Getting to know the first tri-ers.

Age: 24

Due date: 12th nov

Pregnancy number: 2

Hoping for which gender: as long as its happy and healthy...... my doc recons its a boy already :roll:

Symptoms so far: not much so far - ive got a off gut, my boobs are a bit sore, and my back is killing me!!

How long were you TTC: This one wasn't planned. Well it was planned, but for later in the year!!!

Who knows: OH, parents, a couple of friends and my manager.

Pregnancy fears: losing this baby, OC comming back, my blood tests ive got to have tomorrow :(

can i suggest a section - what are you looking forward to; Feeling LO move!! holding this LO for the first time!! alice meeting her little brother or sister
Age: 23

Due date: 22nd November 2008

Pregnancy number: 2

Hoping for which gender: I really don't mind in all honesty..

Symptoms so far: So far cramping. mood swings (i shouted at Hubby the other night for no reason then sat and balled my eyes out because he said phone boxes are too expensive.. i disagreed and cried.. no idea why lol), wind, peeing like i there is a shortage of toilets, sore boobs and the inability to keep my eyes open for longer than 6 hours :roll:

How long were you TTC: We got pregnant first time..

Who knows: My Hubby, My mother in law, my daughter (Kind of i dont think she understands, after i told her she said she had a baby in her belly button too then made me stare at her belly button for ages.. then said it was a girl... a girl dog called Buddy!!) My Mam and my sister..

Pregnancy fears: Getting to the 12 week "safety zone"

Due date: 27th Oct 2008

Pregnancy number: 2 (m/c in Nov 2007)

Hoping for which gender: Either, although I can only seem to be able to pick girls names at the moment so I must secretly want baby girl

Symptoms so far: Tiredness, sickness, wind, sore boobs & sore back

How long were you TTC: Since August 2007

Who knows: My parents and my husbands parents and my best mates

Pregnancy fears: the 12 week scan, anything happening to my LO and the labour, so basically I'm scared of everything :shock:

Due date: 27th Oct 2008

Pregnancy number: 2 (m/c in Nov 2007)

Hoping for which gender: Either, although I can only seem to be able to pick girls names at the moment so I must secretly want baby girl

Symptoms so far: Tiredness, sickness, wind, sore boobs & sore back

How long were you TTC: Since August 2007

Who knows: My parents and my husbands parents and my best mates

Pregnancy fears: the 12 week scan, anything happening to my LO and the labour, so basically I'm scared of everything :shock:
Age: 26, hubby 33

Due date: Not sure, round about mid-November, will know at 12 week scan

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Don't mind as long as it's healthy

Symptoms so far: Tiredness, slight cramping, emotional(weepy, irritable), wee bit queasy

How long were you TTC: Since I came off the pill in Oct 2007

Who knows: Husband, 3 people at work and 2 of my neighbours

Pregnancy fears: Morning sickness, the fact that I was drinking heavily before I found out (husband's birthday weekend) so worried about baby's health and development, the initial 12 week development period
Age: 26, FH 42

Due date: Not 100% around 23rd November

Pregnancy number: 4

Hoping for which gender: Don't mind as long as it's healthy

Symptoms so far: Feeling sick, cramping

How long were you TTC: 4 1/2 weeks

Who knows: Joe (FH) my mam, dad and sisters

Pregnancy fears: The first 12 weeks mainly! Then the last 6 months lol Im just a stress head! :shock:
Good morning Ladies --
Just wanted to congratulate everyone for their little bundles of joy.
Wishing you all the very best.


Age: 26

Due date: Nov 11 2008

Pregnancy number: 1st one

Hoping for which gender: Doesn’t matter =)

Symptoms so far: nauseated, constipated , moodiness, very tired, tender and sore breasts, and soooo can not sleep.

How long were you TTC: 1 yr

Who knows: My incredible husband, some of my co-workers, and planning a get together for the family next weekend. Baught the crib as a surprise.

Pregnancy fears: Not making through till term, or even the first three months. Horrid dreams...
Age: 37 Hubs 40 a week tomorrow!!!!

Due date: 27th Nov 08

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Don't mind as long as it's healthy

Symptoms so far: Feeling sick, cramping

How long were you TTC: 3yrs

Who knows:Mum and in laws and not many others yet!!! Too scared.

Pregnancy fears: Losing little bean, as little bean is so very wanted!!!!
I didn't even bother to read this until today! :oops: I'm off to second tri on wednesday but thought I would post on here anyway because its a really good idea.

