Getting to know the first tri-ers.

Age: 24

Due date: Approx 22/08

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Don't mind either way

Symptoms so far: Everything except sickness, but all mild.

How long were you TTC: Wasn't! Was a little surprise after being ill in November

Who knows: Close friends and family.

Pregnancy fears: Getting to finally see Midwife and not finding a heart beat (due to have 1st appointment on 21st @ 14 weeks!)
Been in here ages and didn't see this!!

Age: 20

Due date: 21st August

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Don't have a preference! As long as it's healthy

Symptoms so far: Wind (urgh) tiredness, stretching

How long were you TTC: Pregnancy wasn't planned

Who knows: Everyone!!

Pregnancy fears: Losing my much loved LO
Age: 29

Due date: 6th sept

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender:I really don't mind as long as it's healthy

Symptoms so far: nausea and tiredness.

How long were you TTC: 1 year

Who knows: my husband, our parents and my best friend

Pregnancy fears: miscarry or having an unhealthy baby
Age: 25

Due date: 27th sept

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: No preference, just be happy to have him/her here.

Symptoms so far: Very very tired all the time, period type pains, and nausea all day long.

How long were you TTC: 1 month

Who knows:
DH, my parents, best friend, and my manager at work.

Pregnancy fears: Losing my precious baby or something being wrong at birth, having an uncomfortable pregnancy and I'm scared about the labour!!
Age: 28

Due date: 11th September 2008

Pregnancy number: 1st

Hoping for which gender: A gorgeous little girl please!

Symptoms so far: tired, feeling sick, moody, sore little boobies (grow please!) constant sneezing and runny nose, appetite like a buffalo or feeling like puking

How long were you TTC: We were not trying! It's a lovely surprise though!

Who knows: only OH

Pregnancy fears: Not making it to 12 weeks, that bubba is not healthy, that my woo hoo will be ripped lots and never work again!
Age: 26

Due date: 21/22 August 2008

Pregnancy number: 1st

Hoping for which gender: Either but I think it will be a boy

Symptoms so far: really tired, over sensitive, snappy, constant trips to toilet and expanding waistline

How long were you TTC: Came off the pill in August and let nature take its course, wasn't expecting anything to happen though!

Who knows: DH, family and couple of people at work (although whole company probably knows behind my back)

Pregnancy fears: Everything!!
Age: 31

Due date: 31st August/7th September 2008

Pregnancy number: 1st

Hoping for which gender: Dont mind just as long as its healthy

Symptoms so far: Tired, Expanding Tummy and Mashed Potato, Fried Onions & Gravy cravings

How long were you TTC: 12 years

Who knows: Everyone!

Pregnancy fears: Losing the baby

Due date: 13th september 08

Pregnancy number: 1st

Hoping for which gender: Whatever it chooses I will be happy....get the feeling its a girly.

Symptoms so far: and nails growing like mad dunno if thats anything to do with babes though

How long were you TTC: It was a happy little suprise!

Who knows: OHs familly few close friends....still have to tell my parents but waiting till scan.

Pregnancy fears: Losing little one, losing my boyfriend :( but thats always a fear i love him too much
Age: 30

Due date: 21st October 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: A little girl would be nice, but then again so would a little boy!

Symptoms so far: cramps, very sore boobies!

How long were you TTC: 4 months

Who knows: All you guys, and my OH.

Pregnancy fears: The 12-week mark, and I guess labour also.
Age: 23

Due date: 12th September

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: OH would like a girl so would like that for him but as long as he/shes healthy we'll be happy

Symptoms so far: nausia, headaches, sore boobs, trapped wind, and very tired!

How long were you TTC: was an accident

Who knows: close family and people at work (more people then I wanted!)

Pregnancy fears: Losing the baby, something being wrong with baby, OH going off me!
Oooo I can join in now.

Age: 31

Due date: 24th October 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: I want a girl and DH wants a boy

Symptoms so far: Very tired! odd waves of nausea, constipation , tender bbs, stretching feeling in lower tummy.

