Getting to know the first tri-ers.

Age: 36

Due date: 28th March

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Little bit hoping for a girl, but either's good.

Symptoms so far: Not many TBH, sore boobs, odd feelings sometimes but not really sick.

How long were you TTC: Didn't really try just came off the pill Sept 2006

Who knows: Half the bloody planet!

Pregnancy fears: Only not having a kid at the end of it.
Age: 32

Due date: 7 april

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: always wanted a girl but now i dont mind

Symptoms so far: dizzy when i was training! headaches before i did the test (gone now) , not eating much and eating differently, very tired, sleeping a lot and waking early.

How long were you TTC: wasnt trying !! didnt think i would be able to conceive easily due to past use of anabolics ( im a bodybuilder) so consider myself VERY LUCKY!!!!!!!!

Who knows: both our families and some friends (couldnt keep it in!!)

Pregnancy fears: losing it before 12 weeks
Oh I didn't see this thread before :cry:

L*R if I sticky this on instead of my list one will you be able to update the names so we know who we've got in here?

Age: 25

Due date: 10th March 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Boy

Symptoms so far: constipation , moodiness.

How long were you TTC: 1 cycle

Who knows: Everyone!

Pregnancy fears: Making it to 12 weeks
Age: 30

Due date: Around April 20th I think

Pregnancy number: #3

Hoping for which gender: A girl would be great but healthy comes first :D

Symptoms so far: Not many, bit queasy sometimes but that's it.

How long were you TTC: We weren't but definitley did want one more anyway so it's great.

Who knows: Most people, not told my dad yet cos he lives abroad and don't want to tell him on msn, will wait till he calls :lol:

Pregnancy fears: Just the normal worrying about everything I guess. Plus now I worry Brody will feel left out when the baby is born.
AGE - 26

DUE DATE - 24th April 2008



SYMPTOMS SO FAR - Mega sore boobs, nausea, tiredness


WHO KNOWS - A few family members, gonna wait for the 12 week mark
to tell friends and work

PREGNANCY FEARS - None really but i've only known for 2 days so that
may change
Age: 24

Due date: 8th April 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Boy or girl

Symptoms so far: tiredness + bruised feeling boobs

How long were you TTC: wasn't really

Who knows: Boyfriend and my family (not letting his now just yet coz his dads girlfriend had a baby last week and I don't want to steal their thunder)

Pregnancy fears: miscarrying and also telling my work
Age: 35

Due date: 15th April 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: a girl

Symptoms so far: tired! really really sore boobs, going to the loo a lot (why???)

How long were you TTC: we weren't

Who knows: Just my partner

Pregnancy fears: all of it
Age: 26

Due date: 18th April 2008

Pregnancy number: 1st

Hoping for which gender: Don't mind but think it'll be a girl

Symptoms so far: Very sore boobs, morning sickness, tired through the day but keep waking in the night

How long were you TTC: 5 and a half years no birth control, 19 months charting and actively trying.

Who knows: Mum, dad, sister, brothers, mother-in-law, brothers & sisters-in-law!

Pregnancy fears: Making it to 12 weeks and not having the homebirth/nonintervention that I want!
Age: 30

Due date: 30th March 2008

Pregnancy number: 2 (Previous ended in miscarriage)

Hoping for which gender: Always wanted a girl but not quite so bothered now I am actually pregnant. Reckon it will be a boy though!

Symptoms so far: Exhaustion, sore nipples, queazy, gone of all food, diarrhea (at beginning), bloating. Also had early spotting and pains which an emergency scan showed okay so far.

How long were you TTC: 1 cycle (cycle after miscarriage!)

Who knows: Best friend, my Mum and a couple of people at work as I've been off work with exhaustion. Have a progress scan tomorrow and will also tell rest of parents if all okay.

Pregnancy fears: Miscarriage and losing my figure!
Age: 31

Due date: 27th April 2008

Pregnancy number: 2

Hoping for which gender: Don't mind, it would be nice to have one of each but I loved having a boy and would love another anyway. We would like a few more kids I think (well ask me that again once we've managed with 2 I guess!) so I really don't mind what sex this little one is!

