Hello missed you all can't belive how many BFP!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2009
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Hi all,

I have missed coming on here can't belive how many BFP there have been since i last came on,

We have had a bit of a turbulant time at home my husband was nearly made redunandant and them we lost a close family member!! been a pretty rubbish time. so i decide to go back on the pill as it was not the right time to try.

But i am now back in full swing at trying as we thought it will really give us something to look forward too and when will there be a "right time" and really hoping for a bfp soon gutted that i have to go through the whole thing of waiting for the birth control to come out of the system but hey ho here is to trying again.

Missed all of you lovely ladies and nice to see the tesing thread still going

Lovely to have you back Fairydust - sorry you have had a tough time of it lately

Lots of luck with your TTC again XX
Welcome back and sorry u have had a tought time. Good luck for a speedy BFP!! xxx
glad your back hun!
so sorry you've been going through a rough time, big hugs

glad your that your back to TTC with us xx
thanks all can't belive how many diffrent people are on her fingers crossed for a short stay in TTC for all xx
Hello, Sorry about the hard time :( Hope you have a FAST :bfp: FX for you!
hey, welcome back.

hope it doesnt take too long for you. x

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