* Name.... Emma
* Age..... 29
* OH name.... Gary
* Oh age..... 32
* Are you married/engaged/living together?.... Married for 4 years (in April)
* How long have you been together? Nearly 12 years
* Where do you live?..... Teesside - about 12 miles from Middlesbrough
* Profession?.... Medical secretary
* Starsign?.... Scorpio
* How long TTC?.... 21 long months
* Do you have children already?....No (but 2 angels)
* Favorite Food?... Italian
* Favorite book?.... Anything by Catherine Alliott
* Favorite song?.... Dakota - Stereophonics
* Favorite tv program?... ER, CSI: New York, Desperate Housewives, 24, Prison Break (Michael Scofield yum!)
* Favorite film?.... Depends what mood I'm in - like action (especially the Bourne & Mission Impossible trilogies), cheesy romance (Notting Hill, Love Actually) and films that make you think (Crash springs to mind)
* Favorite piece of jewelry?.... My wedding ring
* Shower or bath?... A nice hot power shower, although occasional baths when I'm in need of relaxation
* Where would you like to go on holiday? ..... Anywhere in America - so many places I wanna see for myself. So far been to Florida, LA, San Francisco, Las Vegas & Grand Canyon and currently saving up to go to New York for my 30th
* What's in your pocket right now?.... Nothing, my trackies don't have pockets
* Do you have any pets? Grey rabbits Charlie & Bella, who are turning my lounge into a tip as we speak!
* Do you collect anything? Do BFN's count?!
* Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment:... 1. I'm cold but the heating's on full blast 2. Wish DH wasn't so addicted to his XBox 3 Have I ov'ed this month yet?
* Age..... 29
* OH name.... Gary
* Oh age..... 32
* Are you married/engaged/living together?.... Married for 4 years (in April)
* How long have you been together? Nearly 12 years
* Where do you live?..... Teesside - about 12 miles from Middlesbrough
* Profession?.... Medical secretary
* Starsign?.... Scorpio
* How long TTC?.... 21 long months
* Do you have children already?....No (but 2 angels)
* Favorite Food?... Italian
* Favorite book?.... Anything by Catherine Alliott
* Favorite song?.... Dakota - Stereophonics
* Favorite tv program?... ER, CSI: New York, Desperate Housewives, 24, Prison Break (Michael Scofield yum!)
* Favorite film?.... Depends what mood I'm in - like action (especially the Bourne & Mission Impossible trilogies), cheesy romance (Notting Hill, Love Actually) and films that make you think (Crash springs to mind)
* Favorite piece of jewelry?.... My wedding ring
* Shower or bath?... A nice hot power shower, although occasional baths when I'm in need of relaxation

* Where would you like to go on holiday? ..... Anywhere in America - so many places I wanna see for myself. So far been to Florida, LA, San Francisco, Las Vegas & Grand Canyon and currently saving up to go to New York for my 30th
* What's in your pocket right now?.... Nothing, my trackies don't have pockets

* Do you have any pets? Grey rabbits Charlie & Bella, who are turning my lounge into a tip as we speak!
* Do you collect anything? Do BFN's count?!
* Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment:... 1. I'm cold but the heating's on full blast 2. Wish DH wasn't so addicted to his XBox 3 Have I ov'ed this month yet?