got into college


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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I know this isn't ttc related but i've decided not to hang around just waiting for 'it' to happen and i want to qualify as a midwife , its been ages since i did any sort of study and i applied for an access to higher education course at my local college in the hope that if i pass i can study at uni!

Well i went today and had to take two test one in English and one in Mathematics . The Mathematis totally fried my brain all % and equations , working out fractions etc and i thought there was no possible way i could have passed but i did and i've been offered a place . One step closer to my dream, and if midwifry job op's dont improve then i'm going to apply for peadiatric nursing :)
Well done!! :clap:

It's a great step in the right direction. I did an access course prior to going to uni and it really helped me to prepare for the academic side of things. Was also able to network and still keep in touch via facebook, etc with some of my former class mates!!
Well done Hun, good for you, my friend is a midwife and loves it!

That's great news Kirsty :good:

Is this a life's dream or something you starting thinking about since ttc?

I considered being a midwife recently and also a sonography technician or whatever they are called - the whole three year thing put me off :)

My sister is doing some kind of childrens nurse degree thing and she gets paid a fortune in buseries, so make sure you check what you're entitled to xx
lifelong ambition, always worked in care and wanted to carve a proper carreer , having my first baby just confirmed how much i want to empower women in child birth x
That's fantastic news - congratulations!

I think it makes life much easier when you stop putting ttc first - everyone i speak to says it all somehow works out when it happens whatever you are doing at the time.

I know i feel a ton better since making the decision my job sucks and looking for a new one, even if it means i get a bit shafted on maternity pay if things do work out now ttc.


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