Getting to know the first tri-ers.

Age: 27

Due date: 6th August 08 (I think)

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: would like a girl but dont really mind, just glad im finally here...

Symptoms so far: feeling a bit sicky on and off, period like pains, VERY sore boobs, quite windy (both ends)hehe

How long were you TTC: 11 months

Who knows: pretty much everyone but not my bosses at work..

Pregnancy fears: LABOUR, already really worried about that.. getting to 12 weeks, being a good mum.. dont know anything about babies.. :? .
Age: 29

Due date: 11th August 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Boy

Symptoms so far: Tired, moody, SORE BOOBS!

How long were you TTC: urm, a week!

Who knows: All my family and my b/f

Pregnancy fears: My baby being abnormal in any way :-(
Age: 30

Due date: 10th August 2008

Pregnancy number: 2 but miscarried first

Hoping for which gender: don't mind but am convinced I will have a girl

Symptoms so far: Tired, moody, increased sense of smell

How long were you TTC: about 6 weeks

Who knows: Pretty much everyone except work

Pregnancy fears: Too many to list!! :x
Age: 29

Due date: 6th September 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: I don't mind at all :D

Symptoms so far: sore boobs, twinges, bloating, slight nausea, pregnancy brain.

How long were you TTC: 11 months since Feb 07

Who knows: Me, him, the dog and you guys!

Pregnancy fears: Not making it to 12 weeks and labour pains.
Age: 30, soon to be 31!

Due date: 22nd August, but that's my working out!

Pregnancy number: 2.

Hoping for which gender: Don't mind, am grateful for what I get and that I can have children :D

Symptoms so far: moodiness! wondering when I will get more :?

How long were you TTC: Fell first time :D

Who knows: close family.

Pregnancy fears: making it to 12 weeks.

Age: 25

Due date: 4th September 2008

Pregnancy number: 2 (1 prev. m/c)

Hoping for which gender: Either!

Symptoms so far: Sore boobs, Twinges, only a very light nausea

How long were you TTC: About 4 months

Who knows: Hubby, mother-in-law, sister-in-laws.

Pregnancy fears: Not making the 12 weeks! Fingers crossed!
Age: 21

Due date: Around 25th July

Pregnancy number: 2 (miscarried first)

Hoping for which gender: Don't mind aslong as it's healthy

Symptoms so far: Tender growing boobs, sickness, tiredness, trapped wind :oops:

How long were you TTC: 10 months

Who knows: Everyone now, told them on xmas day :D

Pregnancy fears: Having scan and theres no baby or baby died
Age: 28

Due date: 7th sept

Pregnancy number: 2 (have a one year old son)

Hoping for which gender:Id like a girl but I really Don't mind as long as it's healthy

Symptoms so far: nausea and mood swings.

How long were you TTC: surprise!! :oops:

Who knows: my husband,best friend and you lot!!

Pregnancy fears miscarry and a bad labour again!!
Age: 23

Due Date: not sure between 7 weeks and 13 weeks loads of confusion

Pregnancy Number: 5 (2 ectopics 2 Sons)

Hoping for which gender: as i have 2 boys would love a girl but don't mind as long as babe is healthy

Symptoms so far: Nausea extreme tiredness mood swings

How Long were you TTC: wasn't didn't want any more but excited now

Who knows: everyone

Pregnancy Fears: Getting to 12 weeks hope i am already then another bad labour

Age; 35

Due Date; 24/08/08

Pregnancy Number; 5= age 15. 12. 6. and Caitlyn born at 24plus 6 gestation, became an angel at 9 months 27 days old.

Hoping for which Gender; Don't Mind, Healthy

Symptoms so Far; sore Breasts, tiredness, feeling sick but not being sick

How long were you TTC; 1 Month

Who Knows; who does'nt

Pregnancy Fears; getting past the 12th week then the 24 weeks gestation mark, Big Fear of prematurity.. Death
Age: 30

Due date: 11th September 2008 (based on LMP)

Pregnancy number: 2 (have my blessed boy Isaac)

Hoping for which gender: Don't mind

Symptoms so far: All of them, but now just backache.

How long were you TTC: 4 months

Who knows: Everyone I've spoke to lol

Pregnancy fears: None - Only thing I would wish for if I could would be I could be home with my boys and new baby for 1st night as didn't get that with Isaac.
Age: 32

Due date: 17th August 2008 (based on LMP)

Pregnancy number: 3 (2 year old son, 1 m/c)

Hoping for which gender: Think pink!

Symptoms so far: Nausea, sore bbs, tired, backache

How long were you TTC: 4 months

Who knows: Everyone except work

Pregnancy fears: Already past the point of my last m/c but it still scares me it could happen again
Age: 30

Due date: 26ish sept

Pregnancy number: 7 (2 little girls and 4 losses)

Hoping for which gender: a boy would be nice but as long as its healthy i really dont mind

Symptoms so far: Nausea, sore bbs, tired, backache

How long were you TTC: 5 months

Who knows: dh, my mum and dad,and my sister

Pregnancy fears: no heart beat at scan
Age: 28

Due date: 26 August

Pregnancy number: 3

Hoping for which gender: A girl....but as long as its healthy I dont care a jot!

Symptoms so far: Nausea, sore boobies and really tired

How long were you TTC: I wasent!

Who knows: My mates and our families

Pregnancy fears: no heart beat at scan!
Scarlett 1965

Age : 42

Due date: 12/09/08

Pregnancy no: 7

Hoping for which gender: Dont mind and twins would be nice!

Symptoms so far: All of them!

How long TTC: 8 mths

Who knows: My 2 eldest children but not Lilli as she is only 4 and would rather wait till I am safer, my parents and my best friend.

Pregnancy fears: Another ectopic, m/c and making it to past 12 weeks.
Age: 21

Due date: 21st September 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Really dont mind, as long as he/she is healthy

Symptoms so far: tiredness, mega sore boobs and nipples, sore lower back

How long were you TTC: 10months

Who knows: everyone, never trust anyone to keep a secret!!

Pregnancy fears: having a scan and being told the worst news ever, something bad happening before the 12 weeks
Age: 36

Due date: 16th August 2008

Pregnancy number: 2, 1 MC at 6 weeks

Hoping for which gender: a baby !

Symptoms so far: mega sickness, exhustion, mood swings, weepy

How long were you TTC: 3 months

Who knows: mother, sister, brother. I was staying with my family over christmas and had some complications so had to tell them. Waiting for 12 week scan to tell anyone else.

Pregnancy fears: making it past 12 weeks
Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 08:39 am Post subject: Getting to know the first tri-ers.


Age: 27

Due date: 12 August 2008

Pregnancy number:1

Hoping for which gender: a girl would be nice but dint mind as long as it's healthy

Symptoms so far: tired! nausea, moodiness, funny taste in mouth, tender breasts

How long were you TTC: 12 months

Who knows: DH, both sets of parents, close family and 2 close friends

Pregnancy fears: making it to 12 weeks and having a bad labour
Age: 23

Due date: 29th September

Pregnancy number: 2

Hoping for which gender: Girl becoz i have a lil boy, but dont mind either :)

Symptoms so far: none really lol

How long were you TTC: 3 months

Who knows: Alot of ppl , cant keep a secret :oops:

Pregnancy fears: C-section or getting pre-eclamsia again
Age: 20

Due date: 26st August 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Girl, i think its going to be a boy

Symptoms so far: tired! feeling sick, going to the toilet all the time. things smell diffrent, sooo thirsty, boobs hurt

How long were you TTC: 5 months

Who knows: everybody! im so happy :)

Pregnancy fears: making it to 12 weeks, giving birth, any complications :(

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