Health Visitor (bit mifted)


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Hey girls I had a visit from my local health visitor today - she came round to meet me before the birth so I knew her face for after the birth as they generally come out from 11-14 days after baby arrives - she was really lovely but asking questions like did I own the house and whether the whole house was ours - has anyone else had one of these visits and ramdom questions?

Most of the questions were standard like do we smoke or drink but just asking about whether we own the house got me thinking how much information do the government want to collect on people now and what difference does that make to having a child?
Ooerr, never known them to ask questions about houses before. Maybe she's moonlighting for the census lol. We'll be stuffed when she comes round here then cos we don't own it and have very little room until the extension is built. Oh well xxxxxxxx
I had health visitor come round last week. I found her rude and intrusive. I know that they are there for the interest of the child but come on! No need to be so flippin rude! :-( xx
Does a health visitor always come round before your LO is born? I've never heard of this..
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I didn't think she was rude but intrusive yes - I can understand asking questions about smoking and maybe even drinking - and she asked about my support i.e family etc - but if just seemed very over the top
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Towards the end of the visit she seemed a bit warmer towards me. Maybe it's just a front to find out what kind of person I am? She asked about support network (family), strengths (smoking and lifestyle), baby groups, how I intended to feed baby, is father supportive etc, are we excited and was it planned, any history of domestic abuse or illnesses (mental and other) and other random questions. Just felt like the Spanish inquistition lol.xx
Mine asked if fob examined his testicles on a regular basis :shock: I could understand most the questions buy that was a step too far for me!
Mine asked if fob examined his testicles on a regular basis :shock: I could understand most the questions buy that was a step too far for me!

WTF?? :shock:

Why on earth do they need to know that?
could be worse, mine asked if me and FOB are related :doh:
Does a health visitor always come round before your LO is born? I've never heard of this..

Think its different in every area hunni tbh, when i had my eldest you didnt meet your HV til 10 days after birth, when i had my second daughter HV visited me at home before the birth to give me red book and this time round i had to go to health centre to meet HV and get red book xxxx
Hahaha some of these questions you've been asked would make me absolutely wet myself!
Does a health visitor always come round before your LO is born? I've never heard of this..

Think its different in every area hunni tbh, when i had my eldest you didnt meet your HV til 10 days after birth, when i had my second daughter HV visited me at home before the birth to give me red book and this time round i had to go to health centre to meet HV and get red book xxxx

Oh right ok. Well I've never had someone tell me they've had health visitor come to them before birth. Not really something I'm wanting as my housing situation is a total mess at the moment and last thing I want is some nosey bint asking questions I don't even know myself!
Lol! I got asked if we were related at my booking in appointment. Noooooooooooooooo! What do they say when people say yes?! :puke: x
:lol: oh god this is cracking me up!! It must happen, otherwise, why is the question asked???
Lol! I got asked if we were related at my booking in appointment. Noooooooooooooooo! What do they say when people say yes?! :puke: x

I got asked then too. I laughed and the mw looked at me very seriously and said "it happens more than you think" :shock:
One of the questions in my green notes was whether we are related too. I wonder what they actually do if people are related!!! :shock:
My health visitor came before LO was born & asked all sorts of questions about housing, family support & even wanted to know the ins & outs of why my parents separated! x

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