To add insult the injury 3 women i work with are currently pregnant and all 3 were accidents. It's heart breaking when you see it happen for everyone else so quickly.
The consultant said that she has made me another appointment to see her in 4 months but she said i won't need it because i'll be pregnant. I really wish i had her confidence.
I've tried telling myself that i've stopped trying but it's always in the back of my mind. I've started taking folic acid so hopefully that will help.
I got married 6 weeks ago and don't think i realised how stressed i was about it until after the wedding when i felt completely relaxed, so i'm definately not as stressed as i used to be.
I just want a baby and I'm at a loss as to what i need to do :(
Hey and welcome

First of all dont worry it takes everyone all different lengths, some girls on here have been ttc for years so you are in the right group :) we will help when we can.

Do you use opks to predict ov? Also do you maybe use preseed or c+, the success stories for c+ and preseed is really good, as some ladies dont have the proper CM that they should..

You should give it a bash.

This month I used it for the first time with opks and vits. Next cycle i am gonna chart cm and bbt and vits with opks and c+..

Some ladies also used softcups and got their bfps quite quick.

Hope this helps, g'luck xxxx

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Hi I have been trying for 2 years too do understand ur frustration. Was saying with hubby I always thought it would be easy to get pregnant how wrong was i.

We are just waiting for his sperm results and then see what happens in terms of a referral . We use opks ( never had a + one though) and conceive plus. I have had bloods which show I ovulate but no luck do far .
Thank you ladies, It's crazy that we spend our younger years tring not to get pregnant then moan when we can't get pregnant! haha

To add insult to injury another girl i work with has just announced she's pregnant :(

I'm still taking folic acid everyday and today i bought some tablets from boots that are supposed to help you conceive so we'll see how that goes. I was at the hospiatal today for a scan and x-ray. They said my ovaries look fine my the lining of my women isn't joined together properly. The Dr assured me that that wouldn't cause any problems in conceiving naturally but it has knocked me a bit. I've now go to wait to have an MRI scan then go back to the consultant. Its soul destroying when it seemingly shows that there isn't a reason i can't conceive. I'm trying so hard to stay positive but frinding it incredibly difficult. I keep tellng yself that it will happen and putting it to the back of my mind but it's impossible.

I don't think i can do anymore that what i'm currently doing. I just wish it would happen and that the next time i have a scan it will be because i have a baby inside. fingers crossed xx
Hi hun :hugs: have u read taking charge of your fertility?? Its a fab book with lots of support and advice about things u can do to help. There are lots of options to try charting, opks, checking cm n cervix position (sorry Lynette) im only 2 months in of officially ttc but as the major control freak i am its very frustrating :hugs:

Babydust to all
Hi guys hope u can help,

So, I was due on my period yesterday the 4th, and I had sex on my ovulation days. I have taken two first response test on the 2nd and 3rd and both come back neg. I have not yet come on and I have had pregnancy symptoms, sore breasts, headaches, tired and hungry all the time and most of all emotional reck. I have been trying for months, have been trying to eat more healthier and Im taking folic acid. Please help, is there a chance i can still be pregnant? :)
I've looked online and found what it is wrong with me, it's a dual bicornuate uterus. I've read up on it and despite the hospital telling me i can conceive it seems there are all sorts of complications with this abnormality. I have to be one of the unluckiest people i know so if i have something wrong with me i have it bad :( I just hope i get my MRI soon then another appoinment with the consultant. I just want her to tell me that everything will be ok and that i won't have a problem. I've also started taking his and hers conception pregnacare as it had some good reviews, along with taking the folic acid. I physically can't do anymore to help things along. I'm just trying to stay calm and positive but it's proving very difficult x
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Things sound positive so far, give it a couple od days and if you still feel the same take another test x
Catt so sorry these past years have been rough on you. TTC can be very stressfull and hopefully now that your wedding stress is over you can be relaxed. Timing is a big factor in TTC, so know ing you ovulate can help out a lot especially if your cycles are regular. I am a strong believer in opks. You can find them very inexpensive online. You will find so much support here on the PF, these ladies are a Godsend and are always here to listen and advise. We're here for you, hope you get your bfp real soon :)
I am a new believer of opks! Goty
First ever positive today! Ovulating on day 8. So alot earlier than I thought. Hopin after 26 cycles now I got a positive opk I'll get a bfp too.
Hi CattD! :wave: I have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility after trying for over 2 years and having every test you can get. Apparently it's the most common reson for infertility. It's crazy eh?

I would wait for your MRI before fretting and try not to google cos you will just get yourself in a pickle. My hubby was diagnosed with ulceratie colitis a couple of years ago and when we googled it it really scared us as it was all worst case scenarios and his is not that bad. If the docs say it shouldn't effect you then trust them.

Hope you get your bfp soon, as babyfever says we are all here for you and know what you are going through xxx
I am a new believer of opks! Goty
First ever positive today! Ovulating on day 8. So alot earlier than I thought. Hopin after 26 cycles now I got a positive opk I'll get a bfp too.

YAY! well done you! get :bd: haha xx
Thanks Kay Kay !
Think after 2 years we all deserve our little bean ! X
Another vote for OPK's here - that way at least you know you are having sex at the "right" time.

You may also want to consider investing in a Clear Blue Fertility Monitor (search the forum as there are a few threads on them!)

Best of luck

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Thanks. I've just ordered some OPK's so fingers crossed they'll work in my favour and everything will come together. x
Me again sorry. I'm really confused at the moment I think i'm about 5 days late for my period which is really unusual for me. For the past 4-5 days i've been getting tummy pains which have been like period pains but not as storng, i've felt like i've been about to come on for 4 days but i still haven't, i took a pregnancy test yesterday but it was negative. I really don't want to get my hopes up but i can't help but have a little hope. very confusing. x
hey catt sometimes when we are waiting for AF she takes her sweet time showing her face. Just relax sometimes stress keeps her away, are you using fmu with your tests? Maybe you just have a shy bean hun....
Hey, thanks for replying. Sorry to be dumb but i'm not used to all these abbreviations. What does AF and FMU mean? (sorry).
The only thing i've done differently for the past two weeks is take folic acid everyday and the pregnacare his and hers conception minerals and vitamins. It's just odd because i'm never late and i'm sure i was due about 5 days ago but have just had my second negative result x
AF means Aunt flo aka "period" and FMU is first morning of my cycles was 34 days after always been 28 days. Sometimes when we are TTC(trying to conceive) we are more aware of our cycles and freak when we are "late" just relax hun wait a few days if AF isn't here by then retest.....
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