Getting to know the first tri-ers.

AGE: 24 ( OH 38 )

Due Date: 14th may

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: i dont mind, boyfriend would prefer a girl though

Symptoms so far: tired, emotional, cramps, sickness

How long TTC: we werent

Who knows: my parents, brothers and a fair few friends. i wasn't going to tell anyone just yet, but yesterday and today ive not been able to keep it to myself at all

Pregnancy fears: miscarriage
:wave: :wave:

Age: 27 (OH 32)

Due date: 22 May 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Girl

Symptoms so far: tired! very slight nausea, uncomfortable abdomen, nipples slightly sore

How long were you TTC: came of the pill January TTC since end of april

Who knows: My OH and afew close friends

Pregnancy fears: Miscarriage i suppose
Age: 30

Due date: 22/5/08 (not confirmed by scan yet)

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Girl

Symptoms so far: Lower abdominal pain similar to AF but not as bad, needing to go to the toilet all the time & sensitive bb's

How long were you TTC: 3 cycles

Who knows: My husband

Pregnancy fears: Giving birth on my birthday 20th May!!
Age: 24

Due date: 26th May 2008

Pregnancy number: 2 (1 m/c 7 years ago)

Hoping for which gender: Either - oh both at teh same time :rotfl:

Symptoms so far: nausea, tired

How long were you TTC: Since December 2006

Who knows: DH and you guys!!!!!

Pregnancy fears: m/c
Name: Julia

Age: 32 (DH 34)

Due Date: April 27, 2007

Pregnancy number 2 - miscarried 6 months ago at 6 weeks.

Hoping for which gender: really doesn't matter...healthy, healthy, healthy!

Symptoms so far: constant nausea, sore swollen breasts, bad taste in my mouth, food aversions and cravings, tired (but not extremely), moody!

How long were you TTC: 5 years...have had infertility issues - did IVF and IUI...currently a natural surprising pregnancy!

Who knows: husband and my parents (my mom's my best friend..couldn't hide it from her)

Pregnancy fears: another miscarriage, complications with baby.
Age: 27

Due date: 9th April 2008

Pregnancy number: 2

Hoping for which gender: really dont mind, as lone as she/he is healthy and happy
Symptoms so far: very irritable, feel sick a lot, knackered!

How long were you TTC: 8 months

Who knows: My husband, family and close friends

Pregnancy fears: just worrying about everything. Cant relax until i have the first scan, then i'll worry until i have the 2nd scan, wont be happy until im holding my baby!
Age: 36 (not for much longer! Birthday in a few weeks)

Due date: 9th May 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Either, but have always secretly hoped for a girl

Symptoms so far: Very very tired, 24/7 nausea, peeing about a gazillion times a day, certain smells causing me to go green :puke:

How long were you TTC: Ummm happened the first month! Don't know the abb. for that :oops:

Who knows: My husband and our parents, who we told last week.

Pregnancy fears: Making it to 12 weeks and how it'll go after that as am a bit overweight and had been hoping to lose the excess pounds before conceiving. Am fit and healthy otherwise and doc not concerned about it, but I am :roll:
Age: 24

Due date: mid may no definates yet!

Pregnancy number: 3 (2 boys already)

Hoping for which gender: I really dont mind

Symptoms so far: Completely exhausted, sickness :puke:

How long were you TTC: We weren't I have concieved on the pill

Who knows: Everyone who knows me! :lol:

Pregnancy fears: making it to 12 weeks and how my other 2 little ones will react they are only 2 and a half and 1.
Age: 34

Due date: 22nd April 2008

Pregnancy number: 4

Hoping for which gender: Boy

Symptoms so far: so tired! nausea, constipation , moodiness,

How long were you TTC: we weren't

Who knows: Loads of people apart from my family

Pregnancy fears: birth defects
Hello all...mind if I join you?

Age: 33

Due date: Not completely sure....

