Have you thought what it 'sounds like'?

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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Ok, bit of a daft one here, and will probably insult people who have named their kids certain names, but go on ........ think of some!

My first was I saw a thread where someone said (among lots of other names) Peony, which is lovely, but made me think of 'pee on me' and I laughed, so thought I would share.....

The name Dominic always make me think of the Demestos advert "Big Bad Dom!"

I'm sure several others will come to me, but maybe I should wait and see if other people find this amusing or too close to the bone!!

just for laffs, Starfish xxxx
I do a school run (i'm a childminder) and a little girl was calling her younger brother this morning in the playground.......

His name was ELVIS!!!:shock::lol::lol:
Ok I absolutely had to reply. My DH is a massive Elvis fan! If I would let him (which I won't) and if we had a boy he would call him Elvis. He is so obsessed my dad even mentioned it in our wedding speech saying that he was concerned that if we had a son he would be called Elvis! So this is NOT a laughing matter!!! Help!!! x
Ha, me and hubby both love Michael Jackson, had tix to see him and everything, and I, whilst laughing, said, if its a boy, we could call if Jackson! Hubby now is obssessed with the idea, now really wants a boy, and worryingly, its growing on me!!!
Ha, me and hubby both love Michael Jackson, had tix to see him and everything, and I, whilst laughing, said, if its a boy, we could call if Jackson! Hubby now is obssessed with the idea, now really wants a boy, and worryingly, its growing on me!!!

I love Jaxon for a boy! Lol x
I actually think my o/h would be willing to give a son the middle name of "danger". I'm not joking either :rolleyes:
My DH's full suggestion - Elvis Butch Flash Dodson!!!! HELP!
Ha, me and hubby both love Michael Jackson, had tix to see him and everything, and I, whilst laughing, said, if its a boy, we could call if Jackson! Hubby now is obssessed with the idea, now really wants a boy, and worryingly, its growing on me!!!

I love Jaxon for a boy! Lol x

ooh, I love how that is spelt - need to control ourselves, far too early to start deciding names, lol! x
i wanted to call E chloe, but my parents said with FOBs surname it sounded like an STI :rofl:
i wanted to call E chloe, but my parents said with FOBs surname it sounded like an STI :rofl:

Lmao sorry that made me giggle. I can't think of anything :( my mom suggested Mya for liv but it would of been mya squire lol x
I like Jackson too!! :)

I have a fascination with weird and wonderful surnames and being in childcare for 12 years i've heard a few crackers.


This is just a few! Oh and my Sister just got married and is now Mrs Woodcock!:lol::lol:

Go on tell us!! I won't laugh I love surnames! I wish I had a funny one! Unfortunatly my OH's is Davis which is just borning! lol

My best friend in the world actually has the initials S.T.D.S!!!!! Bet your surnames not as good as being sexually transmitted diesease? lmao

:rofl:@ STDS!! it makes reference to a body part, which everyone finds amusing :lol: (not gona put it on here for obvious reasons lol!)
I posted the names including Paeony, as I already have a Briony, and that's the reason I decided against that one! ha ha reassuring to find others see the same in a name!

We joked with my daughter about calling her India Anna, as we are Jones! mind you I have settled on Devon Rory Jones as we are having a boy now, and his initials will be DR. Jones !!!
Piddle Pants did you see I said my Sisters married name is Woodcock? Yours can't be worse than that? Oh I knew a guy who's surname was Lillicrap!!!! Now thats just plain BAAADDD!!! lmao

I remembered another one from school - there was a fat kid who was called Paul Chop, and everyone called him Pork Chop, they still do even now and it's been 20 years. Why did his parents not sound it out loud before they named him!
I knew a girl called Esther Bunny!

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