

Well-Known Member
May 11, 2011
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I suppose I'm going to note down his routine so i can see if he has one. Then his milestones, weight gain and any other things i can think of.

I wrotea detailed pregnancy diary on my laptop and I've followed on to a baby diary... I'm doing this out of ease and conveniance as I'm always on by phone.

So Issac Andrew Davison was born 29.11.11 7lb 5oz
He was weighed at 6days 7lb3oz then 1week 2days 7lb 6oz, 3weeks 3days 9lb, 5weeks 2days 9lb 13.5oz and most recently 7weeks 3days 10lb 14oz.

His first smile was at 6weeks 2days and was amazing and beautiful. I don't get them all the time but i love them so much.

Ill start today as day 1 for tracking his routine.
7.30am first feed
10-10.30 nap time
11.30 2nd feed
1-3.30 nap time
4pm 3rd feed
6pm 4th feed
8-9pm bath, ready, fed and bed. :)
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Day 2

1am dummy
4.15am feed til 4.50am self settle.
8.15 feed
10.20am till 10.40am nap time
11.30am till nap time. - i give up with nap times today. He only seems to sleep 10mins unless he is being held.
11.40 feed
3ish nap time... 6pm still napping but not fed since 11.40am..hmm not a good routine
6.15pm wake and feed, then crying from wind
7.45-8.30 1st big bath. :) feed and bed
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Yep I'm not enjoying it at all. I find it so frustrating. I don't think we have had one feed when he had stayed on from start to finish... excluding winding lol. He is always on and off especially when my flow slows down x
Day 3

2.30. First feed
5.00am 2nd feed.
he was just having 1boob through the night but now has towards, so e is drinking more but sleeping they same or less.
6.40am 3rd feed... I'm going to try some formula, i don't feel like I'm filling him
8.00am 4th feed
9.30-10.10am nap time in moses basket. :-D
12-1 5th feed plus 3oz expressed milk
1.30-4.00pm nap time
4pm feed
5.30pm nap in rocker
7.30-8.15 big bath, 6oz formula and bed.

It was so nice to watch Issac actually enjoy a feed rather than spend it fussing and getting himself worked up in a frenzy, i was shocked he drank 6oz tho
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Its up to you hun if you go onto formula, but the more you use it the more your milk will suffer. I had little choice as my son wasn't feeding well and I had to give him bottles in hospital. So he never got his latch on me right so I had to give up. I don't mind too much now as my partner helped and did some feeds when we came back so we both got some sleep and felt normalish x
I dont live with my boyfriend and we only really see him at weekends.
I never planned to bf forever i just never set a date when to I'm constantly just one more day. I'm just fed up of feeling bad towards Issac when he feeding and fussing.
Knowing my luck he won't take a bottle
Can you try expressing and feed him with a bottle that way? X
I would love to do that but i can only express when he is on the other boob then i can get about 3oz a boob. If i do it alone i can only get 1oz at the most xx
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Day 4

No dummy through the night.
1st feed - 4.20am (bf)
2nd feed -7.50am (bf)
10-11.30am nap
3rd feed - 11.45am
1.30-3.15pm - disturbed naptime
4th feed - 3.30pm
5th feed - 5pm 2boobs and 3oz expressed milk from last night
6-7.30pm - nap whilst out for a walk

7.45 big bath, 6oz formula and bed
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Day 5

Issac woke for a dummy at 1 and 4
5.20am - 1st feed bf
9.10am - 2nd feed bf
11.45am - 3rd feed bf
4pm - 4th feed
5pm 5th feed
7.45pm bath, 6oz formula and bed.
Issac napped at 10. He napped for an hour whilst walking and also another2 hour between 5-7pm
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Day 6

5.00am - 1st feed (bf)
10.00am - 2nd feed (bf)
2.00pm - 3rd feed (bf)
5.00pm - 4th feed (bf)
6.25pm - 5th feed (bf)
7.30pm - bath, 5oz ff, bed
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Day 9 Monday 30th
5.15am- 1st feed
8.30am- 2nd feed
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Im going to start this again.. My quest to produce more breastmilk :-D

At 10weeks i decided i wasnt ready to give in breastfeeding even though i was not enjoying it! I want to give issac the best i can, i felt i wasnt filling him enough so i introduced formula this was becoming more and more as top ups so as of yesterday he is on breast milk only i have some frozen expressed milk that i can use until either my milk is back or it doesnt and i have to go to formula.

Tuesday the 7th
Issac was offered the boob every 2hours unless asleep and he took it, although he wasnt full he would cry but was quite easily settled (thankfully) I had to give him 7oz of expressed milk as i had been offering the boob from 5onwards all the time.. i think he was just too tired so we had a bath and i offered him the breast he took it but was still hungry so he had the bottle.
Wednesday 8th February

4am feed

6am wouldnt settle so brought into bed he woke at 8am

8am feed

9.30am - 10.05am naptime

10.10am feed

10.30am napped while out for a walk

12.30pm feed

2.10pm feed

4pm nap

5pm feed

6.30pm bath fed and bed
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