Pregnancy number: 2

Hoping for which gender: Either. Girl will be cheaper as already have clothes, but Boy would be good too. As long as s/he's healthy.

Symptoms so far: A little tired...but otherwise nothing.

How long were you TTC: We weren't.... Honeymoon baby!

Who knows: Husband, my mum & dad.

Pregnancy fears: The heartburn I had last time, the struggle with giving birth as last time...
Age: 20

Due date: 10th may

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: girl

Symptoms so far: tired! nausea, metallic taste in mouth, crying a lot, feeling ill, not being able to eat at home!

How long were you TTC: 0 months complete surprise

Who knows: the dad, some friends, the dads mum

Pregnancy fears: revealing it to my family, loss of job and money probs :(
Age: 24

Due date: not sure yet, begining of june

Pregnancy number: 6

Hoping for which gender: dont mind

Symptoms so far: tired, sore boobies, moody

How long were you TTC: was trying then stopped trying

Who knows: no one

Pregnancy fears: making it past 12 weeks
been lurking and the odd post for a while but time to stop the denial and admit I am pregnant again!!
Age: 36

Due date: 2nd May 2008

Pregnancy number: 6

Hoping for which gender: either

Symptoms so far: tired! nausea, clumsy, scatty, poor sleep, vivd dreams - some very erotic!! sense of smell very powerful

How long were you TTC: 2 1/2 years

Who knows: the world!!

Pregnancy fears: miscarrying
Hey all, I'm a newie

Age: 24

Due date: Not too sure - end of May/beginning of June - not been to doc yet!

Pregnancy number: 2

Hoping for which gender: A girl if I'm honest as I have a boy, but then again I have alot of blue things to pass on so a boy would be cheaper!!

Symptoms so far: Umm actually nothing much so far (was the same with our son) - I had sore boobs for one day - Don't hate me girls ppplease?!

How long were you TTC: 2 months but then my OH changed jobs and we decided to wait a while - too late!! :lol: :lol:

Who knows: Only my OH

Pregnancy fears: Struggling financially
Age: 37

Due date: aprox 10th May

Pregnancy no: 5

Hoping for which gender: Girl

Symptoms so far: Feeling a bit sick, tired, bloated, and going off certain foods.

How long tcc: Aprox 7 months

Who knows: DH, my mum and mother in law, and my eldest daughter.

Pregnancy Fears: I was borderline GD with my last pregnancy, :pray: not this time :pray:
Age: 39

Due date: 27th may

Pregnancy no:7

Hoping for which gender: Girl

Symptoms so far: Feeling sick most of the day, tired, headaches,bit emotional

How long ttc: a month

Who knows: fiance,5 older kids,some family & friends

Pregnancy Fears:putting on loads of weight
Age: 29

Due date: 20th June 2008

Pregnancy no: 2 (prev m/c, May 07)

Hoping for which gender: Girl pref but happy still if a boy

Symptoms so far: nothing much as of yet, just a bit bloated!

How long ttc: 5 months.

Who knows: fiancé and a couple of close friends, the rest im waiting till 12 wks!

Pregnancy Fears: gastly stretch marks accompanied by post pregnancy jelly belly!
only just seen this :)

Name: Sarah

Age: 19

Due date: 15th or 29th May, not had scan yet :(

Pregnancy no: 1

Hoping for which gender: Either but I have a 'boy feeling.' :D

Symptoms so far: Nausea, sore boobs, stomach cramps, tiredness, dizzyness.

How long ttc: Total surprise, but we're very happy <3

Who knows: OH, best friends, trying to wait until the scan to tell everyone.

Pregnancy Fears: Stretch marks, money worries..
Age: 26

Due date: 10th June 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Either

Symptoms so far: tired! Nausea, wind!, mood swings, fatigue

How long were you TTC: 2 months

Who knows: My husband and family

Pregnancy fears: making it to 12 weeks and birth

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