gossips at work :-(

maybe you could update it tomorrow and put something like - all done, 3 days ticked off of decorating and our new living room looks fab!

or something to that extent ;) x
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Where do you work? I'm on my way down there to kick their heads in, nasty bitches :hugs: xxx
I feel so sad every time I read about what your colleagues have done - they're horrendous. I'm all for the quiet life, too - I've done the raise a grievance thing and had it covered up internally so I know what you mean about how they're all friends. Ugh. Are you looking around for something else? Or staying until the dance school is up and running?
Tell me you're leaving there one day!!
Waiting for dance school to be up and running! Atleast I have something to focus on
Terrible. Chin up hun, rise above it, tell them whatever porkies you need to...its NONE of their business anyway. Women are bi*%$es, try and ignore them thats what i do xx
Just read this and can't believe it!!!
I reckon we'd be all down to you in a flash..... 20 odd hormonal, pissed off pregnant women to kick there arses!!
Now that would be fun to watch!! :p

Chin up and you're the bigger person for rising above it and ignoring them. Want tiny, sad, pathetic lives they must have!! They're just jealous you've actually got a life!! xx
f*** them chick! let them say what they want they obv havnt got anything els to gossip about. just walk in on mon with your head held high and think only of your baby. i cant stand people like that, i feel like saying something to them for you! give me a number! WANKERS thats all i can say.
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^---- Amy.

Just been reading the fundraising and facebook page you have linked on your signature. Is Darcie and Evie you're children?
I've just sat and cried at my computer screen. It was so touching to read and I can't believe how any mother and father can go through all that. You must be so brave and strong.

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OMG that is awful. You poor thing. What a bunch of ****.

I would have a word with somone, if they have a opionion they should keep in there horrible mouths.

Dont let them get you down. xxxx BIG HUGS xxxx
Want me to fb you saying something like your holiday confirmation is in the post? (me being a Travel Agent)
Lol tracey! Luckily I am actually going away this weekend lol so atleast I can put the photos up! :-)

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