Age: 21

Due date: 2nd October 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Don't mind as long as they are healthy

Symptoms so far: in the first few weeks it was tiredness, morning sickness, sore boobs, cramping. And now its spots (im covered :( ) and heartburn

How long were you TTC: 15 months

Who knows:

Pregnancy fears: at first it was losing my baby and going for the scan to be told there was no heartbeat but at the moment i'm feeling positive about everything, i suppose i'm a bit anxious about giving birth but i'm sure everything will be fine on the day
Age: 25 (26 in September).

Due date: Monday, 10 November, 2008 according to LMP.

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Girl, but will be just as thrilled if it's a boy

Symptoms so far: Nausea ALL the time, sore boobs, tiredness, irritability, mood swings.

How long were you TTC: Almost exactly 1 year.

Who knows: Hardly anyone! Just me, hubby, two close friends and you lot.

Pregnancy fears: Losing the baby, telling my Mum I'm pregnant!
Age: 33

Due date: tbc... but I think around 20th November 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender:Either (-:

Symptoms so far: sore boobs, tiredness, mild cramps, nuasea, back ache, self righteousness/moodiness (..and feeling like a hyperchondriac!)

How long were you TTC: about 8 mths

Who knows: Just my partner and a close friend

Pregnancy fears: Losing the baby
Age: 32

Due date: 13th Nov ( TBC) sporadic pill taking and paying no attention to when my last period was)

Pregnancy number: 2 - I have a nine year old boy

Hoping for which gender: Girl or twins- but wouldnt realy mind

Symptoms so far: tired, sore nipples, weight gain

How long were you TTC: about 2 weeks

Who knows: Everyone except my work

Pregnancy fears: That my oh will leave me (happened the first time round at 7 months , never been seen since)
Age: 21

Due date: TBC but around 22nd October

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Don't mind at all as long as everything is alright :)

Symptoms so far: tired, sore nipples, weight gain

How long were you TTC: Wasn't at all! :)

Who knows: My mum and stepdad, my nan and 3 of my best friends. Plus my manager at work.

Pregnancy fears: So many things. Also making it past 12 weeks I suppose. But everything's gonna be perfectly fine :)
Age: 26 (birthday April!)

Due date: TBC but about 4th Dec

Pregnancy number: 3 (1 daughter, 1 missed miscarriage)

Hoping for which gender: either, although I find boys names hard

Symptoms so far: tired, sore boobs, slight weight gain, nausea

How long were you TTC: 4 months

Who knows: My mum & dad, sister and best friend (who's also a work colleague)

Pregnancy fears: another miscarriage
Age: 33 as is Hubby

Due date: Around the 17th Dec going by my own dates

Pregnancy number:1

Hoping for which gender: I don't mind.

Symptoms so far: Nausea, mild AF cramps for the last week, heavy tender boobs, burping.

How long were you TTC: 4

Who knows: Just my Husband and you lovely peeps on here.

Pregnancy fears: Nervous about telling my work, and the usual early pregnancy worries that I'm sure most women have although I'm trying to think positive. :D
Age: 23

Due date: TBC 14th of December 2008

Pregnancy number: 2 (1daughter)

Hoping for which gender: Don't care

Symptoms so far: nausea , heartburn, tiredness, burping :D

How long were you TTC:

Who knows: My husband, and you lot on here :D

Pregnancy fears: getting to the first scan and going to full term this time :pray:
Age: 26

Due date: Around 16th Dec

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Keep changing my mind! I dont think I mind really just want a healthy and happy LO.

Symptoms so far: tender BBs, bit of nausea

How long were you ttc: we conceived 6th cycle

Who knows: Me (obviously hehe) DH, and you girls

Pregnancy fears: Losing LO
Age: 25

Due date: 27th November

Pregnancy number: 3

Hoping for which gender: I would love another girl but i keep thinking a boy but i have one of each so not really sure!

Symptoms so far: Tender boobs , Bad Nausea Feeling

How long were you ttc: Since jan 07 (chemical pregnancy in may 07)

Who knows: Me Myself , o/h , my best mate , our friends , and all you lovely ladies!

Pregnancy fears: Dreaming ive been imagining it all :lol:
Age: 29

Due date: 11th December 2008 (TBC)

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Would love a baby boy - but would also be thrilled by a baby girl!!

Symptoms so far: tired! nausea, tender BBs

How long were you TTC: 2 months

Who knows: My bf, my parents, his parents, my best friend, and all of you :cheer:

Pregnancy fears: making it to 12 weeks and having a healthy little one.

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