Growth Scan Needed

Just wanted to pop in to try and ease your worry, but I know you still will, we can't help it hehe :-)

But i measured huuuge , like 4 weeks bigger! All the mw and docs made me worry , did gtt and told me I was eating wrong etc. Eventually had growth scan, and he measured normal. They still gave me 2 more scans.

Turns out he was 8lbs10oz, not huge considering how late he was! And I gave birth naturally on gas and air, took 4 hours only and only a few scratches that needed a lil stitch.

I'm sure everything will be fine , but good luck for weds, enjoy being able to see lil one :-) Xx
I'm sure everything will be fine but I still can't help but worry!

I'll update on Wednesday after the scan. I'm supposed to be going to work after, but knowing me I will have got myself into a right old state before Wednesday gets here and will not have slept a wink Tuesday night and will probably be fit for nothing by then, so potentially an afternoon on the sofa with pf on the computer may be in order! :-)

Well, told my boss today that I would be in late on Wednesday as I have my scan and also mentioned it to the girl who is in charge for the day. My boss responded with "Oh Wednesday is probably the worst day for it, it's a nightmare with staffing! You'll have to phone in as soon as you can and let J know when you'll be in blah blah blah etc etc' Basically I'm messing up the day and making it so much more difficult for everyone else by coming in a couple of hours late.

Well, I'm sorry if I 've caused an inconvenience for you...NOT!!. Quite frankly if they have to close the centre for the day or transfer staff from our head office in Burford or cancel every single sodding appointment, I couldn't give a shit!! Maybe she should have thought about her f'ing staffing levels before giving everyone holiday all at once, not to mention 1 on compassionate leave and one signed off sick again. I know the sickness and CL can't be helped but it's not my f'ing fault is it!! I have a hospital appointment for goodness sake, an extra one at that to make sure my baby is OK and she that's what she comes out with!! How inconsiderate can she get?!!!! I may well be overreacting but she really pissed me off big time!! I have a good mind to phone in sick for the rest of the week- would bloody serve her right for being an insensitive bitch who only gives a shit abut her career and her centre and screw everyone else!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

Rant over :-)

Your not over reacting, I would be annoyed too! How dare they try to make you feel guilty ! You take your time at your appointment , their problem not yours x x
You're right to be concentrating on your baby's health rather than work, stuff em! Like you say, it's their own fault! I'd be just as peeved as you I think! Just take your time and go in when you're ready, they'll just have to deal with it.
Good luck for Wednesday, I'm sure lil'un will be fine :) Let us all know how it goes!
Wednesday will soon be here hun :) Some people are so inconsiderate!! You have every right to be annoyed!! As if you don't have enough stress already!!

Good luck for Weds hun, I'm sure all will be fine with baby :hugs: x x
Thanks ladies!!

Not long to go and I'm on holiday and then straight into my maternity leave, so I won't have to worry about being an inconvenience!!

Just read my rant back to myself- hehe!! I was mad!!!

Wow there are a few numpties mascarading as bosses today!! So glad you don't give a damn as baby is your priority right now, like others have said baby will be fine and you don't have long left to wait now before you see your lil man. Xx
I can't believe it's only 8 weeks until he's here!!! :-)

Got our first Parentcraft class tomorrow night too, which I am looking foward to.

I'm working up until wed this week then off for 4 days, then working mon and tues and that's it- no more work! Yaaaaaay!! Officially start mat leave on 24th july.

And he's got hiccups right now which is just sooooo sweet!!

See, check me out not stressing about my scan and concentrating on the good stuff (for now anyway- this time tomorrow night I will probably be winding myself right up again! :-) )

good luck with your scan tomorrow chick, i measred on the 90 centile line y-day at my mw appointment, had i have been bigger they would have sent me for a growth scan. My mw did have a prod around and she said she thinks i'm carrying alot of water and that baby feels "normal" size etc so not to worry. hope you're just carrying more water too x x
Thanks hun. Gona go to bed in a minute and try and get a good nights rest so I'm nice and fresh and clear headed for tomorrow.

I will upadte when I get back from the scan.

I.currently measure 3cm above average line.everytime I.see midwife. Had a 32 measured completely normal.
For some reason in my case they dont allow for the.bit of fat.i already have n my.belly....
Dont worry im sure all is ok.
Sorry.for crap typing....on my fone!

Very happy to report that all is well and he is a normal size, nothing to worry about! ;-)

His estimated weight is is 4lb 7 Oz! He already weighs more than I did when I was born or even when I went home from hospital!

I am sooooooo relieved :-)

On a sour note, off to work now- boooooo!!

Great news Emily, it's so nice to get their estimated weight isn't it? It just reassures you about their health and if for whatever reason they came early they're still a good weight. That's how it was for me anyway, I imagine it would feel the same for you.

Take your time getting back to work :p xx
yay fantasti news hun, i would really dordle on the way to work, or just leave it an hour or 2 before you go :)
Fab news! I'd love to know how much my baby weighs at the moment. x

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