Got to go to doctors

Thanks for your support guys x I was thinking a nice juicy steak instead of spinach! Lol x can't believe how crap it's making me feel!
my bp was 92/50 on tuesday and it made me feel really bad.
make sure you eat something nice XX
that happened to me helen.. After constant headaches they realised i needed iron tablets. Glad they've sorted it x
Thank you all x

Glad to know I'm not the only one k&a! I'm absolutely amazed at how blood pressure (which I've never really thought about before) can make you feel so awful! I'm a little annoyed with mw as I had my bloods done at 34 week appt and she's obviously not checked them as the instant the doctor pulled up my results he saw that I was low on iron! So all of this could have been avoided if she'd bloody checked and prescribed me iron tablets! Grrrrr!
Hope you feel better soon Helen, watch out for the iron tablets giving you a blocked Bum!
I stopped taking mine as was sick of being bunged up even with Fybogel, and now I've got so tired, I've gone back on them, but fybogel daily, at the same time to counteract it, seems to be working for the mo
Ooooh thanks for the tip hon x do I have to get a prescription for it or will boots have it? x
Thank you all x

Glad to know I'm not the only one k&a! I'm absolutely amazed at how blood pressure (which I've never really thought about before) can make you feel so awful! I'm a little annoyed with mw as I had my bloods done at 34 week appt and she's obviously not checked them as the instant the doctor pulled up my results he saw that I was low on iron! So all of this could have been avoided if she'd bloody checked and prescribed me iron tablets! Grrrrr!

ohh helen thats exactly how i felt, midwife didnt check my bloods properly.. after she told me they were fine when i asked and then at 32 weeks scan the midwife at hospital picked up on it as soon as she opened my file on the computer.. was rather annoyng x

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