Growth Scan


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2011
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We had our 3rd growth scan yesterday (first one at 29 weeks, then 31 weeks, then 33 weeks scan yesterday). It all started off with some small measurements picked up at our 3d scan at 28 weeks. I mentioned it to our mw, who sent us along for a scan for "reassurance".

At our second growth scan all of the measurements seemed to be moving towards the middle of the scale - but yesterday they were all (apart from the abdominal circumfrance) on the really small side, sometimes off the scale. MW told us it's nothing to worry about, as if the AC is fine then that's the best indicator at this stage. She just told me I need to stay as stress-free as possible (admittedly, it has been a stressful few weeks) and eat and drink as much as I can.

Well, might as well crack open the biscuits - doctors orders after all :whistle:
Hehe, you go for it. Hope your LO catches up soon xx
Ah I hope all goes well and enjoy eating lots of scrummy food! x
They aren't worried, as the mw said if they were then I'd be going back a few times per week to keep checking the growth - but they only want to see me again in 2 weeks.

If they're not worried, then I'm not worried!
Get munching hunny, maybe a few extra vitamins wouldn't go amiss either.......pass the cake lol xxxxxxxxx
I've heard there are a lot of vitamins in cake actually. And chocolate! I will most definitely up my intake :lol:
Hahahahaha good girl. Black forest gateau probably counts towards one of your 5 a day cos of the cherries and there's plenty of calcium in cream :D

From 37 weeks babies gain half a pound a week so yanno, might as well build up your reserves now :D
Yes defo eat as much as you can hun! I've got the same predicament going on here with a small bump/bubs - 39 weeks today and measured 33 yesterday, which was the same when measured 10 days ago!
This has led to me being induced on Thursday!! If I'd known weeks ago this is how it would end I wouldda ate anything in sight to try and put weight on myself and baby - being induced isn't how I ideally wanted it all to end, can't say I'm over enthusiastic about the idea!
Get troffing luv!! Anything and everything!!!
Kim if your baby turns out to be a 10lb'er I will laugh lol, they do get it very wrong sometimes xxxxxxxxxx
Ha, hell yeah... I'll also laugh if shes a 10llb-er... once my tears have stopped and I've been stitched back up from my belly button to my bum!!! My bump is small - like a perfect football strapped to mi belly - not put weight on anywhere else and only put about 12llbs on altogether!
They said to expect 5.5-6llb - that'll do me!
MMMMMMMMMMMMM have a big massive huge piece of cake 4 me, infact stuff it ill join ya n eat aswell xx
Mmmm, black forest gateau sounds so nice on a day like today. Have a slice for me bump buddy :-) xx
I think I'll be popping into the shop on my way home tonight for some much needed black forest gateau now - yum!

nutskim - sorry to hear that :-( But at least everything is ok, and you'll get to meet your little one soon! I'm sure it wont matter once you hold her in your arms!
My bump sounds the same as ou though - stuck on! ha ha! I do love it though. Not had any issues with my bump measuring small, or even with Bubs being overly small, just some of the measurements...

Just back from a work lunch, and feel stuffed, so I'm on the right road! :lol:

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