Got my BFP :) but still feeling some cramps/stretching

I never had nausea with my little guy so it's new to me, I am booked to see a midwife on the 18th Jan :), when is yours? I'm also very excited to see the baby, although I might cheat and ask one of my friends to nosey early as I work in an X-ray department x
MrsB I don't go until the 3rd of February. My doctor doesn't do visits until the 8th week of pregnancy. So all I can do is pray and wait that everything is going smoothly with the little one. Hope your visit goes well with your midwife. I went to a midwife for my first two pregnancies and loved it. I have to go to a doctor this time because my insurance doesn't cover midwives. That is okay though, I am just happy to be going to the doctor. :) How are you feeling today?
I'm feeling ok very relieved AF didn't show lol, even though I had 5BFPs hehe. My nausea is getting stronger each day though, how about you?
I just noticed your in America , we do it different over here, although saying that it has changed since I had my son.
But the midwife sees you from 6 weeks (I'm going a few days early) and they inform your Dr, then we have a dating scan at 12 weeks which isn't booked yet, and an anomaly at 20 weeks. But we don't use insurance as we have the NHS, so will you see the baby on the 3rd Feb? X
I am also relieved MrsB that my AF didn't show up. I still haven't had any morning sickness, but with my previous pregnancies that didn't show up until 6 weeks along. My mom says that my grandmother didn't have any nausea with her third pregnancy, so maybe I won't suffer from that symptom. I am having breast tenderness and fatigue still and headaches like crazy.
Yes I am in America and things are definitely done differently here. When I go in on the 3rd I will get to see the baby and hear the heartbeat. I honestly can't wait, I will feel much better about how things are going when I will see the little one. All I can do is pray that everything goes smoothly. :)
Aww I won't see baby until beginning of March, unless I get a work friend to scan me lol. Yours will be more real quicker than for me, I'm feeling lots of stretching and pulling etc though. I felt nothing when I was pregnant with DS x
Gypsy- I am also in the US, in Oregon :)

SUPER crampy last night and today, I mean probably baby growing but also freaks me out. No winning in the first I tell you!
Very nice Kholl, it will be nice to talk to someone that is pretty much awake when I am awake. lol. Is this your first pregnancy and when are you due?

So MrsB you can have a healthy pregnancy with hardly any symptoms? That is refreshing to know. I have been a little nervous not having any nausea yet.
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Haha Gypsy I've been thinking the same thing! This is baby 3, I have a 4-year-old daughter and a 15-month-old son. Due August 30.
I'm 5 weeks pregnant (based on the first day of my last period). This is my first time testing positive and I am 30 yo. I had normal menstrual cramping just before my period was due and this continued for a week so I just assumed it was taking its time. Still experiencing some cramping, exactly like menstrual cramps and some twinges on each side. Also have a sore throat. I don't know what's normal and what's not and I'm going crazy not being able to talk about it....
Very nice Kholl, it will be nice to talk to someone that is pretty much awake when I am awake. lol. Is this your first pregnancy and when are you due?

So MrsB you can have a healthy pregnancy with hardly any symptoms? That is refreshing to know. I have been a little nervous not having any nausea yet.

Yes I have a very healthy little boy to show for it :) x
I'm 5 weeks pregnant (based on the first day of my last period). This is my first time testing positive and I am 30 yo. I had normal menstrual cramping just before my period was due and this continued for a week so I just assumed it was taking its time. Still experiencing some cramping, exactly like menstrual cramps and some twinges on each side. Also have a sore throat. I don't know what's normal and what's not and I'm going crazy not being able to talk about it....

Hi realta, you can talk to all of us about it, it makes you feel less lonely x
Definitely can realta...we all need someone to talk to. You can only talk so much to our DH's and it helps to talk to women that are in the same boat as you.
One thing I have learned is every pregnancy is different. You truly can't compare them.
Cramps- and just got a smear of pink when I wiped. Happened twice, then no more- yet. The midwife is not concerned, but I'm sick with panic.
I can't remember, is this your first pregnancy?
No, my 3rd - this never happened with the first 2 :(
Kholl I found your previous #3 for you. Me too! I wouldn't worry too much. I had the same thing happen with my first baby. If the doctor doesn't seem worried then that is good. I would try to stay as positive as possible. The stress isn't good...but I do totally understand the worrying. I am trying not to worry about not really having any symptoms. So different from my other pregnancies.
Just watch it and if it gets worse go to the ER.
Thanks. So cool this is your third baby too! How old are your first 2?

The tough thing is I'm waiting for my insurance to go through. We will be covered through my husband's work on Feb 1. We *might* qualify for state insurance but I'm waiting for my application to be processed. So at the moment I'm only "covered" by the shittiest insurance imaginable, with a $7500 deductible. So the ER really isn't an option and I just have to wait til the state insurance goes through... Or Feb 1.

Hate the wait. Hate the first tri!
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