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Feb 27, 2011
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How often do you see yours?

I've only seen her once since Tilly was born and that was weeks ago, I thought they were meant to come all the time?

I really could do with seeing her or speaking to someone today because I'm going potty.

My nips have been shredded by my little critter and I have been awake since 1.30am cos she just won't settle.

I'm sick of trying to work out what is wrong, I've lost all motivation.
I saw her twice but she left me a number to ring her should I need to. Have u been using lanishnoh on your nips? I know it's hard but you'll wake up one day and everything will be ok. Your bios won't hurt, you'll know what your doing with LO. Hang on in there and give the HV a ring (or even la leche league) if you need to

I think it really varies de;pending on where you are. My HV only came once when LO was 13 days old and once at 6 weeks to 'sign me off' as it were! However, a friend of mine in another county sees hers quite often.

By the sounds of things I think you'd be best to contact them. Don't wait until you're really desperate. You could ask them to come to see you, or you could visit them in clinic - they should have given you clinic and contact details during their visit. Also, if you're not happy with the person you see. you could always speak to another member of the team. Hope that helps.
I've rang and had a meltdown on the phone.

She told me - sleep when the baby sleeps, Erm well that would be great but when your baby hasn't slept since 1.30am for more than 10 mins it's a little difficult. I haven't even had a drink today yet. Seriously, I'm shrivelling up.

The baby used to latch beautifully and feed well but she's been headbutting, punching and dragging my nipple about in her mouth. I can't do anything about that because by the time I break suction she's already done the damage so repositioning won't help. She feeds well up until that point.

She doesn't believe in nipple confusion so she said me giving the Gaviscon in a bottle won't do any harm?! That's funny because this seems to have started since I gave her the Gaviscon in a bottle.

Then she said 'what do you think the problem is?!?' wtf, do you think I'd be ringing if I knew what the problem/solution is?

Disappointing advice there really.
Do you have some nipple shields Imto maybe help you through? How about a Medela calma bottle?
Sorry ofc I have no experience just wanted to tell you that I am thinking of you and tilly :hug:
Do you have some nipple shields Imto maybe help you through? How about a Medela calma bottle?
Sorry ofc I have no experience just wanted to tell you that I am thinking of you and tilly :hug:

Thanks hun, I really appreciate your advice and kind words.

I might get myself one of those bottles to see if it helps.
:hugs: you poor thing. my HV has been twice so far. yours sounds rubbish, is she coming out to see you?

nipple cream saved me in the early days, have you got some? sounds like shes going through a growth spurt, harry didnt sleep for 2 nights at all, i was exhausted. he was also playing about with my nipple like that, owch. i hope you get some sleep soon, its a nightmare.

Hope things get better soon hun :hugs:
Have you got a bfing support group near you? I think you should ring them as they'll be sympathetic to your problem! I'm sick of HV's being like that!
:hugs: you poor thing. my HV has been twice so far. yours sounds rubbish, is she coming out to see you?

nipple cream saved me in the early days, have you got some? sounds like shes going through a growth spurt, harry didnt sleep for 2 nights at all, i was exhausted. he was also playing about with my nipple like that, owch. i hope you get some sleep soon, its a nightmare.

Hope things get better soon hun :hugs:

Thanks for posting this nurse, sorry you've had it tough too. She did say it sounded like normal behaviour for breastfed babies but it doesnt feel normal to me!

if it's a growth spurt and not related to the bottle then I can deal with that. Pain is temporary after all :)

It wasn't my health visitor I spoke to, was a different one. I was balling my eyes out on the phone and all she kept saying was 'aaaawwwww'

Have you got a bfing support group near you? I think you should ring them as they'll be sympathetic to your problem! I'm sick of HV's being like that!

There is a group that meets on a Monday sadly which I will get to at some point. The lady who runs it came to see me yesterday to register me at the children's centre.
Honestly these HVs can be useless. I really feel for you... I was also told just to sleep when baby slept, butinthe first few weeks she didn't sleep longer than ten mins unless I was holding her! Can't be of much help with the BF, but really hope things get better for you soon. Xx
Hun it does sound like nipple confusion. My lo did the same. Do what you think is right even of it means you have to insist on a different medicine. Medela also have an infant feeder, dont remeber how its called, or you can try giving gaviscon in syringe (make sure you squirt it behind her cheek and not on her tongue).
It will get better once you stop givinf her the bottle. Cant see tickers, how old is lo?

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Hun it does sound like nipple confusion. My lo did the same. Do what you think is right even of it means you have to insist on a different medicine. Medela also have an infant feeder, dont remeber how its called, or you can try giving gaviscon in syringe (make sure you squirt it behind her cheek and not on her tongue).
It will get better once you stop givinf her the bottle. Cant see tickers, how old is lo?

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She's 3.5 weeks now.

I can't do the syringe, she spits it out or chokes I've tried loads of times now and there is more of the medicine on me than her. The cup is only marginally better as well. The only way she gets the proper amount is if we give it in a bottle.

She also told me to express and give a bottle of my nips were sore.

I'm sick of the conflicting advice here.
Sorry if i am confusing you, didnt mean to. It just sounds like nipple confusion. They do have a growth spurt at 4-6 weeks but you know her better, does she seem hungry or biting and pulling your nipple? NCT have phone lines and lactation consultants in different areas, maybe give them a call? HVs are not trained on BFing (some are but not all)

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I've seen mine about 4 times. I also see her at baby group/weigh in sessions. But the best support I get regarding breast feeding is from the support groups. They really do help and support you. I really hope things get easier for you hun.xx

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