baby measuring small-scan on monday *updated*

Not great news had a very worrying day!!

First of all baby is breech :wall: and he is measuring 30 weeks instead of nearly 37 which is a big discrepency :shock:
i went over to day assessment unit and was monitored and heartbeat was fine all the way through and there was good movements, we then had to wait 2 and half hours to see a Doctor and she has said that there is also low fluid around the baby to add to all the worry. :wall:
i have to go back on wednesday for further monitoring and also to have a doppler scan to check that the placenta and umbilical cord are giving the baby adequate nutrition. if so we have to decide whether we want to have an ECV and try to turn the baby or whether we want a planned Caesearean section booked. i don't know what to do as i wouldn't really choose a C-section but i might end up having one anyway :(

If doppler shows that the placenta is giving adequate nutrition then the baby might just be small for dates and hopefully thats all that is wrong and there is nothing more serious to worry about they will just keep a close eye on me.

baby is bearly 4lbs and is below the 5th centile, so quite small.

such a worrying day not helped by the fact we had to wait so long. thanks for all your good luck messages, i can't believe its all going wrong now as i have been so well all the way along. :cry: i will keep you posted.
awww Rusks :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm sure all will be ok,as you said babies in your family are small aren't they :hug:

Good luck for Wednesday and let us know how you get on, little boy Rusks is going to be just fine and if you do end up having a section,at least you know you are being looked after :hug:
Sorry hun that you are going through this. I have no advice to give as I'm new to all this myself. Good luck for wednesday, I will be thinking of you :hug:
Rusks - what an awful day you have had....

but at least the heartbeat is good... :)

one of the girls that works for me has just had exactly the same situation.... her placenta was really small and not giving the baby all the nutrients she needed and she was breech.

She decided to go for a c.section and had her little girl last monday. Baby was 4lb 2 oz but only spent 8 hours in SCBU .. while they checked that everything was okay and the baby is absolutely fine....

she is gorgeous and looks like a little doll - both mum and baby are doing really well and come home on the Thursday.
I know it is easier said than done but try not to worry..........

thinking of you all........... take care and get plenty of rest, Fiona
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
My last pregnancy had these complications too small baby ,low fluid and breech.
I had a section which wasnt too bad (less stress for baby and me)
Thought I was going to have 2lb bag of sugar!!!!!
She turned out small at 5lb 10 oz but not as wee as they made think
But she turned out fine .
I'm sure everything will turn out the same for you
All the best thinking of you :hug: :hug: :hug:

sorry about your stressful day Rusks
:hug: :hug: :hug: i dont really have any advice, but i hope everything will be okay, and update us if u have any more news xx
Awe hun!
Hope all goes well tomorrow. You and baby will be just fine. I'll give you a bell or text in a bit. But here's a virtual hug for now :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Speak soon xxxxxxx
Hi Rusks

Your situation sounds just like mine, baby measuring small, low level fluids and breech. My consultant didn't even offer trying to turn the baby as she said the fluid levels were so low that it would be really diffiuclt to turn the little one. I've been booked in for a c-section on the 23 Feb after having tests to check the placenta was giving the baby all the right nourishment.

Easier said than done, but try not to worry and just take it easy, you need all the rest you can get.

Hope all goes well on Wednesday

:hug: thank you all i feel very reassured by these replies. especially your experience bexie thanks for that :clap: , i think we have practically made up our mind that we will have an elective c section :think: as long as all is ok with the placenta tomorrow, i would love to keep him in there a little longer as long as he is growing to make him a bit stronger.

its nice to hear fiona that your friend and her baby are doing well. :cheer:

i never thought in a million years i would have a c section haven't prepared myself for it at all! will have to do some reading today i think, its nice to hear its not the end of the world, i just want to make sure my little man is ok thats all that matters to me now, can't believe how much he means to me already and to OH he is such a softy and i have never seen him so worried. :(

thanks for your support, i have great friends on this forum :clap: :hug:
:hug: will have everything crossed for you on wednesday rusks hun xxxxxxxxx
Lots of love & luck for tomorrow Rusks (& Baby Rusks & Daddy Rusks) hope all goes well :hug: :hug:
Aww rusks :hug: :hug: :hug: So sorry to read all this, what a nightmare, i'll have everything crossed for you tomorrow, chin up (easier said than done i know) xx

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