help me please .. bad news for me (updated pg1)


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
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hi all. i have just got back from the midwife and its not good news today. my midwife is away so i had to see a different one and she is pretty sure baby is breech and his heart rate is 160 which is too high. the midwife is coming to my house around 1pm to recheck his heartrate then i have to go hospital at 3 to be monitored for a while and i will need to have another scan to check his position. i am terrified and i cried the whole time i was in there after she told me. i have come so far and its been great and now it feels like its all going wrong and i'm so scared :cry: :cry:
160 isnt too high for a heartrate, its top end of normal. I honestly wouldnt worry about the heartrate last time i went hers was higher then 180 so i sat outside for 15 mins and it returned to normal. Had she checked position of LO before using the dopler? We think thats why her HB was so high before, cos she'd been poked a lot before.

If its a different midwife they could be wrong abour Lo being breech.

Plz try not to worry about it all, if they were really concerned about LO they'd have sent you to hospital there and then. I hope everything goes well this afternoon :hug: :hug: :hug:
Samanthajayne dont get upset everything could be fine. My friend was told up to 38 weeks that baby was definately breech then she went for a scan and he was the right way up and just had a really boney bum so your LO could be positioned correctly.
Has your other midwife not checked his position before?
In terms of a heart rate of 160 that doesnt seem that high to me, my munchkin is always between 150-160 especially when active so not sure why they seem that concerned.
I know its difficult but try not to worry until everything is confirmed, even if bubba is breech as long as they are happy and healthy thats all that matters .
Aw hun, sorry to hear you're scared and upset.

My baby is breech and unfortunately for me it means a caesarian delivery, but there are other options available so you never know, they may be able to turn your LO.

As for heart rate, when i saw my consultant on friday he said that my LO's heart rate was up, but he assured me that that is VERY common when you have had your tummy felt, as babies don't like being prodded and poked. Did your midwife press your tummy to feel position before checking the heartrate? Also, the books i have and some sites i have checked online say a normal heart rate is between 110 - 180 bpm, so 160 doesn't sound that high. I know my bubs is always around 155 bpm.

Hopefully the midwife will be able to put your mind at rest this afternoon, try not to work yourself up hun. :hug:
thankyou all so much for your quick replies :hug:

there were 2 midwives today. the first i think was a trainee and she had a good poke and seemed happy with his position then the senior midwife had a good feel and decided it didn't feel right as he felt broader at the bottom of my tummy and after a lot more poking they checked his heartrate and it was 160 so yes i can see why it would have been that high as they were poking a lot but as you have all said that 160 isn't all that high and that has made me feel loads better because the way she was talking it was as though 160 was really really bad. they left it for only a few mins and rechecked and although it sounded slower they still said it was 160. i only saw my midwife 2 weeks ago and throughout she has always told me baby was head down and his heartrate so far has always been around 130-142 but he hasn't always been poked so much before the reading has been taken and the senior midwife was really poking him quite hard.

thankyou all again for your quick replies and i will update later. hopefully he is still happy and healthy in there :pray:
I hope all is ok :hug:

I think my heart rate would go up if I was being poked around that much too. When I was in hospital and they were monitoring the baby the HB went up to about 170/ 80 a few times.

Fingers crossed all will be well later, keep us updated.

Alex xxx
Bless you hun,
I think all will be fine and I hope they come sooner rather then later to put you at ease.
aww dont worry :hug: Just to mention, my last midwife appointment she said my baby's heartbeat was fast but didnt seem bothered as she said that she was moving around. I couldnt actually feel baby moving around at the time, not like proper kicks anyway, but she said she was fluttering and everytime they move apparently the heart beats faster.
At least your midwife is being cautious (sp?) mine just prodded around, said it was a bit fast and then that was it! :|

good luck! :hug: :hug:
I wouldn't worry Hun. At my last MW appointment the heartbeat was fast but the MW said 'whoops thats down to me poking LO'. My GP told me when he felt the baby at another appointment that it is hard to tell the difference between a head and bum

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Try not to worry too much, I always thought 160 was on the top end of normal. 3 weeks ago I had a prem labour scare and when I went on the monitor in hospital my baby was up to 170. They did think it was a bit stressed and it was moving like crazy so they kept the monitor on for 2 hrs and then it settled and I was sent home.

