Getting to know the TTCer's!

Snap hun, apart from the twins lol. iv had 2 early mc's (5 weeks and 7 weeks) in the past and i swear both of them were meant to be boys. my pregnancy with my dd went fine x x
Hiya I'm new on here n don't know if I'm in the right bit lol just seeing what's happening with peoplem
Here's a little about me . I'm 21 22 this year my boyfriend is 25 this year been together 3 years on 28th july.
I was on cerazette for nearly 6 years then stopped on the 22nd may mid pack because we decided we wanted to try for baby,
this will be 1st for both of us had period 21 day after stopping pill, lasted 7days then 21 days after another period, they seem
To have come back pretty normal. Had all the bad withdrawals that you hear about but wasn't that bad
.Any advice on when I should be ovelating , any would be great x
Is that 21 days after the end of ur 7 day period? If so u have a 28 day period as counted from start of ur period, probably means u will ovulate around 14 days after start of ur period or 7 days after the end! So then u have a two week wait (2ww) until ur next period or until u can take a pregnancy test.

So u can bd for the few days before ov day and just after to try and get pregnant.

Hope this helps Hun xx
1. How old are you? 24
2. How old is your OH? 24
3. How long have you been together? Just over 2 years
4. What made now the time to TTC? Both felt it was the right time in our life
5. What job do you do? Student nurse (5 months til finishing)
6. What job does OH have? Farmer
7. Where are you from? Lincolnshire
8. When would you ideally like to conceive? As soon as possible
9. Where are you in your TTC journey? A few weeks in
10. If you had to choose, which sex would you prefer? Girl (OH wants a boy, lol)
11. A pic of you! - Get one up soon
1. How old are you? I'm 20
2. How old is your OH? 22
3. How long have you been together? 2 years
4. What made now the time to TTC? We were both so broody & felt the time was right
5. What job do you do? Care Assistant
6. What job does OH have? Driver/fitter
7. Where are you from? Somerset
8. When would you ideally like to conceive? September/October
9. Where are you in your TTC journey? Cycle 6
10. If you had to choose, which sex would you prefer? I'd be happy with either :)
11. A pic of you!


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1. How old are you? I'm 26
2. How old is your OH? 27
3. How long have you been together? 5 years
4. What made now the time to TTC? We both felt ready
5. What job do you do? EA Negotiator
6. What job does OH have? EA Manager
7. Where are you from? Somerset
8. When would you ideally like to conceive? Now please!
9. Where are you in your TTC journey? Just started 1st month
10. If you had to choose, which sex would you prefer? Either would be Perfect!
11. A pic of you! Sorry ladies no photos until we have made a baby, family and friends have no idea we're ttc

1. How old are you? 26
2. How old is your OH? 26
3. How long have you been together? 3 years
4. What made now the time to TTC? Docs said if I don't try now then we might not have a chance in the future!!
5. What job do you do? emergency insurance claims
6. What job does OH have? Plasterer
7. Where are you from? Mansfield
8. When would you ideally like to conceive? now
9. Where are you in your TTC journey? See tracker
10. If you had to choose, which sex would you prefer? boy

That's me!!
1. How old are you? 25
2. How old is your OH? 37
3. How long have you been together? 7 years
4. What made now the time to TTC? Just feels right
5. What job do you do? insurance broker
6. What job does OH have? delivery driver
7. Where are you from? London
8. When would you ideally like to conceive? now
9. Where are you in your TTC journey? very early on, we started saturday
10. If you had to choose, which sex would you prefer? have no preference really
1. How old are you? 26
2. How old is your OH? 28
3. How long have you been together? 7 years
4. What made now the time to TTC? we are both ready
5. What job do you do? admin assistant
6. What job does OH have? installs telephone lines
7. Where are you from? MO, US
8. When would you ideally like to conceive? yesterday
9. Where are you in your TTC journey? cycle 4
10. If you had to choose, which sex would you prefer? no pref

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