hairy belly


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2006
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Anyone elses belly resembles a yeti?? In the past month I have got a really hairy belly!! What with my spots and hairs I'm looking great :roll:
:rotfl: you poor old thing!

Just think it will all be worth it in the end! Belly no hairier than usual!
Kylie1007 said:
:rotfl: you poor old thing!

Just think it will all be worth it in the end! Belly no hairier than usual!

Grrr you're supposed to reassure me!!! :rotfl:
Soz... :hug: Can't help too much with the hairiness (or the spots for that matter!). I have rosacea so I'm always a bit spotty and red around the nose but have found "Bye Bye Blemish" to be quite good. I got it in Boots in the skin care aisle. It dries them up and you feel that it must be doing good cos it's so strong smelling! My friend also swears by the spot / skin stuff in the No 7 range in Boots - she has just bought an exfoliator there and an anti redness cream of some type.
Frangelle, are you my pregnancy twin?!!??

I also have a massively hairy belly and have done since about week 10 I think!! It lots of dark hairs covering the whole bump! My DH finds it very amusing to say the least!

Again, I think it is another symptom of the testosterone produced by boy babies, but that is just my opinion. So the signs are pointing to you having another boy I think.

lol bless you, i got it when i was preg with millie as well :( must be the hormones
:lol: Me too, my tummy started o get hairy aroung 15 weeks and still is! I also have some extra facial hair - OH thinks it cute cause my face/neck is'fluffy'. Thank godness it's blond :lol:
:rotfl: Sorry girls but I do have to find it quite funny. :rotfl:

I am very spotty at the moment and have discovered that I would be as hairy as a man if I didn't shave almost everyday.

I have developed a slight dark moustache, hairy line rising up my belly and am constantly scratching my legs with the increase in hair growth.

Hubby finds this quite amusing, but the last laugh is on him, as I finished the shaving foam this morning. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Hope we all return to our former beatuiful hairfree sexy mammas after the birth. xxx
Yep, I have hairy belly too. The hairs are quite light and fine, so it's not noticeable unless you stare at it.
I've got sideburns :shock: Fortunately they are very fine and blonde but my OH taking the mikey out of them certainly doesn't help.
Frangelle it looks like you're due on the same day as I am - 24th Nov.
*puts hand in the air*

Me Me me me!! I've got a hairy belly!

Its especially hairy on my wee line thing above and below my button!
Couple that with tangerine style thighs and spider veins galore and I have to say... I'm pretty sexy!

Yeah, I seem to be getting some hair on my belly! :x

Nothing too obvious but if you stare at it... :shock:

I hope it goes back to normal after the birth - i don't like the look of it at all! :shakehead:
Kylie1007 said:
Frangelle it looks like you're due on the same day as I am - 24th Nov.

Yeah I'm due around then!!! How are you feeling? You fat yet? I am :?

I mist say I am relieved to know I am not the only one, hopefully they'll magically disappear after I've given birth along with my stretchmarks, spots,and extra weight, and I may return to the bronzed goddess I once was :fib: (yeah right :roll: )
I've been feeling pretty good - managed to avoid morning sickness and anything too nasty so far. Not showing very much but probably hidden with flabby tummy anyway!!!
I'm getting really bad heartburn at the mo, it's so annoying!!!! Plus a sort of stretching pain in my side, not good!!! roll on the next 6 months :D
Know about the stretching - get it if I stand up too quickly. It;s just our ligaments and wombs stretching for baby!!!
hi ya , i thought i was the only one. my belly looks a bit freakish coz my skin colour is brown and the hairs are black. its not noticable but i can see it :(

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