Going round in circles?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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I feel like I'm going around in circles with my OH. He's shit with money and this time he's really fucked up. It's DD's birthday party on Wednesday and he was supposed too be putting money away for it. Turns out he hasn't bothered and now we're fucked. I spent the last three days stressed out trying to fix his fuck up, crying my eyes out at night and not sleeping. He didn't bother trying to borrow anything from anyone, leaving it up to me-again-to ask MY family (they would of helped but they have their own bills and problems at the min) and spend ages trying to work out the best short term loan place. So he comes home tonight and I tell him he has to go and use the computer at his parents to sort out the loan from wonga. He huffs out the fucking house like a child and doesn't come back until 3 hours later. He shows me some cash and says 'mums lent me £50' like he deserves a medal or something. I say 'we're still £25 short' and he starts whinging like a 3 year old saying 'what do you want me to do I've been trying to sort this out for the last 3 hours.' 3 hours?! 3 fucking hours?! I've been trying to sort this out for 3 days!!!!! I can't cope with this. I'm beginning to wonder if I'd be better off on my own! I just don't know what to do. I'm terrified but this insecurity and inability to act like an adult is driving me away.
Ahh Helen, you really are having a tough time, is OH having a one off or is he always like this or done this regulary?
He's done it once before. I wasn't impressed last time but this time it's something really important to Summer and I just feel like he's sooo unreliable. It makes me scared for baby.
awww honey this is rubbish :( i hope he realises how much it means to you and Summer and is sorry for being a prize fool

I would be absolutely livid too

I would make him feel bad for ages basically
Made him sleep on the couch last night.
So sorry your having to go through this being pregnant aswell. Men arent the best at understanding anything, My OH is going off on one today because he kept putting his arm over me last night and i kept telling him to get off as i ached everywhere.
If hes not good with money then why dont you sort the finances? I work out the money here and hes always like "youve got more then that" But he doesnt realise most of its bill money lol. I hope you sort it out, i got my daughters birthday in just over a month and we have decided to only get a few presents and 1 main present as money is tight having the baby the month after!.

Good luck hun x
I am taking over the finances x x
I feel like I'm going around in circles with my OH. He's shit with money and this time he's really fucked up. It's DD's birthday party on Wednesday and he was supposed too be putting money away for it. Turns out he hasn't bothered and now we're fucked. I spent the last three days stressed out trying to fix his fuck up, crying my eyes out at night and not sleeping. He didn't bother trying to borrow anything from anyone, leaving it up to me-again-to ask MY family (they would of helped but they have their own bills and problems at the min) and spend ages trying to work out the best short term loan place. So he comes home tonight and I tell him he has to go and use the computer at his parents to sort out the loan from wonga. He huffs out the fucking house like a child and doesn't come back until 3 hours later. He shows me some cash and says 'mums lent me £50' like he deserves a medal or something. I say 'we're still £25 short' and he starts whinging like a 3 year old saying 'what do you want me to do I've been trying to sort this out for the last 3 hours.' 3 hours?! 3 fucking hours?! I've been trying to sort this out for 3 days!!!!! I can't cope with this. I'm beginning to wonder if I'd be better off on my own! I just don't know what to do. I'm terrified but this insecurity and inability to act like an adult is driving me away.

OMG, How selfish of him for saying that! I'm glad you made him sleep on the couch he deserved it! 3 hours for £50 quid off of your own Mum, I don't think it takes that long. He sounds like he's acting 3 too! You saif you needed £75 not £50 although it's nice of her to lend you it, he sounds like a prize pillock right now! :hug:
He is x definatly! Just waiting for him to get home to see if he's actually bothered to attempt getting the rest of the money! Grrrrr.
aww hun, good that you are putting your foot down but dont do anything drastic and i think letting him sleep on the sofa a few nights is fair enough and then he can appoligise ( and throw in some backrubbing and foot massage and cook you dinner) ;)

Hope summer get the party she deserve in the end XX
He did manage to get the rest but he's still on the couch! One more night should do it! Absolutely ripping still x thanks for the comfort and letting me rant guys x x

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