Growth Scan


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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Have a growth scan tomorrow, MW thinks baby might me on the small side!

Does anyone know what it means if he is?

I thought maybe if he was measuring small then they would book me in again a week later to check he's growing properly? I'm a bit nervous now :eh:

ive got my MW on tuesday and if im still not measuring right then i have to go for a growth scan to.. hope everything goes ok tomorrow, least you get another scan.. dont really know what happens if he is measuring small though hun as never had a growth scan before!
Are you measuring bigger than average hun?

Yeah I suppose it's an extra scan :) just hope everythings ok with him! xxx
I don't think it will be anything to worry about... mines measuring a day out, i know thats nothing but i got told i will most likely have a small baby. xxx
my son had lots of scans, was always small for dates. consultant just said he will be a small baby :) he was born at 39 weeks and weighed 4lb 13. hes now 6 months old and in the right age clothes, they do scans even if there a tiny bit off scale just as precautions. wouldnt worry though im sure all will be fine xx
Just back and he's weighing 5lb 14, she said that he's between small and average, but I would have thought that was just about normal! They reckon he'll be about 7 and a half at 40 weeks, I'm hoping not much bigger :lol:

Are you measuring bigger than average hun?

Yeah I suppose it's an extra scan :) just hope everythings ok with him! xxx

No im measuring smaller, but we will see what tuesday brings!

glad everything went ok today, bet he looks huge on the scan screen! :) so will they still keep checking you or is that it now? x
No im measuring smaller, but we will see what tuesday brings!

glad everything went ok today, bet he looks huge on the scan screen! :) so will they still keep checking you or is that it now? x

Oh are you? I saw your last bumpy pic and thought you had a big bump! :)

Yeah his head takes up the whole screen now haha :lol: the woman doing the scan didn't seem worried atall and said everything looks normal so no need to go back :) when my own MW phoned to ask how it went I told her what the woman had wrote in my notes and she says she wants me to see the consultant on Monday to review the scan x
Everyone thinks im big, and when i say im measuring small they look at me all suprised!! when i say im measuring small im not worried as i know everyone is different i was

25.5cm at 26wks
27cm at 28wks
28cm at 30wks

so im measuring smaller the further along i get! but i might get to midwife on tuesday and he has had a growth spurt! she said that because im on the bottom line of the growth chart as soon as i go under the line i have to have a scan (prob just routine)...

i want a scan just so i can see him again! :) did you get any more pics this time? i wonder what the consultant will tell you? x
Everyone thinks im big, and when i say im measuring small they look at me all suprised!! when i say im measuring small im not worried as i know everyone is different i was

25.5cm at 26wks
27cm at 28wks
28cm at 30wks

so im measuring smaller the further along i get! but i might get to midwife on tuesday and he has had a growth spurt! she said that because im on the bottom line of the growth chart as soon as i go under the line i have to have a scan (prob just routine)...

i want a scan just so i can see him again! :) did you get any more pics this time? i wonder what the consultant will tell you? x

Haha yeah an extra scan is always good, hopefully they will send you for one so you can see little Charlie again! :) The woman scanning me said that she has lots of people for growth scans and 9 times out of 10 their babies are measuring fine :)

Yeah got another 2 pics! They aren't very good though, think he's too big to get a clear pic now lol.. I love getting to see LO's little feet and tiny wee toes :lol: their so sweet!! xxx
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i was told my little one would be roughly 7lb 5 or 7lb 7 at 40 weeks so sounds about normal to me hun. xxx

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