Getting To Know You

Name: Kat
Age: 31
Relationship status: Happily Married

How long until TTC: 6 months
Reasons for WTT: To be in best position
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Cut down on coffee intake :x
How many children would you like: 2 maybe 3 we'll see

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Love a boy but will be happy either way
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Def find out, could not wait till baby is out. I admire all team yellows, I'm too weak
Any names you like? Yes but I keep them to myself :x
Name: Hollie
Age: 26
Relationship status: engaged

How long until TTC: 13 months

Reasons for WTT: wedding booked for feb 2015 and it will give us a nice age gap between our children (DD born 22/07/2013)

Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: loose weight, enjoy my DD and enjoy the run up to my wedding

How many children would you like: 2 (but who knows what the future holds)

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? No

Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team yellow (we found out with DD so want to experience a surprise)

Any names you like? Phoebe, Harriet, Eddie and William
Name: Emma
Age: 29
Relationship status: In a relationship

How long until TTC: 2-3 months
Reasons for WTT: My sister is getting married in a month and i have my maid of honour dress to fit into, been waiting 6 months till TTC only 3 to go :)
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Lose a bit of weight/ be more healthy
How many children would you like: 3- 4 (Have a DD already)

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? No
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Find out this time
Any names you like? A few for a girl, none so far for a boy
Name: Chrissie
Age: 38
Relationship status: married 19 years

How long until TTC: Anytime soon I hope

Reasons for WTT: Last chance b4 I get too old and I would really love one more

Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, Not really

How many children would you like: this will be number 5 hopefully and my last one

Do you have a gender preference? I have 4 boys already and would really love a girl but another boy would be lovely too

Finding out the gender or team yellow? I have to know!

Any names you like? Not yet :)
Name: Katie
Age: 21
Relationship status: in a relationship - 2 years.

How long until TTC: no set time, we have a list of things we want to do first though, so maybe early 2016.

Reasons for WTT: currently have a 1yo and a 2yo...

Anything you want to accomplish while WTT: learn to drive, get a car, finish college course, potty train my eldest, lose weight.

How many children would you like: 4.

Do you have a gender preference: I already have 1 of each, another girl would be wonderful but so would a boy...

Find out the gender or team yellow: I think I might go for team yellow next time.

Any names you like: girl - Georgiana. Boy: Edward, Stephen, Robert, Richard... I'm indecisive with boys names lol xx
Name - Claire
Age 33
Relationship Status - Married

How long until TTC - 9 months
Reason for WTT - bigger age gap between middle baby and baby baby
Anything to accomplish - lose a little weight
How many children - 2 already and this will be my 3rd and final
Gender preference - already have 1 of each so not bothered in the slightest.
Team yellow all the way!
Name I like - Dexter & Amelie (at the minute, will change by tomorrow)
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Name: Zoe

Age: 29

Relationship status: married almost 2 years

How long until TTC: when my body decides to start working properly and my periods re start. Hopefully SOON!

Reasons for WTT: LO is only 7m and tbh she's very challenging. The thought if being pregnant working full time and all the night waking she still does fills me with fear! Also I'm not fertile yet.

Anything you want to accomplish while WTT: loose some weight and increase my fitness. Stop being do lazy and learn to keep the flat tidy!

How many children would you like: I would like 3 but I honestly don't think we could afford it. A 3 bed house is well over 200k
Ok it didn't post the rest. Helpful.
Gender preference - honestly don't mind
Team yellow FTW!
No idea on name s x
Name: Kelly
Age: 29
Relationship status: Married

How long until TTC: 2 months

Reasons for WTT: too near Xmas and other birthdays in family

Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: a little weight loss. Staying healthy

How many children would you like: 2/3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? No
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Not entirely sure. Will have to wait and see
Any names you like? Lacey for a girl, Riley for a boy
Name: Day dreamer,
Relationship status: Engaged,

How long Until TTC: Hopefully 5 months,
Reasons for WTT: Just bought a house 2 months ago and trying to lose weight,
Want to Accomplish while WTT: Lose weight and be as healthy as possible,
How many Children would you like: 2

When pg....
Gender preference: No, would like one boy and one girl but just want them healthy.
Finding out gender or team yellow: definitely want to know, wouldn't be able to wait.
Any names you like: Yes, we have names for both genders :lol:
Name: Liz
Age: 27
Relationship status: Engaged

How long until TTC: 2 months
Reasons for WTT: getting married first also want to try to at least not have a baby in december/january. We both December birthdays and especially my bf being born just after xmas makes him very keen on it. For me I'm just happy to have a kid. Have to stay positive, but not going to be an easy journey.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: stop smoking, have coil removed and most importantly plan a wedding.
How many children would you like: 2 or 3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? - No, but if we have 2 girls we will try for a 3rd one and the other way around as well. If it is a boy and girl, 2 is all.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? - team yellow, although I know it is going to kill me not knowing!
Any names you like? - seems we have more voto's than names we both like and boys names seem easier to agree on...
Name: Ashley
Age: 29
Relationship status: IAR

How long until TTC: 10 months
Reasons for WTT: I'm diabetic so I have to make sure my health is where it needs to be. Also I want us to at least be engaged before my TTC
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Getting engaged and/or married. Also getting some things paid off.
How many children would you like: 2 would be idea for biological children. SO and I may adopt later on. It just depends.

