

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Ok, I just went to the toilet for a wee and when I wiped there was bright red blood. Definately from vagina and not anus. I've put a pad on to see how much there is but should I call hospital? Seb's just done loads of shifting down and it felt like he was scraping my cervix with his fingers! Could his movement just have caused this?
Thank you. I'll ring them in ten mins to see if there's anymore blood.
Sorry, I'll ring them in ten minutes after I've seen if there's anymore blood!
Ooh I didnt get this until I was in labour!! Fingers crossed your have seb in afew hours!! :D
No contractions though, just blood :-(

Thanks for such quick replies x
I don't know, but lots of luck, hope ur little one's here soon x x
omg i would freak out, i didnt realise we will bleed before labour!?
I am freaking out! Just checked and there's only a tiny bit of blood on pad. I'm going to leave it an hour, see if there's any more and if there is I'll phone. He's just had another wriggle so I know he's ok.
keep us posted lovely fingers crossed its the start of labour watch xx
perhaps just ring and check its ok :hugs: im getting worried whenever anyone mention blood xx
Just rang them, they weren't worried, just said to monitor it and if there's anymore or if it gets worse to ring back and we'll decide where to go from there x

I wish it was labour watch!
so if i start bleed its most likely just labour starting?
Just went for another wee (anyone tell he's squashing my bladder?!) and there's no more blood! Phew! I can't describe how actually scary that was! My heart skipped!

Do hope it's the start though, got my hopes up now! Lol!

Wanted to check my cervix but I don't dare now!
I had bright red bloody just before E was born! Looks like it could be labour watch soon!
Thank you so much guys!

Love this place!!!!
All the best, sounds like it wont be long for you now...due date baby??? xxx

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