its a rant, so beware!


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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i feel as if all i am now is a mother/cleaner/laundary woman/chef/washing picker uper! and not just a mother to alfie but to ian. we used to sit and talk for hours and hours about absoloute nothing, nothing important etc, but now he talks i listen hes never interested in me never even asks, cuts me off half way through a sentence throws bigger paddies than alfie, doesnt let me tell him how i feel and god forbid if i try to he just shuts off turns off isnt interested "doesnt want to argue"! yes i can see his point in not wanting an argument but im not TRYING to argue i just want to talk.
He used to tell me i was beautifull etc, but nothing now, i know he still fancies me as he is always trying to, well you know, but half the time i just cant be bothered! why should i? when i get nothing back (well :oops:) well what i mean is that i dont get the affection, he can never just come up and give me a cuddle or a kiss and tell me he loves me like he used to. he told me the other week id lost my sense of humour, is he surprised when im forever walking on egg shells, not only looking after alfie but him too? i cant talk to him or hell get in a strop, i try to sort everything out for him with little thanks and i feel all the time as if im fighting a losing battle
dont get me wrong when things are good they are great we just click and laugh and i miss those times.
the sad thing is if he readf this he'd just say he was leaving uif i wasnt happy why carry on,
even sadder thing is that whilst hes here with me ill keep believing my old ians in there and one day will come out, so i cant give up hope and faith that he'll be tyhe old ian, which is why i stay, i love him!
sorry girls just needed a vent, its just been, one of those days!
Awww hun, I know how you feel!!

My hubby has been away for 10 days and got home last night at about 4am. He came into bed, we did, well ya know, and then he rolled over and slept!! Never asked how I was or anything, no cuddles! And then today he's just emptied a car load of washing for me to do!!

Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!! Men!!
Hey Hun

Why not try writing a letter telling him how much you love him etc and also whats been bothering you.

Make sure you leave it for him to read when your not around, so he can read it and then have a think about the things you said before he reacts?

It always works with me and OH as he's alot like that and always thinking im 'arguing' when infact I only start arguing when he says im arguing :lol:

xxx :hug:

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