consultant today

No idea...but Im keeping an eye out for news! :blush: Im possibly a little impatient too lol
Yeah it was 10 - i'm sure if anything drastic had happened we'd have heard something so i'm guessing everything's grand :-)
:lol: Tasha I just read your ticker, thats funny :)

Haha! Most of it's true apart from the hemorroids and i've not particularly got 'the runs' but I WILL be threatening legal action soon! And i'm more like the size of a block of flats than a house...! :lol:

Wonder what it's going to say tomorrow! Watch this space!! lol!
Hmmmm where is the Tiny one?

Hope all is well xx
im here!!!! Bloomin ages in the hospital then we went to m&s to get me nursing bras afterwards. Sorry!

So heres the deal.... I had a scan, consultant is happy with baby, happy for my bp to be monitored in the community. She gave me a sweep, or she tried to anyway. My cervix is still 'closed' :wall: Its so depressing. It wasnt even soft, it was 'medium' and baby is still 4/5th palpable. So on the whole things arent really looking very good. Im feeling a bit depressed about it all. Im going to have another sweep in a few days time with the midwife and my induction has been booked for the 15th August if Ihavent gone by then :pray:

Im gonna have to :bd: every night now, and Ill have another pineapple.
Tiny don't worry, its your first baby - they said that mine was 1cm because it was my second thats all. Once your labour kicks in then it will all happen - keep your chin up hun, everything will be fine, just you wait and see xx
Hi Tiny. Least an induction is booked so the end is near!
Have fun with the self inducing lol! PMSL I asked my bf to "relieve" himself in a cup so I could just put it in myself because sex is frigging painful now! ... He, basically, told me to jog on, and said he could put up with not having sex for a while longer, more than I can put up with being pregnant! lol so was not impressed!
Hi Tiny. Least an induction is booked so the end is near!
Have fun with the self inducing lol! PMSL I asked my bf to "relieve" himself in a cup so I could just put it in myself because sex is frigging painful now! ... He, basically, told me to jog on, and said he could put up with not having sex for a while longer, more than I can put up with being pregnant! lol so was not impressed!

Have you got a turkey baster then? :lol: x

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