Not sure what caused it coz at my last appointment the rate was 140 and LO has been much more settled recently but I was overdoing it and having lots of BHs - also have a lot of stress at home at the mo. but have been trying to reduce stress levels.

I'm sure it's all fine - hope you haven't got a breech but I know a few who have had breech babies and they were born by c/section but absolutely fine.

All the best,
Hope you're feeling a bit happier after the other girls' advice. I don't have anything to add but just wanted to say I hope your LO moves around if baby is the wrong way up. Do you have a birthing ball? I've heard people say that is quite good for getting LO to move about :hug:
I think that MW needs to go back to universtity as 160 is not a high rate hb for LO. Most MWs don't even stress is LO hb is 170 because they're hb fluctuate all the time, they tend to go down when baby is resting and it's quite normal for baby HB to go over 170 when moving about just as your HB would race when you were moving about, running ect. Please don't stress yourself out, babys hb is quite normal and a breech birth is not the end of the world just means it might end in a section but thats not the end of the world either as long as you and baby are healthy and you may well go on to have a normal VBAC even if it does result in a section. have some hugs hun...

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thankyou everyone for your support :hug: :hug:

the midwife turned up after i had already left to go to the hospital so i went to the hospital rather worked up and scared as i had no idea what to expect. the nurse there had a good feel of bump and said he feels as though he is head down and very well engaged and she would be surprised if she was wrong and he was breech but its still a possibility as she has been wrong before so i still have a scan booked for friday just to check his position. i was put on the monitor for around 20 mins had a cold drink to wake him up and he seemed absolutely fine. heartrate was fluctuating a lot between around 132 and 164. and i was amazed to see how many BH's i was having and i thought i wasn't having any at all as i have never really felt anything but loads were showing up :D i had to press a button everytime i felt him move and the heartrate was always faster when he moved and she said he seems like a very happy healthy baby and no need to worry at all. so its just a scan now to be sure of his position and like many of you have said breech babies are born ok just means a c-section rather than normal birth which i am ok about as long as he is happy and healthy i don't mind which way he comes out :D

so panic over and yes that midwife needs to go back and learn some more as 160 does seem to be ok and after all the poking they did plus possible BH's at the same time i'm not surprised he was a little worked up. they should have realised that instead of scaring me. i know its always best to be safe than sorry though. i really hope he is head down although it doesn't really matter as he doesn't seem to be stressed. he seems very happy whichever way round he is and thats good enough for me. another good thing is i get to take my mum to the scan as she couldn't make my last scans so it will be nice for her to see her grandson before he arrives. hope they let me have another picture too.

thankyou all again for your replies and support it is so much appreciated

hugs for everyone

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

and i'll let you all know friday which way round he is. i don't have a birthing ball but i'll spend a bit of time on my hands and knees just incase.
Awww hun, the good thing is your having a scan so you will know for sure. When I had my little girl, I arrived at hospital fully dilated with an undiagnosed breech, as my midwife had missed it. I had even told
the midwife I thought my baby was breech. I ended up
having an emergency section under general aneasthetic, so missed
my little girls birth. If you know the baby is breech, then they may
offer to try and turn him/her. Good luck with the scan hun xx
:hug: :hug: Sorry you had to go through that scare - but pleased to read that's all it was and that your LO is OK. There's still time for him to turn.

My LO is currently breech but they're not going to scan until 38 weeks and make a decision then about c-section. I was told to let them know as soon as I feel like I'm in labour that she's suspected breech at the maternity unit if I go into labour earlier than 38 weeks so that they can check straight away rather than waiting and make the appropriate decision re c-section.
YAY I'm pleased it went well and that things are looking more positive for you. sorry you had to go through the scare though it must of been horrible.

Here's to a happy and healthy birth!!

LMP x :hug:

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