Can I join you?


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2011
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Hi ladies! I wondered if I could join you a little earlier than planned! Have been in WTT for a while and I made the odd post but been pretty quiet! We were due to start TTC in September but think we are gonna try a bit earlier than planned!!

I'm feel like I have been WTT for so long as been waiting for OH to be ready. The whole time my cycles have been as regular as clockwork and now we are going to TTC they are all over the place!! I am currently waiting for AF and she is 3 weeks late. I can't help but get a bit stressed out by it already. It's not what I wanted when we are going to start trying! How am I supposed to know when to BD when I'm all over the place. Oh well.. Guess we will just have to BD A LOT!!! Can't wait for AF to show so we can crack on with our first cycle of TTC!!!

You all seem lovely (have been stalking) looking forward to getting to know you all through all the stress ahead :o)
Heya. :)

I'm still WTT but the ladies here are lovely so I stalk about. :)

Good luck!!!!!!!
I was reading some of your posts cupcake and thinking you sound just like me! Secretly hoping (or no so secretly) that your pregnant when not even properly trying yet. Ha!
Hi spammy welcome to ttc, have you considered trying opk's? I hope you get your :bfp: soon xx
I have a stash of them tucked away ha ha. Trying to hide them from oh because he will worry i will become obsessed! Truth Is I have wanted This for so long it's a bit late for that!

Cupcake- hope you don't mind me asking but wondered if your as nervous about TTC as I am? I cant cope with the disappointment already and not been properly trying so far! Trying to think positive thoughts!
Never feel bad about asking me anything at all!!

I'm really nervous about it not happening right away!! I got my period today after one slip up last month (6 days before OV so a super slim chance of a BFP anyway) and had to fight back the tears all day then had a breakdown at home!

If after properly timed BDing I have a day like today I know it'll 10 times worse.

I also know I'll panic if I see a BFP so I can't really win!! Lol.
I'm exactly the same. And because i have crazy cycles (or dodgy giblets as oh puts it. Ha!) I can't help but worry its going to be a rough ride!
I have a stash of them tucked away ha ha. Trying to hide them from oh because he will worry i will become obsessed! Truth Is I have wanted This for so long it's a bit late for that!

Cupcake- hope you don't mind me asking but wondered if your as nervous about TTC as I am? I cant cope with the disappointment already and not been properly trying so far! Trying to think positive thoughts!

I know thats how my oh feels about opk's and other interventions!!
Me and my partner have just started not being careful, i really want another baby and he's not as excited as me and gets very stressed by it all but says he does want another baby aswell.

I have just ordered a little kit of ovulation and pregnancy tests online but wouldnt dare tell him! lol ( we didnt try so much for our daughter she was a little surprise so new to both of us)
I told him i was going to see the GP about us trying to conceive last night as i have wacky periods ranging from 21 days to 35ish! his face was a picture :roll:

Anyway....welcome to TTC! xxx
Welcome to TTC Spammy ,
Hope your stay is enjoyable but short!!
Hi Spammy, welcome hun, the ladies here are lovely and it's so nice to have somewhere to turn with questions or because you're feeling down/stressed. My OH's eye glaze over if I start talking about ovulation so it;s great to have a place to come for advice. Good luck and fx August is all our luck month!! xx :dust: :dust: :dust:
Thank you taffy! OH is actually surprising me. Today he found my OPKs and asked what they were. Must get better at hiding! He looked puzzled and bewildered but reacted bette than I thought. He just said he's worried he's going to be exhausted. Ha ha. Looking forward to august to see what happens!!
I'm exactly the same. And because i have crazy cycles (or dodgy giblets as oh puts it. Ha!) I can't help but worry its going to be a rough ride!

Made me lol x

Welcome and babydust to all ladies x

Hope we get our BFP's VERY soon :)
this place is great, we havent told anybody we are ttc, so sometimes i feel like my head will explode but always feel better reading that other ladies are going through the same especially in the 2WW!!

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