Getting really scared


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Ok, we have our scan next wed so in 4 days we'll know if all is ok or if I've had another silent/missed miscarriage. I relaxed alot when the hospital gave me an earlier scan than they'd originally scheduled because of my past but as it draws nearer I find myself getting really scared. I am so terrified that there'll be no hb and I know that if there isn't there is no way I'll risk having another baby. I know of 4 people who have all had this happen in last month and I'm terrified this is a sign! Sorry for the rant and for being so depressing! I know I should be grateful I can concieve at all but the whole thing is just overshadowed by my past! I'm also worried that if they scan me and everything is ok that something could happen in the next couple weeks and I won't know because they won't do another scan. Irrational fear I know! Sorry again guys.
Hiya Hun

Im sure everything will be fine, how many times have you m/c in the past? you will go to the scan everything will be fine and youll be sooooooo happy!!! but you wouldnt be normal if you didnt worry, i had a m/c on new years eve and that has made this pregnancy a nightmare so far i am so paranoid, so i cannot even imagine how you are feeling, anyway just want to send you a big hug and lots of luck for your scan x x x x x x
Thank you so much. I've only mc once and have been pregnant 3 times (once with DD, once with mc and now). People must be sick of me complaining and worrying. I just don't really have anywhere else to go to. I do talk to my OH but I don't have anywhere else really. Sorry again.
Helen if u read back though my posts u will see that I felt exactly the same, they are normal emotions... and ones that I have seen plenty go though on other forums..... U will be fine
:hug: :flower:
Helen, youve been such a great support to me this week, but just because you know several people that have had this happen including me this month, this is not a sign for you. the chances of another silent pregnancy happening a second time to the same person must be impossibly slim, and even better you had an early scan and heartbeat to help you on your way.

I am certain this will be your time Hun, We want all the pictures from your lovely scan next week the moment you get them!!!:clover: Jenni XX
We had an early scan and everything was fine - I'm sure it'll be the same for you :)
Hon, I read the chance of misses miscarriage is 1 in 100 so you should take comfort in that- it's what I am relying on to get me through the next 2 weeks before our scan. Xx
i know this dont make it any easier hun but once some has miscarried it can make it less likely the next time ur pregnant to lose another if u no wat i mean read it somewhere but not sure if its true.
im still anxious on me next scan so its understandable that on ur first scan its going to be scary.
i bet ur thinking that u shud of brought a doppler, think that 4 days until you get to see bubs :) im sure things are going to be ok hun will be thinking of you.
have you been getting any serious pain? i know its hard thinkin the way you are but i can assure you when you go to your scan you'll feel all panicky poo but were all here for you.
wen uve had ur scan ull prob be in shock as you will get to see little one moving around :) an ull be thinking why u was all panicky in first place lol.x
you know where i am hun xx
It's understandable to be nervous, the past can haunt us so much. I had a misccariage before my son was born and even though I had a normal pregnancy after him I still am worried to death I'll have another mc. I've read a lot of posts all over the net of people being terrified of the 12 week scan but everything was fine when they saw bubs on the screen. I know we can't take away your fear but I hope you take comfort that we're here with you every step of the way...
Thank you so much. I think part of my fear is based on the fact then when I did have the silent mc there was no pain, no blood and no signs that anything had happened so I can't think 'hang on somethings not right because of pain or bleeding'. I know alot of people have felt like this before their scans and I really hesitated before putting this thread up because I'm sure everyone is sick of answering the same questions over and over again. Thank you all for your messages. It's comforting to know that other people feel or have felt the same and it's all been ok.
im really feeling for you hun i think i make it quiet clear to the point of boring people how bloody scared i get so i totally understand how your feeling just take one day at a time deep breaths and you will be fine i actually cried during my scan because i thought she wasnt going to find a hb it was just because i needed a vaginal scan but i panicked stupidly big hugs to you xxxx
big hugs hun :hug: This is my first pregnancy and I still have to wait 3 and a half weeks for my scan. I am constantly petrified that something isn't right or that something will go wrong if it hasn't already. Honestly I think it is perfectly normal to feel this way although it's not fun! I'm sure that everything will be fine at your scan and I can't wait to see the pictures :)

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