How long were you TTC: 9 months

Who knows: My husband, both sets of parents and my boss

Pregnancy fears: Not making it to 12 weeks or getting there and then finding there's a problem
Age: 37 (put the wrong age in!)

Due date: 24th October 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Not fussed as long as it is healthy

Symptoms so far: Very tired! odd waves of nausea, tender bbs, stretching feeling in lower tummy, peeing a lot, lightheadness

How long were you TTC: 9 months

Who knows: My husband, both sets of parents, brothers and best friend

Pregnancy fears: Not making it to 12 weeks or getting there and then finding there's a problem!

Kate x
Age: 28

Due date: 17th November

Pregnancy number: 2

Hoping for which gender: Me - not fussy, other half - Boy

Symptoms so far: Tired, nausea, sore boobs, heart burn, indigestion, period type pains

How long were you TTC: A year to the date of BFP

Who knows: Other half, mum, employer and selected friends

Pregnancy fears: Not making the 12 weeks and having SPD again
Age: 36

Due date: 27th october

Pregnancy number: 5

Hoping for which gender: not bothered

Symptoms so far: Tired, nausea, sore boobs, period type pains

How long were you TTC: 3 months since last mc

Who knows: OH, pregnancy forum members

Pregnancy fears: Having a third miscarriage
Age: 28

Due date: 28th October 08

Pregnancy number: 2

Hoping for which gender: I already have a boy so a girl would be nice but am happy with either as long as it is healthy.

Symptoms so far: Tired, sore boobs and cramps

How long were you TTC: 2 months

Who knows: Husband, couple of friends and you lot!

Pregnancy fears: Making it to the 14 week mark, having this baby early again
Age: 20

Due date: dont know yet - sometime in October

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: I dont mind as long as its healthy!!

Symptoms so far: tiredness, boobs ache, cramping (like af pains)

How long were you TTC: after i M/C last month we decided to stop using protection and see what happened (the pregnancy before was not planned but made us realise we wanted one)

Who knows: me and OH

Pregnancy fears: Losing my bean
Age: 34

Due date: 30th October 2008

Pregnancy number: 2

Hoping for which gender: Don't care but got very strong feeling it a girl this time :)

Symptoms so far: tired! sore boobs n darkenin nips, goin off coffee rapidly, weeing lots, sickness n nausea in mornings if i get up too quickly but Banana Chips!!! and dried fruit in general is my new best friend, moody :twisted:

How long were you TTC: about a week :oops:

Who knows: All the important people family n friends :)

Pregnancy fears: gettin Eclampsia again and havin to have another C section - really want a home birth :)
Age: 23

Due date: 3rd November

Pregnancy number: 5 (1 successful, 3 early miscarriages)

Hoping for which gender: No preference, just be happy to have a healthy one!

Symptoms so far: Tired all the time, period type pains, nausea in the morning, ENORMOUS and v.sore boobies

How long were you TTC: A loooong time

Who knows: DH, 1 friend

Pregnancy fears: Having yet another miscarriage. Feeling more positive about this one though
Age: 31

Due date: 29th October 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: a healthy one!

Symptoms so far: Tiredness :sleep: , funny tummy pains

How long were you TTC: 1 month

Who knows: loads of people, had to tell everyone at work ! :evil:

Pregnancy fears: the first 12 weeks, everything developing ok? not knowing what to expect
Age: 35

Due date: 22nd October

Pregnancy number: 2

Hoping for which gender: Really dont mind. Cant wait to find out this time though!

Symptoms so far: Extreme tiredness, nausea, feeling hungover all the time, increased appetite

How long were you TTC: About 3 months i think, wasn't keeping track

Who knows: OH, close family and friends

Pregnancy fears: Having to go to hospital for repeat c-section, waters breaking and labour not starting (which happened to me last time) as I really want a home birth this time

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