Getting to know the first tri-ers.

Age: 23

Due date: 11th April 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Boy

Symptoms so far: nausea, extreme tiredness, really sore boobs, headaches

Who knows: Everyone I couldn't keep my mouth shut!

Pregnancy fears: everything! especially birth!
Age: 26

Due date: 22 april 2008

Pregnancy number: 2

Hoping for which gender: girl so i dont have to move

Symptoms so far: so sleepy all the time, smelling things from miles away.

How long were you TTC: wasnt

Who knows: mum + best friend

Pregnancy fears: far too many to list
Age: 28

Due date: 17th April

Pregnancy number: 2

Hoping for which gender: any, Girl would be nice then I have one of each, or a boy would save us money and means we can have another!

How long were you TTC: 1 cycle

Symptoms so far: nausea, windy!, bloaty belly (Dids out next size up clothes!) Sleepy and sore boobs! and a bit moody, but nothing new there!

Who knows: My hubbys told everyone, even the bloke we got a bed from!

Pregnany fears: obvi. miscarriage and defects. but so far so good, and hope it doesn't have ginger hair!
Hello everyone! I'm still very excited!!! :D

Age: 27 ( husband just turned 28 )

Due date: 26th April 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Girl because I miss my mum!

Symptoms so far: insomnia (most unlike me I normally sleep for Britain), boobs have gone up 3 cup sizes in a week, big belly, forgetfulness and stupid comments, laughing until I cry and general hysteria normally when in public.

How long were you TTC: We actively weren't but it's a nice surprise!

Who knows: Us, immediate family and one friend from work, who has been sworn to secrecy. I want to tell the world though.

Pregnancy fears: Losing the baby :(
Age: 23

Due date: 4th May 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Not fussed

Symptoms so far: tired, nausea, sore boobs

How long were you TTC: wasn't

Who knows: My sister

Pregnancy fears: dont have any yet
Age: 28

Due date: 27th April 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Girl

Symptoms so far: tired! nausea, moodiness, sore stomach and most of all sore breasts!

How long were you TTC: Not long

Who knows: My boyfriend, my parents and about a dozen friends. I'm trying not to tell until week 12 but it's so hard! We're telling his family this weekend.

Pregnancy fears: miscarraige and labour.
Age: 24

Due date: April 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: I don't mind

Symptoms so far: Tired, feeling sick, sore boobs and mood swings!

How long were you TTC: 2 cycles

Who knows: My boyfriend, his parents, my parents, my sister, most of my friends & family. I just couldn't keep my mouth shut! :oops:

Pregnancy fears: Miscarraige
Age: 18 (OH is 20)

Due date: 4th May 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Not really fussed but a girl would be nice!

Symptoms so far: Nausea, Sickness, Cramps, Tiredness, Being Moody (everything!?)

How long were you TTC: we weren't.... :?

Who knows: Our Parents and My Best friend

Pregnancy fears: making it past 12 weeks, putting on weight
Age: 31

Due date: 25th April 2008

Pregnancy number: 2 (Miscarried in July)

Hoping for which gender: Not fussed as long as it's healthy

Symptoms so far: nausea, mild cramps, huge boobs (already!)

How long were you TTC: 3 cycles (2nd resulted in miscarriage)

Who knows: My OH, my mum and a few friends

Pregnancy fears: miscarrying again
Age: 31

Due date: 25th April 2008

Pregnancy number: 2 (Miscarried in July)

Hoping for which gender: Not fussed as long as it's healthy

Symptoms so far: nausea, mild cramps, huge boobs (already!)

How long were you TTC: 3 cycles (2nd resulted in miscarriage)

Who knows: My OH, my mum and a few friends

Pregnancy fears: miscarrying again
Age: 27

Due date: I think its 11th May 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: I am happy to have either!!!

Symptoms so far: Sore nipples, feeling hungry all the time!!

How long were you TTC: 4 months

Who knows: close family and my best mate

Pregnancy fears: Just hope everything goes ok and we have a happy and healthy pregnancy :pray:
Age: 31

Due Date: 30th April 08

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Any, just a healthy baby is all I'd like

Symptoms so far: so many, but probably also due to IVF drugs. Dizziness, hungry constantly, indigestion :oops: , swollen (.)(.)s and also very veiny. Nipples on red alert, nausea now setting in, constantly needing the loo, especially in the middle of the night :roll:. Probably forgot some......oh yes, forgetfulness??

How long were you TTC: Not used contraception for 5+ years, actively TTC (ovulation kits etc) from May 05, referred for fertility investigations June 06, surgery etc etc for endometriosis Oct 06-Jul07. IVF July-Aug 07 - BFP!!

Who knows: who doesn't! If I go to term, everyone will think it's a 2 year pregnancy by the end, as they've all been with me on the rollercoaster.

Pregnancy fears: Was of an ectopic, but scan yesterday ruled that out thankfully, still concerned about early miscarriage and late miscarriage due to cervical incompetence as had 4 cervical surgeries.
Age: 36 (OH 44)

Due date: 12th April 2008(tbc)

Pregnancy number: 3 (1st ended in stillbirth at term)

Hoping for which gender: had two boys so would love a girl but as long as baby is healthy I'm really not fussed

Symptoms so far: tired, sore boobs, heightened sense of smell!!LOL

How long were you TTC: wasn't

Who knows: Parents, sister, best friend

Pregnancy fears: least said soonest mended but mostly birth defects.
Age: 31 (OH 28)

Due date: 14th April 2008 (tbc tho)

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Either.. having dreams about baby girls tho.....

Symptoms so far: tender boobs, nausea and

How long were you TTC: When I was with my ex-husband, we were told we needed ICSI....Doctor informed me I had PCOS, immature eggs, wasnt' ovulating regulary/correctly, hormones weren't right.. so for years I was very sad about this and trying to save money for the ICSI..
Turns out he was WRONG!!! With my boyfriend now, we weren't trying, wasn't on the pill, as we 'thought' I couldn't concieve naturally..... AND here I am. I'm pregnant and want to tell my friends that have hugged me when I've been in tears for 3 years as I couldnt' have babies naturally... Roll on 3 months!!
(i used to be so jealous of people like me.... that could just 'get pregnant'... and now I am HAPPY!)

Who knows: Parents, 2 of my best friends, 2 of OH's best friends

Pregnancy fears: Miscarriage and birth defects.

Good luck everyone
hello, can my name be added to the 1st tri's ?

Age: 27

Due date: 3rd may 2008

Pregnancy number: 2

Hoping for which gender: Either but feeling its a girl.

Symptoms so far: tired, nausea on off all day, constipation , moodiness, pregnancy brain , spots and itchy skin , sore back, insomina at the moment. sweet acidic taste in mouth in mornings

How long were you TTC: since may

Who knows: close family and friends and a few randome shop keepers like in boots or superdrug when im searching for methods to help the nausea.

Pregnancy fears: making it to 12 weeks, loosing bub, bleeding, extreme vomiting, labour - c -section not been numb enough.
AGE: 24

Due Date: 5th May 2008

Preganncy number: 4

Hoping for which gender: Girl, but don't really mind!!

Symptoms so far: tired, sickness, constipation, itchy skin, pert boobs!, can't sleep through the night, gone off coffee, cramping

How long TTC: we weren't!! Surprise pregnancy!

Who knows: 3 friends. Trying to keep it quiet til 1st scan.

Pregnancy fears: miscarriage as lost my first baby at 8 weeks.

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