Symptoms so far: Feeling knackered and feeling very weak and shaky when I haven't eaten for a while but not much else so far

How long were you TTC: 2 cycles

Who knows: My parents and my mother in law

Pregnancy fears: Miscarriage and how I'm going to manage to run after Mel when I'm huge!
Age: 30

Due date: 20th April 2008 (I think!)

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Haven't thought this far ahead yet!

Symptoms so far: Sore boobs and lower back

How long were you TTC: we weren't!

Who knows: My parents and my parents in law

Pregnancy fears: Not making it to 12 weeks as I am experiencing bleeding. The doctor has referred me to early baby unit at hospital for a scan! This will help establish if my pregnancy is 'viable' (his choice of words not mine) an how far gone I am.
Age: 31

Due date: 10th March 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: I'm really not bothered so long as it's healthy!

Symptoms so far: Tiredness, Nausea, Sore Boobs, Pregnancy Brain, Gone off food, Sore Back.

How long were you TTC: 3 days LOL

Who knows: My Dad, sister, her fiancee, my nephew(s) (although 2 of them won't understand), a few friends. Everyone else will find out tomorrow now!

Pregnancy fears: Just everything going smoothly and all this bleeding I keep having!
AGE -34
DUE DATE- approx 22nd april
PREGNANCY- second I have a 6yr old
HOPING FOR WHICH GENDER-dont mind at all
SYMPTOMS SO FAR-god everything
sore boobs,stomach pains,hormonal,nausea,headache
HOW LONG TTC?-we werent actively trying bt came off the pill in May
WHO KNOWS?- the whole world as we know it
FEARS-not getting to 12weeks and miscarriage I worry constantly about both
Age: 17 :oops:

Due date: 17th April 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Both would be just as wonderful.

Symptoms so far: Lightheaded, restless, nauseous, sore, GRUMPY!!! Tired.

How long were you TTC: 1 cycle.

Who knows: My boyfriend and a few friends. Keeping it on the down low until I make it through the first tri.

Pregnancy fears: Miscarriage. So worried. :pray:
Age: 19

Due date: 19th April 2008 (so far)

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Don't mind...boy because there is mostly girls in my family but a girl so she can be my little princess!

Symptoms so far: Sickness, tiredness, sore back, indigestion and heartburn :(

How long were you TTC: 1 cycle.

Who knows: My fiance, mum and dad, sisters, some friends....I'm terrible at trying to keep things secret!!!

Pregnancy fears: Miscarriage. Defects in my baby.
Age: 31

Due date: 26th April

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Would love a girl but don't mind as long as it is healthy!

Symptoms so far: Vomiting (once) Nausea, lightheadedness, sore boobs, achey tummy.

How long were you TTC: 1 cycle

Who knows: Mum, Dad, 2 close friends, bosses (Cat sitter and Massage Therapist so need to let them know ASAP to amend my work)

Pregnancy fears: Getting past 12 weeks and birth defects
Age: 21

Due date: 24th April

Pregnancy number: 2 1st ended in m/c

Hoping for which gender: dont mind although a boy would be nicer

Symptoms so far: sickness, sore boobs, dry bits, bloated,peeing all the time, headaches, cramps, moddyness, emotional god i have to many

How long were you TTC: 3 cycles

Who knows: no-one but mum and dad will know tomorrow

Pregnancy fears: history repeting itself, and getting fat :(
Age: 25

Due date: 4th May 2008

Pregnancy number: #1

Hoping for which gender: dont mind although a boy would be lovely though

Symptoms so far: lol...bizarre behaviour, sore bb's, frequent wee's, had 'that feeling' really upset stomach, looking attractively veiny

How long were you TTC: 3 months

Who knows: oh, dad, mum, few other close family

Pregnancy fears: miscarriage and complications
Age: 24

Due date: 29th March 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Don't care

Symptoms so far: nausea, so so tired, sore boobies, insomnia , heightened sense of smell

How long were you TTC: happy little surprise!!

Who knows: OH and boss

Pregnancy fears ; getting to 12 week scan and there being nothing there! Birth, generally!

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