6 week scan

OMG Rach!!! :shock:
I sure you will cope fine. You're amazing after all! :hug:
Huge Congrats hun :cheer: :cheer:
thanks so much everyone xxxx
chok i have been looking for something like this since monday thank you hun :hug: strangely enough i just answered your thread 2 minutes ago with a similar site for single pregnancies :shock: xxxxxx
Just seen this! Congratulations hun. 2 of my friends have twins and although hard work at first, they are so blessed. I can completely understand the shock...amazing your body managed to fertilize two little eggs at the same time!
Congrats again rach :hug: . What were your symptoms etc this time then?! :)
hi floss didnt really get any symptoms for 1st couple of weeks which i normally do but not this time and then just before 6 weeks the morning sickness started and it seems to last day and night all the time and heartburn in between the bouts of sickness :( xxxxxxx
Awww Rach that's wonderful news :D Two little bundles of joy :hug: :hug:
Awwww wow thats brill. I love twins, my Nana had 4 sets so secretly hope i'll have some before i'm done. I think it's such an amazing thing :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: How are you feeling about it? Did you have a feeling it was twins or was it out of blue?

You'll have to get a twin ticker :cheer: :cheer:

Congrats hun :hug: :hug:

Am so happy for you hun that wonderful. I always wondered what it would be like to have twins you will be fine your a great mommy :) and it all comes natural you will get some sort of a routine going!
:hug: congrats again :)
awww thanks saulino hun thats a lovely thing to say :hug: xxxxxx
:cheer: hey, that is so cute, what an amazing journey that will be, they will have such a fun time being twins as they grow up! way to go....
WOWZER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Havent been on for ages, just spotted your news in newsletter......

Rach, I am so thrilled for you!!!!!! It must of been a shock indeed, but wow wow wow.

You will be fantastic hunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
awww thankyou zoe hun nice to see you :wave:xxxxxxx

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