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I am hoping for a boy this time around.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? We will be finding out for sure!
Any names you like? I have a list of names I would like to name our kiddo. However since this is his first, he gets the choice. I will just tell him he has to pick from the names off the list. I really want to have a boy and name him Marc
Name: Danii

Age: 25

Relationship status: Engaged

How long until TTC: We we're thinking about next year, but with a very indecisive OH it could be indefinitely:mad:

Reasons for WTT: OH wants to be in control of his depression before we have another, and of course the sheer financial chaos it would cause without savings :)

Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Finish college!, i dont have any desire to be pregnant and studying again!, OH to get his illness in check and savings!

How many children would you like: One more would be our limit

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I want to be team pink this time, it would even it out nicely :D :pink:

Finding out the gender or team yellow? Find out for definite!

Any names you like?..Im really no good with girls names!
Name: Merida
Age: 33
Relationship status: Married

How long until TTC: 4 months
Reasons for WTT: Enjoy a last few months of holidays and enjoying a drink!
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Enjoy the practising :whistle:
How many children would you like: Really not sure.

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Nope
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Yellow!
Any names you like? Lots of girls names but really struggling for boys.
Age: 28
Relationship status: Married (6 and a half yrs)

How long until TTC: 2 months
Reasons for WTT: Husbands need to control everything in his life ;)
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Get myself healthy as possible to try & make pregnancy as easy as possible this time round
How many children would you like: I would like 3, OH would like 2

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? We are hoping for a girl this time, but would be just as happy with another boy
Finding out the gender or team yellow? finding out most def
Any names you like? Esme
Name: jem
Age: 25
Relationship status: engaged

How long until TTC: Nov/Dec 2015
Reasons for WTT: our wedding is 1st October 2015 and our honeymoon is late Oct/Nov
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: plan our wedding and work out what could happen when I come off the pill. And when would be best to come off the pill!
How many children would you like: 2 but i'm not ruling anything out

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? no
Finding out the gender or team yellow? we've discussed it already and think we'll be team yellow
Any names you like? a few girl's names but not many boy's names we agree on so nothing definite
Name: Donna
Age: 26
Relationship status: Engaged

How long until TTC: 7 months
Reasons for WTT: We're getting married in Summer so want to wait until after then.... or just a little before, we don't want to be due around the wedding and my dress is not suitable for a bump.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Plan the wedding, loose a little bit of weight (not too much just about half a stone
How many children would you like: 2 or 3, I already have a little boy so would like one or two more

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? - Not really, although as we already have a little boy a girl would be nice.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? - Will find out, I found it made everything seem more real when I had my little boy and is also more practical for sorting things before little one gets here
Any names you like? - we have a few we agree on but keep changing our minds
Name: Sarah
Age: 32
Relationship status: Married for over 14 years

How long until TTC: Unsure at the moment
Reasons for WTT: Just had a baby in Oct 2014
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: I'd like to finish remodelling the house before being pregnant again!
How many children would you like: Maybe 10?! LOL I'm not sure really.

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference?
Nope. I have 5 boys and 3 girls. I guess if I got pregnant with twins I'd really like girls to even it up, but other than that no preferences!
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Probably finding out the gender. I'm rubbish at waiting.
Any names you like? None at the moment....
Name : Mel
Age: 27
Relationship status: been in a relationship nearly 4 years got engaged at Xmas but not rushing to plan a wedding yet

How long until TTC: hopefully just 1 more month (not that I'm chomping at the bit or anything I just want it to happen now lol)
Reasons for WTT: DD is 9 months and I've still got the mirena fitted
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: get some decorating done!
How many children would you like: I would love 3 but think OH wants me to stop at 2

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I'd love another girl, OH doesn't mind but health is always the main thing.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? finding out this time
Any names you like? Yes but sssshhhhh xx
Name: BabyMaker
Age: 31
Relationship status: Married

How long until TTC: Hopefully end of summer/beginning of autmn
Reasons for WTT: Need to sort our house out first + we would like a spring/summer baby
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Decorate house, loose a bit of weight, and just enjoy my son before another is on the way
How many children would you like: 2 or 3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Would be nice to have one of each but a healthy bubba is my main priority
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Probably find out
Any names you like? Oscar and Freya
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