Going to hospital :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2011
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Been to see midwife this morning and she said there was a lot of protein in my urine. Then checked my bp twice and its really raised, so she's suspecting pre eclampsia because I've been getting a lot of headaches too.

Going upto hospital in the next hour for monitoring. Just hope my bp comes down while I'm there cos I don't fancy spending the night there :(

Checked my bump measurement and I've only grown 1cm in 4 weeks. Not sure what this means? But I've always measured a bit ahead, so this is a first!

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Hope everything is okay at least you'll be in the best place :love: x
Hope everything goes ok,at least your being looked after :hugs:
Awwww :hugs: - I'm glad they're taking good care of you hon. Fx everything is ok xxxxx
Fingers crossed that you get really good care in there and get some answers. Sounds like you are going to need to rest regardless! Keep us posted xxxxx
Hope everything is ok xx
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Hope everything turns out to be ok, Let us know how you get on :)
Least you are getting double checked. xx
Hope all goes ok hunni will be looking for updates, thinking of you xx
fingers crossed you will be home later xx
Poor you! I hope it all goes ok at the hospital and you can get home soon! Sending you lots of good luck honey xx
Hope things are going ok. Got everything crossed for you. xxx
Just in hospital waiting room. Did another urine sample and its still got a lot of protein present and also white cells (not sure what that means). Blood has been taken, just gotta wait for results now. Currently waiting for a room to be free so I can be monitored. Also getting scanned to double check baby is ok. BP has come down a bit which is good though.

Midwife looked at my hands and said they're quite swollen and can feel edema (?) On my ankles, not sure what that means either!

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white blood cells could be a kidney or bladder infection and the edema is when the skin is touched and the dip stays for a long time instead of the skin automatically bouncing back caused by too much fluid. Hope that helps (currently with my auntie whos a nurse lol). xxxx

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