Harry's Journey

Hi ladies, thank u so much for thinking of me :love: I have really missed pf and I'm slowly starting to join in again! :)

It's been a hard few weeks with the pnd but the tablets seem to be helping so much and I am slowly starting to see the end of the dark tunnel! I am slowly starting to feel happier with Harry and more confident to play and interact with him.

Harry is doing amazingly well and his now 20wks :shock: he now rolls both ways, can sit up, loves playing with his toys and playing rough with mummy! We have a typical boy who loves being dangled upside down and laughs his head off lol. His giggle is just amazing!

Aww bless him he's really coming along isnt he :D he's so clever too, Lexi doesnt bother rolling, she's done front to back a few times but lately she just protests too much when i put her on her tummy, she's sitting up on her own although i do have to sit close as her balance isnt cracking just yet, she sometimes tipples over to the side a bit and ends up on her tummy :lol: but shes doing good at standing, she can take her weight for a good 45 secs or so before her little chubby legs buckle lol!

Glad to hear you're feeling much better too and that the tablets are working for you, so much better when you can enjoy your baby :)

Are you excited for Harry's 1st Christmas? i cant wait, i know she'll be too young to actually understand most of it but at least i can start her on BLW on 21st December so she can tuck into Christmas dinner with us all at least which will be fun :) best get a super sized bib to protect her chrimbo dress lol!

He's such a gorgeous little boy Hun. I'm so glad to hear the tablets are working and you are emerging from the fog. I can't imagine what it must be like but it was clearly affecting you so much. We miss you on pf, hope you'll be around a bit more. Big big hugs you lovely mummy xxxx
Harry is just delightful Kanga!!!

Glad to hear things are gradually improving. I know there is no overnight cure but the fact the fog is starting to lift is positive.

Lots of love to you

It's good to see you back on PF hun :) x
Merry Christmas kanga :) how are you and your gorgeous little man doing???
Merry Christmas Kanga!

Wishing you, hubby and little Harry a very happy festive period.

Happy chirstmas Kanga hope you are doing much bettrer and are busy with a growing and curious boy.
x Daisy
Hope you had a fab Xmas with your little man Hun. I've not checked in here for a while hope things are looking up for you now xxx
Long time no hear miss Kanga!

I hope all is going well with you and Harry. I hope you've been feeling brighter and enjoying your little man?

It's been a while since I was last on here and it has certainly been tough. So lets start back at the beginning, the meds I was on caused so many side effects that I felt worse than being depressed so my doctor changed me to another sort. These didn't seem to do anything so she upped the dose, which actually sunk me into a really bad place. I barely went out, was very anxious, moody and don't really interact with Harry. Luckily I had my friends and sisters support and they told me they were worried about me. My doc didn't seem that worried and just lowered the dose again and of course nothing changed, so from June this year I weaned myself off them and things are looking up :)

I was hoping to be a stay at home mummy, but finances just wouldn't allow it. So in March, I returned to work after initially handing in my notice in Jan to finish in Feb when my maternity leave finished. Luckily part of my hours were still available for me to do, I currently am doing 14 hours a week cleaning at a leisure centre. The hours suck (fri,sat,sun 4:30am-9:30am) but they fit in with not needing to put Harry in childcare. Ideally I need more hours and money, but it just isn't possible to fit it all in.

Anyways this is Harry's journal so lets talk about him. He is now 13 months and amazing. He has 8 teeth in total, is a dribble monster and he does like to bite, which we are trying to get under control before he bites another baby. He is very vocal and says mama, dada, baba (bye bye), ata (ta) and just is generally noisy, although he doesn't usually say any words in context, just when he feels like it lol He has started being very steady on his feet and taking steps over the last 3 weeks or so. Now he just wants to try and walk everywhere and won't even hold my hands. He can walk about 10/15 steps before falling down and needing to crawl to some furniture to pull himself back up on and then he is off again.

He also hates it when the stair gates are closed, as he cries even if u have come into the room with him, but we have to be careful as he now navigates the stairs very well and takes himself up for his nap and bedtime.

I will try to add some pics in a mo as not the iPad and all my pics are on my phone xx
Gosh sweetie, he has grown so much. He looks like a proper little boy now.

He is still beautiful though.

You must be so proud.

I am glad to hear things are looking up, sorry the medication didn't work but maybe that was a good thing? I know medication is a good thing most of the time but I also know you were really concerned about taking it to begin with?

Sounds like you have really turned a corner though and I am so happy to see you back :lol:

Going back to work must be a bummer and the hours sound horrid but as you say at least you are not paying for childcare and it wont be forever? (I've seen you other journal lol)

I love all the piccies, the Birthday cake is amazing and the last pic made me lol.

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