got to go for another scan on Fri!!!!!! **UPDATED**


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2006
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Hello everyone!

I have just come back from the midwife who has booked me in to see the consultant at the hospital becasue she thinks I am having a whopper! :)

This is the same midwife who expressed concern over Jade89 and she ended up having an 11lb 2oz baby! :shock:

So I am off for a scan on Friday to check ( although the sonographer told Jade her baby was 8lb something!)

Midwife reckons that newborn clothes will not fit just going off the size of babies back!!!

I am so tempted to find out the sex ( if they will let us) But having said that we have come this far without knowing!!!
ah bless i got told im having a big baby! :?
id hold out hun and have a nice suprise! :D
did you guys measure right at your 20 week scans?
well i had another scan last week when i was 32 weeks and i measured 32cm so i guess thats right! but when she found out how much the baby weighed she weighed 4lb something and said ooooo your going to have a big baby! :) i guess she meant heavy! :?
My bump has always measured a couple of weeks bigger than the growth chart...... Nothing was said to me at the 20 week scan though so not sure
Best of luck for Friday Lyns, you get to see LO again you lucky thing!!

Lets hope their guess on the size is accurate, not like Jade89! :shock:

Also, id hold out for a suprise if you can hun, you only got 3 weeks or so to wait now anyway!!
I've got my growth scan on the 21st as they reckon this is gonna be a big baby and i'm measuring a few weeks ahead! Hope all goes well at the scan and the babies not too big. As for the newborn clothes, Aimee was quite big at 8lb 11oz but not masive and new born clothes wouldn't go near her.
Ah so newborn clothes are for small babies anyway???

I have had a mix given to me.. newborn and 0-3. Have to say the 0-3 look huge!!! but they go up to 11lb so they may only just fit if I follow in Jades footsteps!!!! :shock:
:hug: Good luck with the scan on Friday Lyndsey, at least you get to see baby again :D

Us women are hard as nails I tell yer, you'll cope just fine having a big baby :hug:
just wanted to say good luck with your scan on friday hun!!!
Yayyyyyyy! big babies are great, so much easier to handle and very cuddly :lol: plz do bear in mind i went almost a week overdue though, with u iffing and aring weather to be induced at 38 weeks coz of pelvic pain, they may induce you over the size of baby too, especially coz growth scans can be way out so baby might not grow that big if you do get induced, but lyndsey, pat is never wrong so plz believe u are having a whopper lol!

Newborn clothes fitted aaliyah for about 2 days or so then had to put her in 0-3 i only bought newborn vests n sleepsuits i had newborn clothes given to me but never used them, glad i diddnt buy any, madam is growing out of 0-3 now at 5 weeks old! she's 12lbs 11oz today.

YAYYYYY FOR WHOPPERS!!!! :cheer: gosh these babies, will they ever stop growing!...must be something in the water here eh?

edited to add: sorry forgot to say GOOD LUCK FRIDAY, if you see an asian woman named dr sing tell her to fook off cuz shes crap n tell them they are very unaccurate lol.

By the way, i went for a scan at about 37-38 weeks, they were goin let me know the sex just to double check but couldnt find her lady bits! but shes all gurrl! :cheer:
AW thanx Jade!!

We will have to meet up once this one is born and compare! lolol

I am a bit nervous but I will update you all as soon as I know anything!

hehe, the thing is, aaliyah will have a headstart lol!
good luck for your scan hun.
I would hold out on the will be a nice suprise when you have given birth
:D :D
yeah lyndsey, if u know the sex tomorrow then you will look at all ur unisex clothes and stuff and wanna rush around buyin all pinks or blue's, plenty of time for that when ur baby is in babygro's for the first couple of weeks or so. :hug: Good luck!!!

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