Getting to know the first tri-ers.

Age: Too old!

Due date: 27th June 2008

Pregnancy number: 3

Hoping for which gender: Either but think its a girl

Symptoms so far: tired! The dropsies, everything smells funny

How long were you TTC: 4 months

Who knows: My family, OH's family and here

Pregnancy fears: None, with a 8 month old & a 14 year old I'm very laid back about it all
hi all, this is a fantastic idea by the way!

Name: Jessica

age: 28

due date: 26 May 2008

pregnancy number: 3

hoping for which gender: dont mind already have one of each

symptoms so far: tired, nausea, moody,pregnancy brain, bad wind, (gotta love that one!)

How long were you TTC: 4 months (i think)

who knows: everyone (i think)

Pregnancy fears: making it past 12 weeks, having another c-section

if there is anyone out there due in the same month please let me know! would be fun to follow each other.
hope to talk to you all soon :dance:

this is a really good idea

Age: 18

Due date: 23rd June 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Boy

Symptoms so far: tired, constipation , moodiness

How long were you TTC: was nt ttcing surprise pregnancy

Who knows: my family, boyfriends family & close friends

Pregnancy fears: painful birth

Hi! I'm new to all this. :wave:

Age: 31

Due date: 3rd July 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Either

Symptoms so far: tired! Nausea, heartburn.

How long were you TTC: 13 months

Who knows: My husband and a couple close friends

Pregnancy fears: getting to 12 weeks safe and sound
Age: 26

Due date: June 14th 2008

Pregnancy number: 4 (I have a son aged 6, a daughter aged 4 and I had a failed pg 5 weeks ago)

Hoping for which gender: a bouncing baby boy :)

Symptons so far: back ache, very tired, little nausea, sore boobs, put on lots of weight :( oh and very moody!

How long were you ttc: 3 months

Who knows: just about everyone :D

Pregnancy fears: I worry about everything
Age: 25

Due date: Somewhere between 21 - 26 June 2008!

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Boy, but "feel" like i'm having a girl. Don't really mind.

Symptoms so far: tired! slight nausea, sore boobs, slight headache.

How long were you TTC: about 3 weeks

Who knows: Pretty much everyone (we tried to keep it a secret, and lasted a week!)

Pregnancy fears: making it to 12 weeks
Age: 36

Due date: 17th June 2008

Pregnancy number:4

Hoping for which gender: Girl

Symptoms so far: tired, Nausea, mood swings, fatigue

How long were you TTC: 8 months

Who knows: My husband

Pregnancy fears: making it to 12 weeks. The birth I can cope with but why to I have a problem with internal examinations!!!!! :shock: :oops:
Age: 25

Due date: 13th june 08

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: dunno but im gonna find out !! :D

Symptoms so far: tiredness, sore boobs, scary ruong tummy and sickness morning aternoon and night

How long were you TTC: i wasnt....

Who knows: close family and friends

Pregnancy fears: sickness presisting and making it to that precious 12 week scan
Age: 34

Due date: 3 July

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Don't mind as long as it's healthy

Symptoms so far: tired, grumpy, nausea, a boob job, tired

How long were you TTC: 2 cycles

Who knows: parents, boyfriend, my best friend and a work colleague

Pregnancy fears: morning sickness, nausea, not being able to work properly, losing the baby....and so much more...
Age: 42
Due date: 14th July 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Girl

Symptoms so far: headaches. tired

How long were you TTC: 6 months

Who knows: My husband

Pregnancy fears: making it to 12 weeks
Age: 20
Due date: 25th may

Pregnancy no:2

Hoping for which gender: either

Symptoms so far: none really :)

How long ttc: a month

Who knows: everybody

Pregnancy Fears: none really
Age: 33

Due date: 7 July 2008

Pregnancy number: 4

Hoping for which gender: I honestly don't mind as long as he/she is healthy.

Symptoms so far: tired! nausea, constipation , moodiness, clumsiness, discomfort in stomach/ribs.

How long were you TTC: 2 cycles before m/c, 2 afterwards.

Who knows: Partner, Mum, 1 good friend

Pregnancy fears: losing the baby, birth!!!
Age: 22

Due date: 29th May 2008

Pregnancy number:

Hoping for which gender:

Symptoms so far: tired! nausea, moodiness, pregnancy brain :doh:

How long were you TTC: :D

Who knows: everyone

Pregnancy fears: There being more than one baby and labour
Age: 19

Due date: 12 july 2008

Pregnancy number: 1st

Hoping for which gender: I would love a girl but would love a boy too!

Symptoms so far: mood swings, tiredness, really spotty!!

How long were you TTC: 4months

Who knows: nearly everyone lol

Pregnancy fears: makin it to 12 weeks!!
Age: 28

Due date: 15th July 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Anything as long as its healthy OH would secretly like a girl though so i'd love to make him happy

Symptoms so far: occasional tirednes & nausea, and aching booblies

How long were you TTC: 4 months but 1 cycle (BFP on CD117)

Who knows: Boths sets of Parents and my sister

Pregnancy fears: That i loose my baby and that its healthy!
Age: 21

Due date: 28th July 2008

Pregnancy number: 2, I have a two year old son.

Hoping for which gender: I don't mind!

Symptoms so far: Nothing really! A bit grumpy and tired but nothing so far but still very early!

How long were you TTC: 2 months.

Who knows: My husband and mum.

Pregnancy fears: Getting to 12 weeks!
Age: 25

Due date: 10th March 2008

Pregnancy number: 4

Hoping for which gender: I'd like a little boy this time

Symptoms so far: tired, been sick a few times, backache, headaces, tingling sensitive boobies

How long were you TTC: 5 months

Who knows: like everybody

Pregnancy fears: making it past 12 weeks, sciatia, bleeding which i had with daughter, hemeroids as i got them badly last time, getting to labour day.
Age: 27

Due date: 28 May 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Boy but not really fussed either way

Symptoms so far: nausea really bad, tiredness

How long were you TTC: 6 months

Who knows: Everyone now!!!

Pregnancy fears: u name it, im a nervous wreck!
Age: 20

Due date: 5th August 2007

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Don't mind as long as they have happy and healthy

Symptoms so far- Exhausted (to point of nearly falling asleep at work, tasting blood in my mouth, perminatly erect and sensitive nipples lol, feeling sicky and off my food,

How long were you TTC: 3 months

Who knows: only ony OH

Pregnancy fears: making it to 12 weeks, everything to be honest, scared of telling people and then something unthinkable happening :-(

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